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The Old XBOX Megathread


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So I played the demo of Bayonetta last night, I'm not gonna lie, I was slightly underwhelmed. I mean, yeah, visually it was pretty stunning, but yeah, didn't really feel any substance to it. It just felt a bit like a poor man's Viewtiful Joe. Does anyone have it, is it actually worth getting or should I wait til the price drops?

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So I played the demo of Bayonetta last night, I'm not gonna lie, I was slightly underwhelmed. I mean, yeah, visually it was pretty stunning, but yeah, didn't really feel any substance to it. It just felt a bit like a poor man's Viewtiful Joe. Does anyone have it, is it actually worth getting or should I wait til the price drops?

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The Sky player is utter wank. Constantly buffering at high or medium quality, low quality is generally stable, but it's like watching a lego animation of what you're wanting to watch. Finally got high quality working now (since midnight), but yeah, unimpressive to say the least. They were definitely smart to package it with a subscription and a remote, but I doubt they'll get many people staying on with it past the first month. I only bought it because it was in the sale.

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I need more people to help me try and get 250 challenges on Burnout. I should be up to about 217 soon so 33 more. Ideally we'd need 4 or more people. There's me, Dragsy and Kaney at the moment.

Please? :(

Everyone should also buy 'Splosion Man next week for 400 points because Zero says it's awesome.

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Ever had a controller disconnect at the same spot in a game every single time? So driving on this mountain then bam "Please reconnect controller" so I do and two seconds later it comes up again. I try a few more times with no luck and then give in finally thinking it must be the batteries. I change the batteries and bam it happens again. Over and over. So I say screw it I'll just start over. I turn the whole game off and back on with no problems with the controller. I get back to that same spot in the mountain and bam! Gone again.

I ask you friends. What the hell?

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Does Darksiders have one original concept of its own, or is it as much of a rip-off as I've heard?

To be honest most of the reviews I've read/heard are bs. They only play maybe 4/5 hours of the game while the Single Player takes like maybe 35 to 40 hours. It starts off slow and seems like a total God of War rip-off but maybe an hour or so into the game you start to realize this game is just really well made. No wonder people call it the lovechild of God of War and Zelda. One moment you're fighting a bunch of enemies, then you have to solve a puzzle with moving platforms for example for 10 to 15 minutes, depending how smart you are :pervert:, then you face a monster boss. It just works really well, hack 'n slash meets RPG basically.

The storyline isn't anything groundbreaking. It's about the Four Horsemen and you have to find all kinds of shit for demons so they give you information, stuff like that. The voice acting is pretty good and the characters are bad ass. Don't expect too much from the storyline though, it's really about the gameplay. Most reviews on websites like Gamespot and IGN give the game around an 8, but when you look at the user comments everyone is raving about the game.

Edited by The Quasi Juice
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Ever had a controller disconnect at the same spot in a game every single time? So driving on this mountain then bam "Please reconnect controller" so I do and two seconds later it comes up again. I try a few more times with no luck and then give in finally thinking it must be the batteries. I change the batteries and bam it happens again. Over and over. So I say screw it I'll just start over. I turn the whole game off and back on with no problems with the controller. I get back to that same spot in the mountain and bam! Gone again.

I ask you friends. What the hell?

That is a whole lot of fucked up. I've had a controller disconnect randomly even while the battery is full. Have you searched the internet, to see if it is a common problem with the game?

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