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The Old XBOX Megathread


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If a consumer survey sent over to us by a tipster is to be believed, Microsoft is looking to bring a virtual Avatar arcade to the Xbox 360. Some of the potential names listed in the survey are "Game Room," "RetroCade," "Tower of ROM," and "Classics LIVE." Yeah, we're partial to "Tower of ROM" also.

If the proposed service sounds familiar, that's because it's nearly identical to PlayStation Home's arcade spaces – like Namco's virtual arcade – just replace the dead-eyed dopplegangers of Home with the scrunchable avatars of Xbox 360. The second survey question sent to us asks, "Which of the following names would most compel you to purchase the product?" indicating that the "Tower of ROM" might not be a free space but could instead have a fee associated with it.

While the survey doesn't give us much more to go on (besides a sinking feeling that we're not interested), we thought we'd ask you, Joystiq Biomass, to weigh in on the product's name. Let the fat cats in Redmond know what you think!


I really hope this happens actually, but not as a paid service. If they're going to stick us in an arcade with 20 year old games I think it should be free, or perhaps just pay for the initial app fee and not the individual titles. I love XboxLive and don't mind paying for the Gold membership as it is a very valuable asset to owning a 360. With Netflix, Twitter, Last.Fm, Facebook, and the Zune Marketplace right around the corner it's increasingly becoming less of a game console and more of an entertainment console imo. Which is a compliment if there were any question about that.

This could be months or years away, there's no telling. But a "pub" style arcade where people can meet up chat and goof off ala "Netflix Party" would be awesome. But not if I have to pay for it.

That was a bit of an incoherent rant, but I think you get the jist.

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Less than an hour?

Impossible tits or GTFO.


Less than an hour means about 58 minutes. And if you come in with a great strategy it works, especially on the map we got it on. Waiting for the enemies to come off the ship with a Hammer helps accelerate points much faster.

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Errrrr no? I was still in the party fine while you were the one who dropped... So no, don't blame me for that.

Errrr no? The one where we were up to 190k and you drop? Yeah, I blame you for that.

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Xbox Live down for anyone else?

Probably kicked you off for getting games early. :shifty:

That streaks over :crying:

I had to wait an extra day for Flashpoint.


It wasn't completely down, but it would let me view the marketplace blade.

Edited by Captain Eo
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Wow it is so very tempting to buy a Cowboys jersey with the last bit of points I have left.

If I wasn't currently ashamed of the team, I'd have probably already purchased it.

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