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The Old XBOX Megathread


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And I would rather play with someone I can understand.

Just saying.





I can't understand what you're talking aboot either, eh?

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I love Kaney, our love will continue on PSN, isn't that right Kaney?

We're going to play all sorts of games together! Like that one with the....um and the other one that's like totally...something.

Whatever, Dragsy will be there too.

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Oh shut it, the fucking Console broke for a 3rd time and took all my save data with it, like there was much of a choice.

Even if I had a 360, I wouldn't be getting Borderlands as its made by Gearbox.

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Oh shut up fatty, your opinion never matters. Why don't you go beg some more people for their content?

No Ellis, my face has only broken once. That was years ago and it hasn't broken again since then.

My face is far my reliable than an Xbox 360

Edited by Maxx
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I haven't been a fan of anything they've made. It's all been pretty average IMO and their first attempt on Next Gen consoles was meh.

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And the previous titles, unless I missed something :rolleyes:

I think the only thing pleasant I remembered about any of the games was they all had a pretty engaging story.

But you can't always hold a developer's previous work over their head when they are working on a new ip. Take the success story that is Batman : Arkham Asylum for instance. Rocksteady Studios had only released one game before Batman and look at how great it turned out to be.

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This is true.. I can't stand studio hate when really most of it should be directed towards one series or certain line of games that becomes so monotonous that it's beyond use... it's been done a lot.

Okay, the one exception to the rule is LJN... shit making motherfuckers. I wasted so many SNES rentals on their crap.

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Have you already gotten Shadow Complex?

From what I heard they said there was no more DLC in development at the time.

In my opinion unless you have friends that are already playing 1943 you'd get bored of it within the span of a few weeks. I went from playing everyday for a few hours to not even playing once in the past month I believe.

I don't find XBLA a great play for Co-Op games, they're fun to pick up here and there and play through for completion, or for a few hours here and there, but aside from Shadow Complex none really have a very deep depth to keep me playing as much as retail title.

Marvel Vs. Capcom?

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