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The Old XBOX Megathread


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Yes he is, he's still very fast, especially for a qb

Especially for a human QB at that, dude runs faster than some hybrid cars.

I think I'm just going to make a big fuss to PETA and see if I can get him removed from the game, he's going to kill my standings.

Because of him I'm now 0-5 instead of 0-4.


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If I was to get an Xbox 360, I should get the 60GB (Premium?) one rather than spending money on the presumably superflous Elite version, right?

If you were to get a 360 it would be smart to wait a couple weeks unless you absolutely must have one right away.

The 60GB Pro are slowly being phased out. Microsoft's plan is to have two SKUs available the 512MB Arcade and the 120GB Elite. While nothing has been confirmed, there's a rumor that in a few weeks the Elite will undergo a permanent price cut to $299USD.

What is confirmed though is Walmart is deff going to be selling them for 299 the week of August 30th.

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I traded it in to EB Games, and yup, $20 for Far Cry 2, then $13.50 for Oblivion and Bioshock, $10.50 for Mass Effect, all the other games I got under $10 for.

So, in total, $75 for 8 games. I didn't like Far Cry, I didn't really have any desire to play through Blitz I & II, Mirror's Edge, Hitman and Oblivion again...the only one I was unsure of was Mass Effect.

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Borederland achievements: http://www.xbox360achievements.org/game/borderlands/achievements/

Looking at it....I may go for 1000/1000 on this, they don't seem overly hard. Some of the names are awesome though. The only ones I see there being a problem with are: The secret ones, since we don't know what they are, and the play a co-op game with gearbox employee/with someone who has.

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