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The Old XBOX Megathread


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Well, since 4 player same-screen games are hard to find, maybe you guys can help me with something else.

I'm trying to get my girlfriend into FPSs. So far she's played Team Fortress 2 and she likes that, so I'm looking for other good shooters that are easy to learn and won't scare her away too fast. Suggestions?

Unreal Tournament 3 is pretty mindless fun. And though people rip on it (and rightfully so), Halo 2 at least was a lot of fun playing local multiplayer where egos where kept in check with a swift kick to the nuts. I assume the same can be said for Halo 3.

Edited by Willverine
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And yes, that's Left 4 Dead ONE, last year's popular zombocalypse simulator, and not this year's "controversial" sequel. True to its word, Valve has announced details of an upcoming DLC campaign for the game, sending conspiratorial crybabies ("Left 4 Dead 2 is a cash-in and they'll never support Left 4 Dead 1") back to the drawing board. Though Left 4 Dead 2 is purported to last "much longer" as a platform, Valve clearly isn't ready to abandon the original.

Targeted for this September, "Crash Course" is an entirely new campaign that "bridges the gap" between the end of the "No Mercy" campaign (think: rooftop helicopter evacuation) and the beginning of "Death Toll" (think: turnpike riddled with abandoned cars). The new campaign includes "new locations, new dialogue from the original cast, and an explosive finale," and it spreads the mayhem across a co-op campaign, survival maps, and a "streamlined version" of the Versus mode experience lasting 30 minutes.

All this for the asking price of ... $0? Oh, but that's on PC only, friend. If you've waged war on the reanimated dead via your Xbox 360, you'll be paying 560 ($7 Earth bucks) for the privilege of adding "Crash Course" to your repertoire. Think about it this way, 360 gamers: if the original $60 game included just four maps, $7 for this set is a value, right? Hey, where are you going?

Yay, finally a reason to play L4D again >_>

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The only reason we have to play L4D again is to help me and Dragsy get achievements.

I shall also toss out that in light of Turtles In Time coming out, we should rock the TMNT 1989 Arcade Game. There must be more than me who has it, right?!

Edited by King Aurora BorEllis
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I've started playing Call of Duty 4 like crazy as of late, I cannot believe how much time I've put into the multiplayer, its nearly twenty five days at this point. Good stuff still.

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