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The Old XBOX Megathread


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There was a 'One' earlier on 1 vs 100 that needed to use helps to answer the questions Which is a reality TV show (Little Sister, Big Brother or Older Cousin) and What is the Def Leppard drummer missing (His skeleton, His head or His left arm) yet he knows where Heineken was originally made or whatever that question was.

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My favourite question tonight was 10 mobsters not knowing that we went to war with Iraq in 2003 and not Belgium or France.

That or Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio being reunited in Titanic: Sink Harder.

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Ugh...so something is wrong with my 360. I can play games fine, but it won't log my Gmaertag in, and the system no longer recognizes the hardrive so I can't even save anything and as a result I lost all my saved games. Since my warranty has expired I guess I'll have to fork out the cash for Microsoft to somehow fix this. :crying:

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So my Xbox is deciding it doesn't want to connect to XBL anymore. The wireless adapter can find my network, my router is set up fine to accept it, but it just won't get an IP address. Despite it working perfectly fine two nights ago. Hrm.

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ECW on Spike! - Week One, January 2010

Totally not live from the ECW Arena [Att: 7619]

Report by TheLastSaint @ ewbattleground.com

1. Welcome to the 2010's. 

We kick off the show with a big old fireworks show to kick off the new year, even if it's been nearly a week since the turn of the year. We flashback to last week's rematch for the ECW title, in which Joey Styles and Shane Douglas inform us Samoa Joe very nearly captured the gold from CM Punk, only to be laid out by the boys in Doin' It For Her in a shock move. Jimmy Jacobs and Tyler Black have shown no love towards Punk in the past, but this assist was a big play. Last week's show finished with D.I.F.H standing tall with Punk on their shoulders, so how will this week play out? That much we're about to find out, as Living Colour's Cult of Personality hits the PA and out walks the ECW champion, flanked by Jacobs and Black. The Straight Edge Savior is all smiles as he rolls into the ring and demands a microphone from our ring announcer, and he addresses the sold-out crowd here at the ECW Arena. He states that from the start he told Joe that he stood no chance, and he paid the price. He also informs the audience that the Samoan would sadly not be in attendance this week due to a concussion suffered at the hands of Tyler Black last week, but Punk would take on anyone that feels they can take him in tonights main event. With that, Punk smirks and drops the mic, leaving the ring to jeers from the ECW faithful.

2. Jimmy Yang def. Kevin Steen

In our opening match, "Mr. Wrestling" Kevin Steen takes on the former "Extreme Cowboy" Jimmy Yang, who has undergone a huge transformation in recent weeks, having dropped the cowboy outfit and the "Wang" from his name and adopting a much more serious demeanor, and looks to have gained a massive amount of confidence, even getting a win over Abyss via rollup two weeks ago. This match is a back and forth affair, with Steen giving it all he's got against Yang, even coming close to hitting the Package Piledriver, but Yang manages to escape and lay out Steen with a headscissors takedown. Yang finally picks up the win about six minutes in with a huge Yang Time corkscrew moonsault, and celebrates a hard-fought victory. However, he should know that in ECW, you're never safe as PJ Polaco of all people lays him out from behind. After having beaten Yang down with a singapore cane, Polaco leaves through the crowd, a shit-eating grin on his face.

3. Homicide def. Alex Shelley and retains his TV title.

We come back from a video hyping the return of the injured Baldo the Destroyer to find that the "Murder City Machine Gun" Alex Shelley is already in the ring, apparently having made his entrance during the vignette. He looks super focused and ready for action... right until Homicide sneaks up behind him and punches him in the nuts. The TV champ has some devious tricks, as he appeals to the referee that the bell had not rung, which the referee has to concede to. Homicide spends a few minutes making sure Shelley isn't going to be fighting back anytime soon, although Shelley does manage to make a brief comeback until Homicide rakes the eyes and hits a huge 187 Cutter for the three count. A successful defense of his title for the champ, even if he did do it like a bitch.

4. Welcome back?

We cut to the parking lot, where there's a commotion going on as there is a car screeching into the lot in between two arena staff who are very lucky not to get hit by the beat up wreck that just roared past them. It skids to a stop, and out steps The Sandman, who we've not seen since his losing effort against former champ The Gallows three months ago, where he was sent careening twenty feet through a table in a Scaffold match. He seems to have recovered, as he cracks open a Budweiser and walks into the arena, which is odd, as he doesn't actually have a match tonight...

5. Tommy Dreamer def. Abyss - Hardcore Match 

Two weeks ago, Tommy Dreamer made a claim to be the King of Extreme, which offended a massive amount of people on the roster. This week, he takes on the "Weapon of Mass Destruction", Abyss in a Hardcore match in an effort to prove his statement. It gets off to an awful start, as Abyss sends him damn near through the canvas with a huge Black Hole Slam off the bat, which leads to a two count as the tough S.O.B kicks out. This infuriates the monster, as he heads out of the ring to pick up a steel chair. Dreamer is up by the time he gets back however, and he punches the item of furniture into the monster's face. He jumps on Abyss, pounding on him with rights, lefts and everything in between before Abyss pushes him off.  This back and forth carries on for quite some time, with chair shots, table smashes and even a crash through the guard rail before the big finish, as Abyss charges Dreamer, who dodges, sending Abyss crashing through the ropes and hanging him by the neck from the top and middle rope. Dreamer takes advantage, crashing the steel chair over the monsters head, before following him outside and nailing him with a huge DDT onto the chair and catching the three count. Dreamer is certainly hardcore, although we cut backstage to The Gallows looking on unimpressed. 

6. CM Punk def. The Sandman to retain the ECW title. [b+]

It's time for our main event, and CM Punk waits patiently alone in the ring for his challenger, until a familiar riff blares over the sound systems, prompting the extreme faithful to sing along to James Hetfield's dulcet tones as the beer-swilling Sandman comes out to a standing ovation. Punk looks incredibly unimpressed, lazily flicking dirt off is shoulder like he's Jay-Z as the Sandman slides into the ring, cane in hand. Punk chastises the referee for allowing him to bring the cane into the ring, prompting the referee to take the cane from the Sandman, which distracts the extremist just long enough for Punk to lay him out with the championship belt. Similar to Homicide earlier in the night, Punk reminds referee Aaron Mahoney that the bell hadn't rung, even though Sandman is already standing up, incensed. The no sell shocks Punk into taking him seriously, giving it his all and actually struggling to keep up with the Sandman as he swings punches, kicks and elbows at the Straight Edge Superstar. Sandman came close once or twice, even managing to get his hands on his cane for an attempt at a White Russian Legsweep, although Punk struggles out of it. By this time you're probably thinking that Jacobs and Black are conspicuous by their absence, and you'd be right because Jimmy Jacobs is running down the ramp as I write this. The fact that his music played alerts the ref to his presence and his obvious attempt to interfere is blocked, but during the referee's ejection of Jacobs, Tyler Black has entered the ring behind his back and hits The Sandman between the eyes with the cane, sliding out and allowing CM Punk to hit the Sandman with a GTS and cover him for three. The trio look pretty happy with themselves, but their faces drop as the music of the boss, Paul E. Heyman hits the PA. He comes out, commending Punk's attitude, as if he were in his shoes he'd do it too, however, he's not in his shoes as he's not a giant pussy. (Spike's censors missed that one apparently.) He says that The Sandman would be champ if it weren't for the members of My Chemical Romance interfering, and as such, he was going to book a rematch for Guilty as Charged, with one stipulation... if Jacobs or Black interfere, not only will CM Punk lose the ECW championship, he will be fired! On that bombshell, the first show of the year wraps up with the Franchise and Joey Styles bidding us all adieu. 

Overall show rating: B+


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Well it appears that my hard drive is keeping my 360 from starting.

I hate this machine :)

Edited by Maxx
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I got Mirrors Edge for $10 new today :D

Also traded in UFC ($40) and Prototype ($37), so I got a bunch of cash for when NHL, L4D2, MW2, and Borderlands comes out.

Also, who else is getting Borderlands? I wanna get super rare weapons in co-op with you people.

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