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The Old XBOX Megathread


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Demo is out now?

Also, New dashboard is lovely. The smaller, centered guide with the mini blades took a bit of getting used to, and I couldn't check much out because it required Live (like avatars, and...well, pretty much everything else), but yeah, looking pretty slick.

Oh yeah, I have no fucking clue how I got it. Just turned on the console at work and there it was. No one at work was even alert to the possiblity that you could download it and memory stick it onto your console, so that's not how. There's no network adaptor and the ethernet cable won't reach to the phone line anyway (besides, the socket is permanently occupied by the stuff for the tills). So I don't know if anyone can shed on light on this for us, as it's obviously quite puzzling. The prevailing theory is that there's some sort of dashboard update on a new release, likely Gears 2 because one of the staff played it over the weekend. Trouble is, surely there'd be a fair few million gamers boasting the NDE now, unless there's some sort of XBL-related timelock thing going on. I have no idea.

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Demo is out now?

Also, New dashboard is lovely. The smaller, centered guide with the mini blades took a bit of getting used to, and I couldn't check much out because it required Live (like avatars, and...well, pretty much everything else), but yeah, looking pretty slick.

Oh yeah, I have no fucking clue how I got it. Just turned on the console at work and there it was. No one at work was even alert to the possiblity that you could download it and memory stick it onto your console, so that's not how. There's no network adaptor and the ethernet cable won't reach to the phone line anyway (besides, the socket is permanently occupied by the stuff for the tills). So I don't know if anyone can shed on light on this for us, as it's obviously quite puzzling. The prevailing theory is that there's some sort of dashboard update on a new release, likely Gears 2 because one of the staff played it over the weekend. Trouble is, surely there'd be a fair few million gamers boasting the NDE now, unless there's some sort of XBL-related timelock thing going on. I have no idea.

It got leaked onto rapidshare but if you have that version of NXE you cant get on live until the 19th, It blocks you out or something.

Little more info - there - http://www.xboxworld.com.au/forum/showthread.php?t=61764

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Demo is out now?

Also, New dashboard is lovely. The smaller, centered guide with the mini blades took a bit of getting used to, and I couldn't check much out because it required Live (like avatars, and...well, pretty much everything else), but yeah, looking pretty slick.

Oh yeah, I have no fucking clue how I got it. Just turned on the console at work and there it was. No one at work was even alert to the possiblity that you could download it and memory stick it onto your console, so that's not how. There's no network adaptor and the ethernet cable won't reach to the phone line anyway (besides, the socket is permanently occupied by the stuff for the tills). So I don't know if anyone can shed on light on this for us, as it's obviously quite puzzling. The prevailing theory is that there's some sort of dashboard update on a new release, likely Gears 2 because one of the staff played it over the weekend. Trouble is, surely there'd be a fair few million gamers boasting the NDE now, unless there's some sort of XBL-related timelock thing going on. I have no idea.

It got leaked onto rapidshare but if you have that version of NXE you cant get on live until the 19th, It blocks you out or something.

Little more info - there - http://www.xboxworld.com.au/forum/showthread.php?t=61764

Christ, any slower and you'd be going backwards.

No reps visited over the weekend, and htey're not allowed out back anyway, and they certainly wouldn't be allowed to touch our prized 360 without us knowing what they intended to do with it.

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Ugh....took about 4-5 hours to download the demo, and only like 20 minutes to finish it :shifty:

Couldn't connect to Ellis, so that kinda sucks. But Left 4 Dead is pretty cool, the opening video is pretty and well done. I wish my CPU teammates sucked less, because each time I took the lead, I got ambushed and kept getting blinded, puked on, or tied up with a tongue and had to be rescued. Came across a Witch, didn't see her until a pop-up said that I disturbed one...heard a scream, then I died.

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The demo didn't thrill me much. I know it might mean to be dark but, i'm just tired of games nowadays being so dark you can't see anything. I know you have a torch and everything but that doesn't help too much. The outline of your team mates is distracting too, especially when you see them through walls.

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I wouldn't believe anything I say, i'm a cynic. Besides, i'm only ragging on some graphical aspects. Plus I only played it by myself, probably need to try it as a group as the game intends.

Anyway, like you care what anyone else says, you'll but it anyway. :P

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Ridiculous, I probably co-op with you more than anyone else and besides, I was never all that interested in this, nor Dead Space, so meh.

Speaking of co-op...Gears Insane? :shifty:

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Everytime I try to play multi on this it takes fucking forever. It makes you want to fucking shoot someone which is the very thing it's stopping you from doing in the first place!

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So who's getting Mortal Kombat Vs DC Universe, and why the fuck is it coming out on a Sunday, which of course makes me think I won't be able to get it on said date?

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