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The Old XBOX Megathread


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Hiding on Halo is for cowards, real men run out into bullets like me and Fitzy :shifty:

On the contrary my good man, real men don't go 6-20 like Fitzy. ^_^

I just remember the game where I had like 23 kills and Fitzy had 17 because we were going after the other team while you and LL had combined 15 kills :shifty:

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Hiding on Halo is for cowards, real men run out into bullets like me and Fitzy :shifty:

On the contrary my good man, real men don't go 6-20 like Fitzy. ^_^

I just remember the game where I had like 23 kills and Fitzy had 17 because we were going after the other team while you and LL had combined 15 kills :shifty:

But I have 4 deaths! This is good caus it gives the other team less points.

Do you see?

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