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The Old XBOX Megathread


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I actually quite enjoy Smite, and I think I might try to get into it. Try to decide by the end of the weekend if I want to by the God pack.

Obviously you do, you already missed out on the Founder's Pack, don't be a fool!

Edited by Maxx
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I've found I'm quite good at Arena with Neith. Anyone else? Terrible. I did buy Artemis because she's a hunter too and was only 550 favour or something but haven't tried her yet. Hit me up sometime this weekend Maxx and we will try our luck again, now I have a vaguely better understanding of what it is I'm doing.

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As long as you understand Artemis is mine forever!

I'll be on for sure, play it erryday now.  Thrilled to have a teammate who doesn't have their head up their ass.

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I played a few games and I'd say that I'm sold. A few questions:

1. Auto-Skill and Auto-Buy - do I just leave these on? Seems to work out well enough, I mean - especially in Co-op.

2. It seems I can buy from anywhere - is that so?

3. I assume most people play the PVP stuff? I'm kind of intimidated greatly by that but I can get on with it I suppose.

4. What is a good God to start out with? I tried playing the Rain God fella and I liked him but I mean - there are so many others I really have no clue.

Enjoyed the experience far more than any of the times that I have tried to get into League in the past. Having a controller in my hand and camera behind me helps greatly.

Edited by Apsham
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1. I keep Auto Skill on, but turned off Auto-Buy.  I use smitefire.com to figure out good builds for each god, they've got a lot of options on there, its a matter of figuring out what works for you.  I really have no idea how Auto-Buy figures out what to give you, so I wouldn't trust it to give me a build that matches my skill or play style.

2.  The only god that can buy from anywhere is Chang'e, its her passive ability.  Everyone else has to be on the spawn point to buy anything.

3. Yeah, most play PVP, I can't really understand the appeal of non-PVP games.  I haven't played the CPU since the tutorial, but I imagine I would obliterate it now, given how much I've played.  Could be a fun thing to test, but yeah, I'm all PVP.

4. This is much more difficult to answer, it really is going to depend on your preferred play style.  I would look into how each god type is supposed to be played, pick the one you like most, and then test out the gods in that grouping to see who you like.  I started with Thor because he was in my free pack, then bought the Founders pack and unlocked everyone, started using Mercury for awhile and having mixed results.  Used Scylla a lot to test out a mage and did OK, but I really didn't start having great games until I started using Artemis and learned all her tricks.  Once I get her to Level 10 Mastery, I'll move on to someone new.

Someone on reddit put together two sentence descriptions of all the gods, its pretty accurate, at least for the ones I have played, and gives you a good idea of what each gods strengths and weaknesses are.  

Edited by Maxx
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Frankly the only reason appeals to me is that I hate losing, and I don't feel like I'll get my ass handed to me in PVP. :shifty:

But yeah, once I start getting more comfortable I'll likely head straight into PVP.

I edited in a helpful link after you posted, I think.

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