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The Old XBOX Megathread


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They do. :angry:

Benji, are you like the worst housemate ever or something? It seems like you move every other week.

On Activision, I find that whole '60% of XBL users are only using it for CoD' bullshit. If they were to start implementing subscriptions for it, I imagine quite a few people would just move on to something else. It's not like they're starved for choice.

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Pretty much. Red Dead is one that was played a lot, and is played from time to time, but in 5 weeks it might be old news. I would wait to get Reach, RB3, and the new COD. Expect to play those heavily with EWBers for a week and then nothing afterwards as well >>

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Ah, good on the game discarding front, means I don't have to waste money on old games :shifty:

They do. :angry:

Benji, are you like the worst housemate ever or something? It seems like you move every other week.

On Activision, I find that whole '60% of XBL users are only using it for CoD' bullshit. If they were to start implementing subscriptions for it, I imagine quite a few people would just move on to something else. It's not like they're starved for choice.

Lived with parents, lived with best mate and that fucked up, moved here because I couldn't go anywhere else on such short notice, and now I'm moving into a place all of my own... so yes, I'm awful :wub:

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Not sure how much it would be played between now and Reach but ODST is pretty good value for what you get. A campaign, firefight and every Halo 3 map. After the Reach beta the value plummeted so it can be had for sub £10 now. There's still me, LL and Fitzy who have it that I know of.

But if you are having to wait a month before you can play online, that only leaves like a month before Reach so probably not gonna be worth it. I dunno who's getting Reach though, I'm not too fussed about it myself.

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I will never pay to play a game online. I don't even like online multiplayer, unless it's the rare occurrence when I'm playing with you guys. I'd love to see them pull that shit, because it will effectively kill the Call of Duty franchise, especially on the Xbox, where people are already paying $50 a year.

You want to do something about declining software sales? Make better games.

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Was there supposed to be one? And I have both L4D games on my rental list with lovefilm, so I'll play them both eventually.

According to several websites months ago? Yes, the UK batch was meant to have the cable included. I got one for about £17 earlier, all is well.

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You want to do something about declining software sales? Make better games.

Zero, that makes too much sense. Clearly they're not making enough money because they should be charging for something they've never charged for before. It has nothing to do with making shitty games. >_>

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Do you mean ODST?

I'm not opposed to Firefight, I just don't like the fact that it can take hours, especially if you're trying for an achievement.

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