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The Old XBOX Megathread


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I'm having a hard time digesting this.

I am 100 percent positive that there's some way for Microsoft to detect if someone has their Xbox chipped and is playing a Sharpie copy of a game. I legitimately get games early, whatever throw some fines at the warehouse where these games slip out every time a new game goes gold. Just today when I picked up Borderlands and Smackdown the shop owner told me he's going to have Modern Warfare 2 in store in a few days.

Obviously something is wrong in Microsoft's game distribution centers. ODST was being sold a month before release, and already I'm hearing COD will be for sale before the end of the month.

I could care less about their problems, but for God's sake do some kind of investigating besides "You played these, you must have stole them."

Didn't keep the receipt from today since I wasn't too worried about something like this happening, but I figured having Forza early would draw some attention so I did keep that one, and will be finding someone at Microsoft to fix this tomorrow

Ruki, it's too tempting.

Koopa, they were legit thus why I'm pissed. If I had a chipped box and unlegit copies I would be smart enough not to play on my Gamertag or offline at least. I wasn't expecting a ban because I didn't do anything to deserve one. If I spend my money to get a game early what business is that of Microsoft to punish me? Is the money not still going into their pockets?

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Thanks :blush:

I don't know what to feel actually. I'm upset one that they lied to me flatout when I called earlier and neglected to mention they banned my account and just said that they couldn't reset my password without the original email address, so I spent probably half an hour going through an old AOL account til I found my hotmail details.

Worst of all, my girlfriend has a higher gamerscore than me now :crying:

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It's just weird to think that you could have Joe Public walk into a store, with no clue about release dates, look at a game and think "hmmm, this looks good" only to be banned hours later when he goes home to play it.

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I never said I was Joe Public. I didn't buy these from a store as I usually do without any problem. Not to be continentally discriminative, but maybe things are different in England. I'm not saying that I can walk into a Gamestop, or Best Buy and get a game early, but the internet has been a good friend. I've said it before I get them when I see the chance to.

Forza comes out when?

Yea it's New York, but just as easy as it is to get it there it's even easier to get it here in Florida. I don't mind if you don't believe me, I was skeptical of the sitatuion myself when my friend started showing off his new games a while ago. I was pretty convinced he was just stealing them from his job (Target). But he took me to one of the people I go through sometimes and that's where this all started.

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I wasn't referring to you in that instance, more a theoretical situation where someone could walk into, say a store that doesn't focus on games primarily and doesn't know any better so just sells it anyway.

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As in one of the guys at the flea market who sells me games before he's supposed to.

Very sketchy indeed.

At the most it's been 2-3 days early, which is pretty common especially when you order online. Forza was from a very popular card and game shop here that's probably going to be in a bit of trouble since he sold me and half my friends copies and unlike me they'll all probably rat him out to get their tags unbanned. I'm debating just scanning my receipt and Code Enforcement, but the guy is old and was only doing us a one time kinda favor I guess you could say. I don't even know how the hell he got them so early.


I don't think it's so much that they don't understand street dates as it they don't see the harm in a couple days early for someone like me who's always there.

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I understand where you're coming from if they're real copies of the game, but you yourself have admitted it's sketchy as fuck, and the people who are selling the game to you ARE breaking the street date. So, technically legal, again, it's sketchy as all fuck. When you say you have a 'hook up', or a 'guy', especially one who can get you Modern Warfare 2 or Forza 3 a few weeks early, before seemingly a lot of stores even have the game shipped to them... yeah.

So, unjustified or not, I can see why Microsoft banned your gamertag.

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Dont games come with something like dont sell before a certain date?

I don't know about other stores, but at Walmart, we don't always get new release games in dated boxes. I had to pull Guitar Hero Metallica out of the game cases several times because some idiot I work with that knows nothing about video games kept putting it out over and over again. Our registers won't allow it to be scanned, but they can still get put out accidentally.

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It's a pretty shitty situation, but I geuss Microsofts attitude is that the way to stop these shady characters from selling games early is by destroying their marketbase. It's reasonable if it's a one-off situation, you could argue you just didn't know better, but ignorance isn't a bulletproof excuse. I'd guess they are pretty much well within their rights to say you would know you're getting games before release date, so the ban is justifiable, since you've had several games early.

It's still a shitty situation, but eh. Thats karma for you :shifty:

Putting out an open invite to everyone! Myself and Fitzy are looking for L4D Versus friends! At least two more...If we can get 8 for a full EWB game, that'd be great, even 6 would be nice. Ellis? Mr. I Get Every Game Early? Eddie? Maxx? Rocksta? Toe? Zero?

This is why I hate you :@

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It's a pretty shitty situation, but I geuss Microsofts attitude is that the way to stop these shady characters from selling games early is by destroying their marketbase. It's reasonable if it's a one-off situation, you could argue you just didn't know better, but ignorance isn't a bulletproof excuse. I'd guess they are pretty much well within their rights to say you would know you're getting games before release date, so the ban is justifiable, since you've had several games early.

It's still a shitty situation, but eh. Thats karma for you :shifty:

Putting out an open invite to everyone! Myself and Fitzy are looking for L4D Versus friends! At least two more...If we can get 8 for a full EWB game, that'd be great, even 6 would be nice. Ellis? Mr. I Get Every Game Early? Eddie? Maxx? Rocksta? Toe? Zero?

This is why I hate you :@

You were not online! You were probably asleep because of your crazy timezone!

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