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The Old XBOX Megathread


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So GTA IV came today and I've rented RSV2. So I've gone to play GTA and I can only get to various stages in the game without it crashing (usually it gets to the opening video) and only once have I managed to start playing the game (for all of about half a second) without the screen freezing and not being able to do anything :(

My Xbox isn't over heating and all cables are in correctly, so WTF is up with it?

Edit: OK, it's happening on RSV2 now as well, although not as badly as GTA. I'm going to clear my cache or whatever it's called, turn off my Xbox and try again in an hour or two.

Edited by Footjob Fever
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Thanks to FIFA my gamerscore now ends in a 0 or a 5, Suck on that Forza 2 and your stupid own all cars from [insert region here] achivements.

Now all I have to do for now Is not play FIFA for another 43 hours and I'll be ok.

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Grr... this freezing is becoming too common now, it's happening on the dashboard FFS.I may try and play it through a better TV and see if that's the problem (since the one I'm using is about 15-20 years old), if not I'm sending it back :(

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I was gonna say the disks or the laser because this happened to me with Saints Row 2, But I've never had it freeze on the dash before.

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.....are you fucking serious? Fuck you Microsoft!

I red ring'd :(

Edit:.....or not....I was in the middle of playing star ocean, it fades to black with the three rings...but I turn it on and it works again....what the fuck?

Edited by Ruki The Treasure Hunter
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It can red ring after it is fixed from a red ring before...? :/

I don't think they've found a perfect fix to RROD (even the Jasper model gets it occasionally, I think), so my guess is yes.

Edit: I don't actually know why I said that "my guess is yes", because I just remembered a mate of mine has just (well about a month ago) had his RROD a couple of weeks after he got it back. Then again, he keeps it in the worst place ever where no air can get to it <_<

Edited by Footjob Fever
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Grr... this freezing is becoming too common now, it's happening on the dashboard FFS.I may try and play it through a better TV and see if that's the problem (since the one I'm using is about 15-20 years old), if not I'm sending it back :(

You tried clearing the cache? They'll probably tell you to do that over the phone because they're seemingly under the impression that's a magical solution to any and all of life's problems.

Also, you don't always get your console back, you can get a refurb, so it may not be the same console RROD'ing again.

Still sucks.

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Grr... this freezing is becoming too common now, it's happening on the dashboard FFS.I may try and play it through a better TV and see if that's the problem (since the one I'm using is about 15-20 years old), if not I'm sending it back :(

You tried clearing the cache? They'll probably tell you to do that over the phone because they're seemingly under the impression that's a magical solution to any and all of life's problems.

Also, you don't always get your console back, you can get a refurb, so it may not be the same console RROD'ing again.

Still sucks.

Yup, tried and failed. And whilst I think the second part of your post is aimed at me (but I'm pretty sure it's at Fitzy/Ruki because of the RROD mentioning), I'm not really fussed about not getting the same console back, so long as I get a working 360.

I'm ringing Microsoft in the morning, they'll probably tell me to send it back to Littlewoods, but I'm going to try Microsoft first just on the off-chance they tell me to send it in and replace it with a Jasper model :w00t:

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