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The Old XBOX Megathread


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SRN plays with Ruki?

LL plays with Ruki?

Ruki gets red ringed.

SRN gets red ringed.

LL gets red ringed.

If Maxx is next, I'm deleting you from my friends list, Ruki :shifty:

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I played with Ruki and I never got RRoD, I've had some disk drive problems but I had them before I started playing games with Ruki.

MMMYes nice job jinxing yourself. I see you joining me quite soon.

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Has anyone on here ever had a problem with their wired controller randomly disconnecting? It's happened to me for the past 2 weeks. Changing the USB slot it's in, switching the console on/off and the controller on/off etc. don't make a difference. I guess it could be the internal wiring somewhere in the controller's lead, but I'd rather not mess with that. Don't suppose anyone else can posit a solution to the problem, short of buying a new controller obviously.

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Mine also does that Spee.

I think it's fucked after my ex-housemates cat bit the cable though.

Also, my gold ran out on Sunday and I'm at uni for the next few days while everyones gone home for christmas.

Anyone fancy donating a 48 hour code to me ¬_¬


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