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The Old XBOX Megathread


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Golden Axe is shit. 3D would only have worked if the camera didn't spazz out like a remedial kid on a sherbet-high.

I will say some of the kill animations (including cleaving folk in two) are satisfyingly gory, andthe Gears-esque blood spatters on screen are cool. But looking pretty does not a good game make, and unfortunately this ends up as a farely bog-standard hack'n'slasher with only a franchise tag to make it stand out.

Edited by Dragsy
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Finally got myself on live in the past few days. My stockpile of online games is a little low at the moment, but if anyone wants a game my gamertag is Embrace Change.

I should be getting PES 09 shortly if anyone wants a game or two?

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Why do you all have to make this so difficult for me?! SR2, Dead Space, Fallout 3 AND Force Unleased! Goddammit, I wont have any money for the next century if I am supposed to buy all those games. :(

EDIT: Also, LL, shut up. <_<

Edited by SRN Rimmed Sousa
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To try and be somewhat helpful, you could probably beat Dead Space in a rental. I know if I had a bit more expendable income and Fable II wasn't coming out on Tuesday and Fallout 3 a week later, I'd buy Dead Space because it's really that good, but you can probably beat it in a rental. As for the Force Unleashed, I just don't think it warrants a buy anyway. A rental depending on if you're a Star Wars fan, but not a buy.

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Don't forget, Americans, the buy 2, get 1 free sale at ToysRUs for another...day or so. Great way to snag 3 of those new games for the price of 2 so long as you're vigilant about getting gift receipts & keeping shitty $60 games unopened until the ones you want release.

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Fucking Hollywood Video hasn't had Dead Space to rent for most of the week, oh but on thursday they had it to buy, not rent. Then I'm gone all day yesterday and they get it in, and all the copies are out today.

Fucking a.

At least I get Fable 2 on tuesday

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