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The Old XBOX Megathread


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Like he could pass up a chance to kick my ass.

I'll take you on.

TNA isn't a horrible game, the problem is it's beenw ay too overhyped, and it's been compared with the latest editions of the Smackdown series, which have basically been a decade in development. Not fair.

I don't buy that. People bitch about SDvR being the same game each year with only a tiny improvement, yet I'm supposed to go easy on TNA for not having years to improve? I'm not even comparing it to Smackdown either, just as a game it's pretty flawed. Having someone in the red pinned, their partner breaking it up and the red guy being able to get up, cover you and get the win before you've even been able to stand up from the pin position is absurd.

I mean, I'll play anyone on it sure, but I'm not gonna give it a free pass >_>

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Hey, wondering if anyone wants to help me complete 3 missions on Halo 3 so I can finish that off on Legendary, and help with getting some of the achievements, like "Maybe Next Time Buddy." I'm free this weekend, hopefully I'll be able to play with some of you.

I'd be up for it. I might be able to get some of my friends to play with which would make it easier and such.

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Hey, wondering if anyone wants to help me complete 3 missions on Halo 3 so I can finish that off on Legendary, and help with getting some of the achievements, like "Maybe Next Time Buddy." I'm free this weekend, hopefully I'll be able to play with some of you.

I'd be up for it. I might be able to get some of my friends to play with which would make it easier and such.

Awesome, I don't have much time tonight to do a lot since there's a recital, but I'll try to do what I can. I'm free from 7ET to 9ET, and then 11ET onwards.

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Like he could pass up a chance to kick my ass.

I'll take you on.

TNA isn't a horrible game, the problem is it's beenw ay too overhyped, and it's been compared with the latest editions of the Smackdown series, which have basically been a decade in development. Not fair.

I don't buy that. People bitch about SDvR being the same game each year with only a tiny improvement, yet I'm supposed to go easy on TNA for not having years to improve? I'm not even comparing it to Smackdown either, just as a game it's pretty flawed. Having someone in the red pinned, their partner breaking it up and the red guy being able to get up, cover you and get the win before you've even been able to stand up from the pin position is absurd.

I mean, I'll play anyone on it sure, but I'm not gonna give it a free pass >_>

I'm not saying give it a free pass, but before it came out, there was a lot of "OMG best wrestling game ever!" type talk going around. I don't know, just seems I expected less than most people, and thus enjoy the game more.

Edited by Dragsy
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