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The Old XBOX Megathread


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Finally have the money scraped up so I'll be calling Xbox Australia later today, So I should be back and playing in no time.

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So, it seems to just be trying to change the Windows Live ID associated with the Account? That's the only time Xbox Live isn't working. Yet, this works fine on my PC. This the same for anyone else?

EDIT: So, got Live again. Can't actually add friends, seeing as the parent Passport account used to set up this Xbox Live (I was maybe 14 at the time) has upped and disappeared. Gamertag is AmitaiW. Very few games, got Crackdown and Pro Evo 6. Any recommendations of stuff to get? I'm considering Halo, but I don't really like the story.

Edited by Kwanzabot
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Oh, by the way, anyone up for some Crackdown? One of few online capable games I've got. You won't be able to add me due to technical nonsense (damn you something or other for being almost down I think (does https://live.xbox.com/en-US/accounts/Family...aspx?Check=true come up unavailable for everyone else)), but my tag is AmitaiW. Wouldn't mind playing someone online.

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Halo has a story?

Piss off, the campaign's good, just a little short.

It's true. Although I don't care much for the story it isn't exactly bad.

The only story that matters in Halo is the one behind Grifball anyway. :shifty:

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