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The Old XBOX Megathread


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I remember waiting like 20 minutes to get into a game, then having it lag like crazy. The only gametype worth playing was the car customization race one and that was often laggy as all hell too.

Anyone who thinks its multiplayer is better than GTA's has their head up their ass. I highly doubt anyone even plays it online anymore

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Well of course no one plays it online anymore; Halo 3, CoD4 and GTA4 TUKK OUR USERBASE but when it was still the thing to play nothing topped it. Not even any of the games I just listed. There's little strategy in GTA multiplayer other than "blow that guy up"

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Call of Duty: World at War details are starting to come out.

- Treyarch is the developer

- The game takes place in WWII; the Pacific Theater

- four player online coop/2 player splitscreen

- There's a flamethrower

- destructible environments

- Usable vehicles in sp and multi (vehicles in multi are only available in certain modes)

- perk/leveling system will stay intact. Some perks from COD4 will be used again.

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I never managed to get, well, anywhere in the last Star Ocean. :/ But then, most of the RPGs I play seem to just fall to the wayside at some point halfway through when I get distracted by something else.

Star Ocean...Dark Chronicle...Eternal Sonata...Lost Odyssey...the list goes on.

Edited by stokeriño
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I just watched the HD trailer for Square's next game "Infinite Undiscovery", and despite the silly name the intro movie was convincing.

Then they started talking. Oh god.

Also, my gamertag on Live is Johan Gasmask. I'm pretty SOL as far as actual online games go, but maybe someone would like to play some Army Of Two/Crackdown/GTA IV with me.

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I'm not far beyond the Black Cave (aggravating fiend-cavern that it is). I've literally been through the town on the opposite side, got on the a boat and about to enter some other Staff...thing.

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all the caves in lost odyssey kinda suck. I'm a bit past that on an island in the south but I have the stupid disc 4 error "can't read disc" sigh.

I thought Infinite Undiscovery looked interesting, haven't watched the trailers yet tho.

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I've only played a teensy bit of it at my friend's house but I thought it was quite fun, not a bad game at all. Then again, I only played maybe 2-3 hours worth of it..

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Cute game. My main gripe is that all the battles in one area are virtually identical and, since your characters move in the same order, will therefore run in exactly the same way each time. Doing the same "hit-hit-hit-hit-hit-hit-SPECIAL MOVE; next guy: hit-hit-hit-hit-hit-hit-hit-SPECIAL MOVE" is even more grindtastic than your regular RPG grindathon.

Other than that it has pretty colours and nice music. >_>

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