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The Old XBOX Megathread


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I love TF2, it's my favorite shooter by far. I stopped playing it because of the horrible lag and constant disconnections. This was before the patch though.

Hey whoa, it's patched? :mellow: I was unaware of this.

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Nah, had this account since December-ish. Although I didn't get any free Live with it because I made it online for some reason, rather than through the XBox.

I'm guessing Dawson as he added me as a friend yesterday, so he might've had a free week with him and decided to give it to me. Which he timed horribly cos I'm capped at the moment >_>

Or Kaney.

Edited by Zaz
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Good luck getting on with a Uni network, a lot of places deliberately throttle the ports most commonly used for gaming (along with p2p, bitTorrent etc.)

EDIT: I was thinking UK Unis, so your situation might be different. Up until recently my Xbox connected through a wireless network, protected via WEP key. I presume WPA-protected networks can still work though. Usernames and passwords I'm not sure on.

Edited by Dragsy
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Nah I didn't give you a free week Zaz, I wouldn't even if I could, I'd use it myself >_>

Has anyone played the UEFA Euro 2008 demo yet? Me and Dragsy played it earlier. You can only be France or Germany but first impressions are very good. They seem to have improved the flow of the gameplay since FIFA 08 and it just plays really well.

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