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The Old XBOX Megathread


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...I thought I put my gamertag up.


Wanna play with me? Too bad. I didn't renew my Live after the free one-month. I have no multiplayer games. But why am I posting this? Because when GTA4 comes out, I will be buying that and Live....and I expect everyone of you to have added me so you can shoot me in the face. That is all.

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So, Microsoft decided to reset the gamerscores of people who cheat their way to achivements. Game save users and the like. They find themselves with 0GS, not being able to reobtain the achivements they previously had and being branded as a cheat. One example being http://live.xbox.com/en-US/profile/profile...=CheaterMcCheat though perhaps the most infamous is one StripClubDJ who had a massive GS and now has 0.

Also, still waiting on those free Halo maps. :shifty:

The FREE! It lives! Only 7 and a half hours late. <_<

So, Griffball lads?

Edited by Ellis Misses Benji
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