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SmackDown! '06


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Upper card? Smackdown! has an uppercard Rated-R?

Good show AD, & great ending with the Kennedy beatdown because like Blink said, it made Kennedy look good, without Batista looking bad. Also, I thought Daivari's promo was spot on, great work on him.

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Time for my review… Now with 0% checking over what I’ve written!


+ The Great Khali beating up Teddy Long! About fucking time Khali did something to put himself over as a reckless monster.


+ The Tag Title match played out logically to continue the feud.

+ I see Helms’ gimmick in building himself up for the fall when he eventually loses the title. Hammering home that he’s the longest champ in history is very good.

+ Finlay’s denial of leprechauns makes me interested where the thing’s going.

+ Chavo’s segment did enough to tease without develop without it being pointless. Don’t use the retirement thing for much longer though as we know he’ll be back in the ring probably at Summerslam anyway.

+ Implied additional exposure for Simon Dean and/or Tatanka. I love the Simon Dean character so much. Obviously its pretty a two dimensional character and it won’t ever develop on TV – but he = ratings! Matt Hardy also didn’t get jobbed out like a whore.

+ The ending was good. I was wondering where Kennedy was.


+ Daivari sounded a bit off. These days he particularly loves to use repetition to hammer home a point.

+ Fuck off Miz. You missed out a “hoo-rah”, which is even better actually! The Diva Search just like every year is going nowhere fast and keeping things short is the best way.

+ Trust me to realise this one… A lot of wrestlers do only appear in one segment/scene per show – but not everybody. Every time you had a guy appear in a scene, that was it for them and that’s just not the WWE’s style. That’s why they have cut-scenes of them WALKING~! – just to add more exposure. I’m just being picky though.


+ The status of about six million Smackdown guys has changed since you created the diary at the beginning of this week.

+ Ashley’s face.


To get a perfect show with Smackdown is damn near impossible until you put Jillian Hall into a nymphomaniac gimmick or something. I like where you’re going so far especially with the indication that lower-card guys will have the chance for more exposure. The development of angles was very good actually to set-up up future matches. Looking forward to the next show.

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As you might know, i am one of your biggest fans when it comes to Diaries so expect to get some comments from me after practically every show you do.

Heres my summary on the show. Your lucky you get so much god damn feedback you know -_-


- The Opening Tag Match was a good match but overall i have to say that i got no entertainment from the whole thing. The ending was just something i don't care about. Do something different, give them some mic time to spice up the fued

- Too much of the Lower card. Unlike on RAW the majority of the undercard on Smackdown just plain don't deserve storylines. I really couldn't give two shits for a Tatanka & Hardy duo facing The Gymini. I literally shook my head at that whole thing...

- The Diva Search. Get it over with quickly. I felt as much pain reading it as i did watching it. And kill the Miz when your done.

- Vito. I know your trying to keep it realistic to current WWE programming which means a match with Vito in it but i'll tell you something. Until he gets into a storyline i just don't care for Squash matches.


- The whole Finlay and Regal thing. I quite liked it and am interested to see where it goes.

- Diva Match. I suprisingly liked it for some reason.

- Chavo vs. Rey. I LOVED how you went with this. I found it entertaining to read and i think its what Smackdown should of done in real life. What would make this even better is if you added a gimmick to the match at Summerslam.

- Great development with the Cruiserweights. I like how you keep putting over the Helms character but im worried your actually going to take the title off of him. But to who ?. Psicosis ? Super Crazy ? Seriously not cool. Helms is the most deserving on Sd i reckon and taking that title off of him is just ... blah.

- I don't know where it leads in the Taker vs. Khali fued but Khali attacking Long was awesome and would be great in a storyline. What made that segment however was Daivari. I liked his little promo lots, if a Khali vs. Long fued happens then i will cry with joy.

Best Part of the Show

- Whole celbration thing was good and when Batista came out i kept on thinking about Keneddy and where he was. That is awesome that he ends the show on top and over Batista too. Keneddy vs. Batista vs. Booker PLEASE!~! I would just love that to happen. As for Finlay and Regal at the celebration, it wasn't needed. Thre part of there own storyline now and i could of just done with Keneddy walloping Batista with a chair instead of those two.

Anyway. Overall it was a pretty basic show. Very predictable in some parts and theres too much storylines i just dont care for. This first show gets 3.5/5.

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