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Free Album (From your new favourite band)


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The blurb;

"The Rescue"


Recorded in Austin, Texas (at Michael's house) January 2005

Released in October 2005 (part of the TRL Travels In Constants subscription series...subscriptions are all sold out and this record isn't in stores, but we will be selling them at shows for the next couple of years)

We promised Jeremy we would do a Travels in Constants e.p. literally over four years ago. Since then we've been sidetracked by an astonishing number of things. Two thousand and five was our year to take a bit of a step back and take some time to write new music, and along the way somewhere we got an idea for doing this e.p. in a different way then we've ever approached writing music. It can take us months and months and months to write even a song. Sometimes it comes much quicker, but often we spend many an afternoon trying out new melodies and riffs and drum beats, playing things over and over, obsessing and arguing and sighing and sitting silently for what seems to be hours on end. So, for this, our idea was to write and record a song every day for two weeks (this later became eight days) and the rest of the two weeks would be spent trying to mix and master the results. No riffs were to be written beforehand; things would be pretty much made up on the spot. It seemed daunting but fun and, perhaps, instructive. A learning experience. A chance to try new instruments and new ways of thinking about writing songs. Its also our first attempt at recording ourselves (the whole thing was recorded in Michael's house). Anyway, The Rescue is the result.

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Have you guys checked out the soundtrack they did for Friday Night Lights? It's awesome, fits the film perfectly. That's how I got into them. Those Who Tell The Truth... is my favourite album of theirs, I'll check the Rescue out when I get my laptop back.

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