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NFL 06/07 Talk

Guest Mighty Mighty Bosstown

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You know for a team that sucked for what? Ten years? Bengals fans sure are full of themselves. I mean I understand you want to have an "edge" but frankly they are just arrogant cunts. I saw the game and it easily could have gone either way.

That said, I think the Ravens showed their real colors today. The Browns always play them tough, no doubt about it, but it was still a poor display.

I think Lineart will do ok, I mean he has the tools witht he Cards offense, and even better he has a solid RB to fall back on. Than again it's Arizona, and something horrible is bound to happen. :shifty:

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You know for a team that sucked for what? Ten years? Bengals fans sure are full of themselves. I mean I understand you want to have an "edge" but frankly they are just arrogant cunts. I saw the game and it easily could have gone either way.

That said, I think the Ravens showed their real colors today. The Browns always play them tough, no doubt about it, but it was still a poor display.

I think Lineart will do ok, I mean he has the tools witht he Cards offense, and even better he has a solid RB to fall back on. Than again it's Arizona, and something horrible is bound to happen. :shifty:

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Seriously... this game is fixed. :shifty:

C'mon though, New Orleans cannot lose this game.

I know everyone is saying that, but I still think it's a great moment for the city. Hey, if shit like last year's Super Bowl was rigged a certain way, so could this game.

I do hope the Saints can keep this up but I think I'm just gonna celebrate for now. WOOHOO 3-0!

A lot of shit in the NFL may or may not look it is being rigged. Many of the last few Super Bowls, this game tonight among others. Maybe it is, maybe it's not.

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And the Ravens showed their colors? It was a bad game, but like you said, the Browns always play the Ravens tough and also, I'm not one to make excuses and I know it was a poor game on the Ravens part, but the Browns aren't as bad as everybody seems to make them out to be. They've got a young, solid core of players on offense (and if Bentley hadn't gotten hurt they'd be even better) and they've got a good, young D, anchored by Willie McGinest. By next year I predict that the AFC North be the toughest division from top to bottom, not just from top to the third team.

The Browns have been hit with several injuries and are 0-3. I'm not disputing your point about them being better next season, but this season they're still not a good team and with the start the Ravens have had (beating other poor teams) you'd have expected them to win comfortably really. As you've said before, though, the Ravens first real test will come against the Chargers I think so I'll reserve further judgement until then.

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You know for a team that sucked for what? Ten years? Bengals fans sure are full of themselves. I mean I understand you want to have an "edge" but frankly they are just arrogant cunts. I saw the game and it easily could have gone either way.

That's not a fair statement at all. Living in Cincinnati for 23 years, Bengals fans are anything but full of themselves, we're just finally happy that the team has stopped sucking. We only become assholes when the team is against the Steelers... fight fire with fire. And we certainly earned after Cowher being a steaming pile of dog shit with the "We Dey" chants, which was one thing after the playoff game, but after the Super Bowl? That's arrogance at its finest.

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Meh, I guess since I don't live in Pittsburgh, and I am only 21 years old, I don't really care about the Bengals enough to hate them. I dislike them (division rivals) but I consider the Browns as easily our top foe.

As for the "rigged" games, I don't beleive it for a second. People like to see things that aren't ther eofr whatever reason (Mostly disliking another team) but at the end of the day, 99% of the time the team was going to lose regardless of a handful of bad calls.

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I'd like to think that the Falcons receivers were a bit struck with the emotion in the Superdome and it unconsciously affected them, but I'm like that.

My mum works in a school, and they were asked to take a teddy bear and photograph him with a bunch of kids from the reception (your kindergarten) class as part of a charity thing. Zero talking about that "Who Dey?" shit Cowher pulled makes me think we should get hold of a Terrible Towel and do something similar, except we'd photograph/video ourselves fucking it up in a bunch of ways. And it'd have to be the same Towel, so by the time it travels across America and Canada and reaches me and damshow in London, it'd be a piece of crap. Then we frame the final thing as a shining example of how Pittsburgh should keep their feet on the ground.

Pittsburgh? Who dey?

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12-0 is rape now?

In case you missed the game (Which you obviously did) the Steelers were winning for a good part of their loss to the Bengals, and frankly it was a close game. 8 points isn't that big a loss.

As a Ravens fan, I am not surprised you have a dislike for the Steelers, but such an uneducated and random attack is insulting to the both of us. I can argue that your STOLEN team doesn't even deserve to be in Baltimore, and their asshole owner is a greedy sack of shit who moved a sucessful franchise that sold out every game just so he could line his pockets some more.

At the very least, the Bengals built their team and didn't have to steal another franchise. Now, I understand that Baltimore suffered the same problem already (See: Colts) but it was still a disrespectful display to all of football, as moving one of the original teams in the NFL is a slap in the face of the entire league.

See, I can be mean too.

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Meh, I guess since I don't live in Pittsburgh, and I am only 21 years old, I don't really care about the Bengals enough to hate them. I dislike them (division rivals) but I consider the Browns as easily our top foe.

As for the "rigged" games, I don't beleive it for a second. People like to see things that aren't ther eofr whatever reason (Mostly disliking another team) but at the end of the day, 99% of the time the team was going to lose regardless of a handful of bad calls.

Actually, I'm a Pats fan. And I think the first Super Bowl win was possibly rigged. A team called the "Patriots" winning the championship right after 9/11 ... a little suspicious.

Granted, they had a damn good team anyway. But it just seems odd.

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If it was rigged the Super Bowl would've been either Giants-Jets or Redskins-Jets.

As a Ravens fan, I am not surprised you have a dislike for the Steelers, but such an uneducated and random attack is insulting to the both of us. I can argue that your STOLEN team doesn't even deserve to be in Baltimore, and their asshole owner is a greedy sack of shit who moved a sucessful franchise that sold out every game just so he could line his pockets some more.

Uhhh... Modell hasn't owned the team for over 2 years now. And he did give a low blow to Cleveland, but they got treated like they had just had the backbone of their city stolen. When the backbone of Baltimore was stolen nothing happened, NOTHING. So what goes around comes around really. It's the greed of professional sports. I'm sure if Pittsburgh didn't give the Steelers a new stadium in 35 years and they had an owner who cared more about money than history the team would move. Is it right? No. But it's just one of those bad things of sports.

And this isn't an attack on you, just on the whole "you stole their team" thing that comes up whenever a team moves. We don't choose to have a legendary franchise move here, we didn't choose to have a legendary franchise move out of here. We're just pawns of a few rich old guys.

Edited by damshow
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Hugar... this is quite big news. I'd agree with you if this was like the pre-season and so forth with all the coverage, but this is quite a bit more than significant. And what else is there to do on a Wed in Sports Coverage?

The MLB playoff races. But the point stands, this is significant news.

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[insert Joke About Being A Dallas Player Here]

It does suck that someone would do this to himself, and he tried to do it even when a friend tried to stop him is bad. Hope he gets himself prepared on the sidelines for a while. Suddenly his attitude doesn't seem so terrible.

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