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World Cup 2006


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I know I'm late to the party, but I'll just go over what I think:

- The card should have been a red for Materazzi, he lunged in (which is apparently insta-red this tournament), with two feet coming through (again, insta-red in most games) and it was cynical (even though he wasn't the last man, he stopped a potential chance at goal with a cynical, dirty challenge). The "barely even a yellow" argument is retarded.

- Nice dive for the penalty. It is a sad indictment when a player would rather dive to get a penalty then stay up and actually...shock horror...try and score himself. He fucking had an easy chance himself, why even bother with the diving?

- Italy dived all day, shock horror. My favourite one had to be when Del Piero got clipped, ran a few paces, fell over and landed on the ball...9.9 for technical merit indeed. And I'm someone who has pulled up the Australia team for being a bit dirty at times.

- Australia didn't deserve to win, though. Now, I'd have loved them to, don't get me wrong, but even with all the zOMG BLIND HATRED that Johnny percieves we have for him and Italy, I don't think Australia deserved to win. They just didn't push hard enough, and Italy still generally had better chances. However, that also didn't mean they deserved to go out how they went out. Disgraceful.

I used to hate Lucas Neill, but he has had an excellent tournament, and it is shit how things went down in the end.

Edited by liamwannabe
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What's the record for longest penalty shootout?

20-19 between Racing Club and Argentinos Juniors in Argentina.

In Europe, 17-16 between Genclerbirligi and Galatasaray in a Turkish FA Cup match in 1996.

In my mates house, England 28 - 27 Germany.

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Okay, I saw both matches. First, because the "Fire Arena" in my name meant "get that worthless coach out", it literally took me five minutes before I got it. That's how you know you're having a bad day.

Second, the int'l record is Cameroon/Ivory Coast from the African Cup of Nations -- 12-11 in 12 penalties.

Third, I suggest that Australia advance to the quarters ahead of Switzerland AND Ukraine given all their performances, but that's not happening.

Fourth, Italy was the better team. Schwarzer made a lucky save with his feet while diving away from the ball which would have made the penalty irrelevant. Italy's chances were a lot better than Australia's, and quite frankly, if I told half the Aussie fans before the match that they'd lose 1-0 to Italy, they'd be comfortable with it. (I mean, they'd be upset about losing, but 1-0 is respectable.)


I think the penalty decision was harsh -- seeing it from the ref's POV I can understand the call, but I wonder why the linesman didn't overrule him. The level of refereeing in this Cup has been sub-par, and part of the problem is that FIFA takes officials from Singapore and Benin for diversity. The solution, IMO, is to allow referees to work outside their own country. American refs, for example, can only reach a certain level working in MLS and CONCACAF, but if they did a few early UEFA Cup or CL games, they'd be more capable of handling the important internationals.

To me, the supreme number of cards -- 90% of them deserved -- come about because the referees are weak. How hard is it to talk to both captains and coaches at some point during the match and say "you keep this up and I'm going to start carding people -- get your team under control"? It's what basketball referees and baseball umpires do all the time.

Would it help if people stopped trying to con the refs into fouls? Probably, but I will state that the US didn't do a lot of acting and wound up losing points to Ghana and players against Italy when they did. It's the official's job to tell people to get up and stop being prima donnas, and that's just not happening. When the US's most popular sport is one where throwing people to the ground is a strategy, it's no wonder your football can't catch on.

Okay, rant over. Hopefully there isn't TOO much bullshit in it.

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What FIFA should do when it comes to choosing referees is an idea that may be way out of left field for some.....pick the best ones~!

Fuck diversity and making it an international thing...if the 20 best referees all referee in La Liga, then choose them, as they are the best.

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What FIFA should do when it comes to choosing referees is an idea that may be way out of left field for some.....pick the best ones~!

Fuck diversity and making it an international thing...if the 20 best referees all referee in La Liga, then choose them, as they are the best.

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What FIFA should do when it comes to choosing referees is an idea that may be way out of left field for some.....pick the best ones~!

Fuck diversity and making it an international thing...if the 20 best referees all referee in La Liga, then choose them, as they are the best.

Except you can't have a Spanish referee doing the Spanish games....

Ok, but you get my point. If you need 25 referees, and the best 25 only cover 7 countries, then just go with them.

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That was the most embarrassing game of soccer I've ever seen.

Granted, it was the second one I've seen, but still.

Switzerland was terrible on the PKs; I could've buried one, shit. First try, kick to the keeper. Second try, off the crossbar but WIDE OPEN up top anyway; so the third try, you...kick to the keeper again. Seriously, top of the net's wide open, why do they never shoot there?

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Bwahaha...and he's supposed to be worth thirty million? :lol:

So because he misses a penalty, he's not worth thirty million?

Let's completely gloss over the fact he's been one of Europe's top scorers for the last Christ knows how long.


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Bwahaha...and he's supposed to be worth thirty million? :lol:

So because he misses a penalty, he's not worth thirty million?

Let's completely gloss over the fact he's been one of Europe's top scorers for the last Christ knows how long.


Though that obviously isn't the case, it isn't hard to believe someone who is worth that sort of money should be able to bang in penalties all the time.

It is kinda like my Dad says when they talk about a player having a weaker foot or what have you....they are usually getting paid enough money that they should realistically be able to play with both feet, if that makes sense.

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