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World Cup 2006


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I would hardly say we were in any real danger aside from Terry's mistake in the first half.

What is a good performance? Having all our players step over and back heel their way to a goal? We were pretty much in control the whole match and seemed a lot more organised than both our group matches collectively and Ecaudor. The passing and movement from everybody was great and we created many chances, the only thing we couldn't do was finish them off, but at least we were keeping the ball down their end and creating chances and putting them under lots of pressure.

Rooney played excellent as did Gerrard and Carrick. I dont quite get the hate for Beckham for this game. Despite feeling ill throughout the entire game he seemed to be ok, making some cruical tackles and run backs, not mentioning his great goal.

Sure we could keep saying that we wont win the Cup if we play like we did in the last game, but everybody has been saying that since our first game against Paraguay, and we have improved only slightly over each passing game yet we still walk away with the result. Yes we may have to 'step up' our game when we face Argentina or Portugal, but everybody said that about Ecaudor, and we did, and we won.

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Anyone watching the Portugal/Holland game?

As an England fan I want Portugal to win but personally I want Portugal to be put in a camel clutch, have their backs boken, get fucked in the ass and be made humble. All of that just so I can watch my Portuguese friend cry like the little bitch he is.

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Ahhhh Carrick was magnificent, Rooney in the second half was frightening for defenders. Quick, powerful, skilful, and not diving all over the place.

Aaron Lennon's eight minutes saw him get a lot of the ball and without fail he was fantastic.

England should definitely use Lennon again in the quarters, even if just for 15-20 minutes.

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Since when is a handball grounds for a red card? We never played this strict in high school...

And what's up with that Netherlander getting kicked square in the chest and no call?

Edited by oldskool
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