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World Cup 2006


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Because we don't need to play good to win against teams like Ecuador - Fact.

We played well, not bad, not wonderful, but we did the job and that's all that matters.

Yes, we'll need to play good against Holland or Portugal but as shown last night with Argentina, any performance where you win in world cup finals is a good one.

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It's a shame that an awesome free kick from Beckham is going to gloss over what was another average performance from him. It's about time he got a decent in, he's had enough practice over the last four games.

Oh well, at least we won. Should've been by more against a team like Ecuador, but at least we didn't lose.

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Well... thank God we're through. Who does everyone want in the next round? Holland or Portugal?

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You have to take into account the fact that most of the second half Beckham was being sick too. He did really well to last as long as he did before being taken off. Sure his performance bar the free kick wasn't sensational, but he was still one of the better England players in the game.

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Well we're through. I couldn't hope notice how England keep on, I'm not even kidding here, using the same strategies as Grimsby Town. The longballs, playing it back when it isn't even neccessary and the general pass instead of shoot mentality near the goalmouth. At least they're through, but Portugal and Holland are complete bastards to beat, so England really need to step things up big time now.

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One day, I'd love an England performance without people whining about the little things afterwards. That was the best performance from us since the start of the tournament (doesn't say much, I know), and aside from the shot that hit the crossbar, Ecuador never looked truly dangerous.

And before people go "oh, that's just Ecuador", Ecuador were good enough to get through to the round of 16, and have beaten some good sides in recent years, Argentina and Brazil included. They are a dogged team, and we controlled the match for the most part. We got the ball down, and played some nice football..some of it was rushed, but some of it was really good, and would have got high praise if it was anyone not wearing a white shirt, I bet.

The defence looks a little worrying, but it is nice to see that Ashley Cole seems fit again.

Beckham was dire in the first half, but was good in the second half irrelevant of the free-kick. And whether you like him or not, Beckham-inspired moves have pretty much got us 3 victories.

Lampard's shooting hasn't been great, but Ballack has had as many shots and no goals also, but he is a "genius", not wasteful as some people levy at Lampard. He was challenging the keeper with most of them (aside from that one he blazed over the bar...that was shit), and you could point out small faults in other players, Gerrard's touch in the first half was really poor in particular, though he had a pretty good second half.

And you already have all the "oh, Mexico and Argentina would have beaten us on that performance/on their performances last night", but frankly, who cares? Neither of them were playing us, and we weren't playing them, the games could be totally different. You can only beat what is ahead of you, and we did that with relative ease today.

EDIT: On stokerino's comment, I think a form Lampard is definitely better than form Gerrard, he just isn't totally doing it at the moment and Gerrard is doing more. Saying he had 3 bad group performance is over-doing it a lot, though (as TheArsenal put it)

Edited by liamwannabe
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I love you.

I really do.

Now go on msn/unblock me :P

I'm going out in a little while, thus no MSN. And no, I haven't blocked you, so don't worry, I'm just not on too much anymore.

EDIT: Something I missed out on, but Carrick was excellent as well. I think for once, Eriksson got the tactics right, although Rooney was isolated a bit in the first half.

Edited by liamwannabe
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