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World Cup 2006


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We played with more conviction in the first half, but jesus christ we let it go to our heads in the second. We should have NEVER conceded those two goals. You'd think with the world-class goalkeeping and defending we supposedly have, we'd do better than that.

But then, we played poor enough that second half that a draw was fair.

Hargreaves wasn't too poor... but he wasn't great. I mean, he had the desire, but his tackling was so damn sloppy I'm amazed he didn't get booked sooner. At least he gave it his best though - that's all you can ask really. It's just a shame it isn't really great enough. Especially with Carrick there. I mean, why not bring him on? But then, with Owen getting injured and Ferdinand limping a little, he played it safe.

Oh, whatever. At least we're through. We got the possible final I want anyway - Germany v England. Count on it.

I'd just like to see us do it better at one point.

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My predictions:

Ecuador 1-3 Germany / Actual Score 0-3

Costa Rica 0-1 Poland / Actual Score: 1-2

Sweden 1-1 England / Actual Score: 2-2

Paraguay 2-0 Trinidad & Tobago / Actual Score: 2-1

So I was out by a single goal on 2 of them, Poland won by a goal and Sweden and England got an extra one each. I would've been more than happy to lose out on predictions points if England had won, but we defending awfully 90% of that game. Bring on Ecuador then.

T&T didn't score today.

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Continues to show why I hate and think Sweden are overrated. Without the set pieces, they never hardly gave England much of a problem when it came down to it. They're probably the most flukiest team I've ever seen, from scoring a late minute skank against Italy in the last Euro (Or it may have been the last World Cup) to getting that last minute skank tonight, it always seems to happen when I'm watching too. Just cant stand them at all, don't rate them half as highly as some others do either.

England looked much better in the first half. Rooney certainly changed things but he really did look tired in the second half, as expected. At least he got to play though and he'll be ready for the next game. The Owen injury was crazy, couldn't believe it when he went down. Joe Coles goal was OUTSTANDING, for me the best goal of the tournament (Or the Spain goal from the first game they played), yes, even better than the 'wow apparent super duper' Argentina goal.

Overall, good game I thought. I really do wish they'd give Lennon and Walcott the chance to properly play, at least give Walcott a run in the next game to see how the guy does. Overall I thought England were actually good, minus the set pieces.

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I guess i jinxed it.

A great first half for England, one of the best in a long time. Shame about Owen going down so early, hopefully it's nothing serious. Rooney pretty much did everything you could want from him without a goal and Crouch was meh. Joe Cole was solid in the 1st half, from that little back heel nutmeg to Ashley Cole to his goal which seemed destined to miss.

The second half, yeah, its well documentated here so i wont repeat. But as for our defence, well they actually made more mistakes than what i was originally complaining about. It was painfully agonizing to watch Robinson, yet again, it seems hes become nothing more than a David James wannabe. Campbell did ok, imo, until the end with the dreadful second Sweden Goal.

And damn, who was i to question putting Gerrard on for Rooney he saved us from going a goal down and put us a goal up. Fuck all those haters who say he doesnt get it done for England!

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It's been pretty "meh" so far, I was hoping for a more even game.

Bwahaha...could that have been a more blatant handball? That fucker deserves to conceed a penalty.

2-0, but at least it wasn't Ronaldo this time as that prick never deserves to score. Hell, every Portugal game should be played without an appearance from him.

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2-1, Mexico pull one back from a nicely placed header by Fonseca.

Penalty numero dos...Mexico get the chance to save their asses.

Bwahaha...is it a bird? Is it a plane? No! It's that penalty flying over the corssbar :lol:

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Thank god Angloa scored...only what, 2 more before they leapfrog Mexico into second place?

...and seing as I didn't mention it, the ref was an idiot for sending Perez off for diving as it just ruins the rest of the game.

Haha...silly BBC:


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