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Personally, I think Villa got lucky with the two goals that were given (with the high foot for the first one, and Phillips offside for the second one when he jumped for the header), but saying that that is fair because Birmingham didn't get punished for things is ludicrous. Two wrongs don't make a right and all that.

From what I saw, Villa were better though.

EDIT: And Heskey didn't punch, btw, Summers. He pushed him lightly in the face, but it would have been enough to floor Arjen Robben admittedly >_>

Edited by rvdwannabe
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So? And simply saying "Oh, there was a high foot, so we got no decisions go our way" is ludicrous. Especially when the referee was pretty favourable towards Blues most of the game.

What's lightly got to do with it? He raised his hand toward another player. Red card offence.

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So? And simply saying "Oh, there was a high foot, so we got no decisions go our way" is ludicrous. Especially when the referee was pretty favourable towards Blues most of the game.

I think the refs sucked in both matches today.

But I'm just saying that the high foot WAS a foul, considering not only was the foot high (which gets punished usually), he actually caught the player as well.

The fact that Birmingham did such a shit job on the cross is un-defendable, however >_>

EDIT: Lightly has everything to do with it. He didn't even swing. If one of your players would have gone for it, you'd have complained, as would I. A punch is a punch, a push is a push, I don't think the second deserves a red.

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Wow, you need to dig deeper for arguments. Most of them you're just saying what the commentators said, "OMG HIGH FOOT". Piss off. He would have said fuck all if it had been cleared but because a goal resulted from it he whined. Maybe he should have gone down 'injured' like everyone else would have.

So the possession said 81%-19% in Brums favour in a five minute period. That's why they showed it, because it was all Brum at that point. They wouldn't have showed it had it been 60-40 etc.

Which brings me onto my next point. How about you stop fucking pussying around by lofting the ball into the box when standing on the 18 yard box. Seriously, an under 10's goalkeeper could have withstood that shit. "OMG LETS CHIP IT TO SUTTON AND HESKEY". Heskey would just fall over probably anyways. As for you having more shots. Maybe if you had a strike force worthwhile you'd get somewhere but seriously, fans in Row Z should have been issued with helmets when Butt was taking a shot.

Brum need to sign some worthwhile players, Sutton...Butt. There shit, utter shit. At least Villa sign good players like Phillips and Baros. Say what you want about Baros at least he gets the ball in the net.

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And raising your hand toward another player is a red card offence.

Letter of the law says that players who slap players lightly around the face (usually if the players have collided and they are having a little go at each other, done kinda condascendingly....usually the foriegners) could go to, doesn't mean they have to. It is about using common sense.

And TRB, I think Reina went for the fact that he was already going to get carded for the tackle. Two yellow card incidents, arguably...

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There's a difference between a playful slap, and a push in the face.

No, I'm talking about when they are having a go at the other player, so not overly. Its a light strike of the face, still lifting the arms, so should go.

I'd need an example, but I can't think of one >_>

But as I said, I think it is about using common sense. What about shoves in the back, then? That is raising your arms to a player, whilst we are at it..?

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I'm just saying that the ref used common sense to me in not giving him a card. Whether the letter of the law said this, that or the other, doesn't mean it always has to be implemented the same way, as scenarios change.

Refs always take the situation into consideration when they make these choices, it seems. Like where a player gets booked, does another "bookable" challenge and the ref will give him one more chance, rather than send him off. Or how rougher challenges in derbys aren't punished as quickly or as harshly usually. Birmingham were 3-1 down in the derby, the Villa player clashed with Heskey (well, bundled him into touch IIRC) and Heskey pushed him off. Nothing too malicious, and in the circumstance warranting a yellow at the most to me (did the ref give him a card at all?).

If it would have been in the chest, no-one would have even cared, he just went a little high >_>

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No, he didn't. He also didn't book Butt, when he kicked at Baros, or Barry, one of the two, I forget.

Tebily also got away with too much, he deserved a yellow way before he got one.

Whereas, he was happy to book Villa players quick.

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