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I'm throwing out an idea with bands like The Locust.....you don't like that kinda music, you tolerate it.

I mean, I'm into them, but I don't willingly listen to them that often as its just a bit like a barrage.

I digress, I like listening to the "barrage" of The Locust and other, more pure-breed grind bands (lately, Last Days Of Humanity, old Napalm Death and Pig Destoyer) just for the speed, aggression and hate that the music conveys. I don't have to "tolerate" something that I like.

I like Pig Destroyer and Napalm Death, but at least there is some semblance of a song there.

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I like Pig Destroyer and Napalm Death, but at least there is some semblance of a song there.

If you think that The Locust don't have a rhyme or reason to their songs, give Venetian Snares or Sunn 0))) a listen. On a new listen I just took, "Plague Soundscapes" sounds very much like the Agoraphobic Nosebleed-epic "Altered States Of America" in terms of sheer chaos, but hey, at least they're still songs on some primitive level :P

It's not that they don't have a rhyme or reason, just that it seems that they may not. I don't mind a bit of manic stuff, but I stop at grind stuff like Napalm and Pig Destroyer.

I've meant to check out Sunn 0))) for a while, but the point I made (about tolerance for, rather than actual like) was what I'd actually heard directed at Sunn 0))) before.

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Recently (as in last couple of months) took note of Arctic Monkeys, Panic! At The Disco, Hard-Fi. All of which I'm really 'digging'.

Recent 'rediscoveries' would have to be 3 Doors Down and Saliva. Been listening a lot to those lately, listened to a wider range of stuff from them too.

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Sunn 0))) are definitely a band that you can't sit and listen to for enjoyment, or at least I can't. I like them, and I love what they're doing, but I've only listened to their albums once or twice each. Once to listen to it all the way through and appreciate it, and once again with headphones, usually while trying to get to sleep. Worth listening to, though.

I haven't heard, or even heard of Venetian Snares, but I love Pig Destroyer and Agoraphobic Nosebleed, so I'll try and check them out.

I've heard of Daughters! and I've heard, and like, The Plot To Blow Up The Eiffel Tower, so I'll have to check out Daughters! and Some Girls at the next possible opportunity.

EDIT: And as for 9 minutes not constituting an album...it's a tricky one. I've seen "We Are The Lazer Viking" called an album, and I've seen it called an EP, but I also thought that EPs could only have a limited number of tracks before they were considered a full-length album, and WATLV has 11 tracks, which is certainly album length, even if it does only amount to a short running time.

Edited by Skumfrog
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I haven't heard, or even heard of Venetian Snares, but I love Pig Destroyer and Agoraphobic Nosebleed, so I'll try and check them out.

EDIT: And as for 9 minutes not constituting an album...it's a tricky one. I've seen "We Are The Lazer Viking" called an album, and I've seen it called an EP, but I also thought that EPs could only have a limited number of tracks before they were considered a full-length album, and WATLV has 11 tracks, which is certainly album length, even if it does only amount to a short running time.

Edited by Bushmeister
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No band that names their album Winnipeg Is A Frozen Shithole could be bad.

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I haven't heard, or even heard of Venetian Snares, but I love Pig Destroyer and Agoraphobic Nosebleed, so I'll try and check them out.

EDIT: And as for 9 minutes not constituting an album...it's a tricky one. I've seen "We Are The Lazer Viking" called an album, and I've seen it called an EP, but I also thought that EPs could only have a limited number of tracks before they were considered a full-length album, and WATLV has 11 tracks, which is certainly album length, even if it does only amount to a short running time.

Just a forewarning, Venetian Snares are not metal or grind. They're electronic music, hardcore I believe the genre would be, but I find them enjoyable. Check out their latest album "Winnipeg Is A Frozen Shithole", which I've been playing quite a lot recently.

I'll check them out anyway, they sound interesting enough.

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I got recommended them because I like The Decemberists. They're kinda similar, but NMH are (as monkey said) 'fuzzier'.

Decemberists are great, so I'll have to check out NMH. Quite interested now.

In The Aeroplane Over The Sea is influenced by the story of Anne Frank. Ghost from that album is one of my favourite songs ever.

When it comes to that album, I like the actual song "In The Aeroplane Over The Sea", just beautiful in composition and lyrically.

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I might check out Neutral Milk Hotel...

I liked "Rooney" therefore got recommended "The Weakerthans"...I like The Weakerthans therefore got recommended "The Decemberists" and the next progression is obviously "Neutral Milk Hotel".

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My recent discoveries have been Norma Jean, The Chariot, The Beta Band, Pop Will Eat Itself, Mastodon, Coil, Matisyahu, nearLY, volcano!, PIG, Ramallah, and Boris.

Yes, all I do is constantly look for good music.

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Crystal Pistol are awesome. Listen to them. One of the few good bands from Winnipeg that have actually released a CD. They're basically just goold ol' rock and roll, with a tiny bit of punk and metal tossed in there.

I have no idea if their stuff is actually played anywhere outside of Winnipeg, though. Also, I'm not quite sure if I really discovered them since they were on a cheap Power 97 sponsored show, that I went to for Danko Jones, Our Lady Peace, and Stripper's Union.

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