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New Pearl Jam Album date

Herr Matzat

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The thing with the whole "downloading music is stealing" thing is that it's so instrinsically flawed. How many people who say they don't download music because no money goes to the band would gladly buy that same band's album second-hand, or get a copy off a friend? I'd argue most of them, and none of the money gets back to the band that way either.

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Oh, I don't blame people for downloading stuff myself, I just love my CD collection.

I dunno why, I don't have the same enjoyment if the song is on a PC without the CD.

Likewise, I like being able to look over and thumb through an extensive CD collection far more than I like being able to cycle through a Windows Media Player playlist, I was just bringing up a point.

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01 - Life Wasted

02 - World Wide Suicide

03 - Comatose

04 - Severed Hand

05 - Marker In The Sand

06 - Parachutes

07 - Unemployable

08 - Big Wave

09 - Gone

10 - Wasted Reprise

11 - Army Reserve

12 - Come Back

13 - Inside Job

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