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King Of Sports: American Pro-Wrestling

Guest Jorden Vandal

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Guest Jorden Vandal

Ok, Out of Character mode here for this post.

I haven't gotten alot of feedback on my diary. I realize that I've just started so you might not have alot to get into to but some of the stories are starting to get developed. Plus I did a nifty little backstory that hopefully you guys all read. What I'd like now is to ask a few ?s.

1. Was the backstory ok?

2. Was the backstory believable?

3. Who do you think has the most momentum character wise?

4. Who should Steve Austin wrestle at the next show if I give him a match?

- Can't be: Haas, Liger, Dragon, Tajir, or Kazarian... or any tag teams due to angles...

5. Do you even enjoy the diary?

6. Do the way I did the matches make it suck? (sorry)

7. Feel free to add anything I could to make this better.

If you don't want to answer all the ?s that's alright, I just want to get a general idea of what everyone is thinking so far. Having no feedback makes me just use my brain and it's getting sorta dry for ideas. So I need some thoughts and stuff and I can base where I go off of if I deliver what you want, or swerve you.


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1. & 2. Its alright, if a bit sketchy. There isn't enough explanation of what half of the things mentioned are, the Japan Wrestling Association is refered to simply as JWA, with little or no information about what it actually was. It seems like you're trying to put across who Antonio Inoki is, but you seem to miss out very important facts, such as his God-like status, drawing power and foray/obsession into/with MMA. Also, the Yuke's takeover was in no way hostile, and one is lead to believe that Inoki had no problem selling his own shares to Yuke's in reality. I guess it could be believable that Antonio Inoki would start a professional wrestling venture in the United States, but I have to think that his love for mixed martial arts would be prominent throughout; and that he would try and use people like Ken Shamrock, Don Frye and people signed to the Inoki Office like Brock Lesnar and Kazuyuki Fujita. There are many other people Inoki has often been very high on, such as Ryoto Machida (LYOTO) and it would be worthwhile trying to find out who else Inoki has been known to be keen on and adding them somehow.

Using Scott Norton is fairly understandable, but I have to believe that as a two time IWGP Heavyweight Champion, and one of the most signficant foreigners in NJPW for the past decade, that he would be pushed as one of the promotions top men. Perry Saturn on the other hand, had a short stint in Japan before, but they weren't too big on what he had to offer. There are so many people in your roster I could never imagine being under the employ of an Inoki ran venture. I also feel that the use of Liger would have to be limited, due to contractual agreements he would have with NJPW that would force him to constantly travel back and forth from Japan to the US.

The style of the shows doesn't really seem like something Inoki would put out, but I imagine he would try and create his own incarnation of NJPW in the United States. As such, the frequency of No DQ matches, triple threat matches and basically matches that would be common in a sports entertainment environment, would maybe not be so common in a venture of Inoki. I think he would favour more legitimate one-on-one bouts.

I certainly couldn't see Taijiri holding his own against Scott Norton, as I would imagine weight divisions would be as significant here as they are in NJPW. I would also imagine him to go under his full name in this environment, Yoshihiro Taijiri as opposed to only using his second name. Tenryu jobbing to Tajiri sickened me, I could never see that happening. I also don't understand why you have two people who are pretty much junior heavyweights facing one another for your top title. I would have imagined the first main event match for your title to be between Scott Norton and someone like Matt Morgan. I don't understand why you've taken Norton from NJPW and not Morgan and Jindrak. I personally feel that you have too many 'entertainment pro wrestling' figures in your promotion, as opposed to the kind of people I would expect Antonio Inoki to be investing in, maybe someone like Tito Ortiz or other people with links to MMA and pro wrestling.

Also, spelling seems to be an issue. Austin is from the Attitude Ear?

4. I think the acquisition of Steve Austin is also something that would be questionable, as I'm not sure that at this point in his career he would be interested in making a return to pro wrestling for a promotion other than WWE. I could maybe see him in a one off feature match where he would more than likely not be jobbing.

5. I liked the initial idea, but I don't like what you're doing with it.

6. Yes. The matches seem to be written with the assumption that everyone knows who you are talking about. No matches seem to have any significance due to them all being written in a re-cap type way. Its hard to tell through the matches what kind of promotion this actually is, whether its sports entertainment or whatever. Thats what it seems like, but at other times it doesn't. They come across as being written by someone who is probably being a bit lazy with their matches.

7. You should maybe have a read of some of the other puro diaries, maybe take a look into Antonio Inoki's interests and character, find out what kind of promotion he would actually create, and think about re arranging your roster in terms of weight division and pushes. Your roster looks like its dictated by EWR and not by realism or weight divisions. I think that gimmicks and teams wrestlers had outside of this promotion would probably be scrapped, with few exceptions. It could also do without Sophie, who is nothing more than a game mechanic and detracts from the realism of the diary.

Edited by Ganon Dun
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Guest Jorden Vandal

I'll be back with another update tonight, I also might do a different diary since this one isn't obivously getting anyones attention. I'm doing this for both myself and viewers and if I don't have viewers who like it, I might just put up a poll for what else I could do either with this to get more viewers or a new diary that might interest people more.

I'll do it later tonight, gotta head to the city and buy new wrestling shoes...


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I'll be back with another update tonight, I also might do a different diary since this one isn't obivously getting anyones attention. I'm doing this for both myself and viewers and if I don't have viewers who like it, I might just put up a poll for what else I could do either with this to get more viewers or a new diary that might interest people more.

I'll do it later tonight, gotta head to the city and buy new wrestling shoes...


Here's the problem with putting a poll up to ask what you should do: Nobody knows you or your style, therefor nobody is going to care enough to respond seriously. Now you might see this as a potshot based on our disagreement last week, but that is not the case. The best advice I can give you is that you need to do what YOU will enjoy, not what you think others will. The best way to get a loyal audience is to write what you like, as that will come through in the writing, to be consistent, to improve as you go, and to be entertaining. Now from what I read of this diary, you achieved none of the above. So what I'm saying here is don't post a poll, just write what YOU want to write how you want to write it. If you NEED approval this badly then you should not be here trying to write a diary.


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Guest Jorden Vandal

Ok, to Ganon Dun I thank you very much. Your reply was very inciteful and I really didn't expect anyone to know that much about Puroresu when I decided to do this diary. I figured if I gave a few key facts and stuck to wrestling and not MMA people would be more apt to catch on.

Also if you will notice, Jorden Snow is the man doing booking not Antionio Inoki. Jorden Snow was selected by Snow and Snow Brokering to take over control of the company as they saw Mr. Inoki working way to hard. You either missed it in reading or didn't understand that. Either way it should have been more noticable and I'm sorry for that.

As far as TGC goes and his critique on my writing and my desire to get people reading this and replying and prediciting outcomes and just generally following along. Well my writing style won't change. I don't have the time to do full out results for the matches and my interview style is how it has always been. It's basically novel past tense, mixed with script so you know exactly what the guys are saying. I use this type of writing in college, in efeding, and now on here. Sorry if that does not appeal to you.

As far as me wanting to get peoples attentions, I'm sorry that you do this strictly for your own personal enjoyment, I do it for more then that.

I want to enjoy playing the game.

I want to document what I do.

I want to go more indepth into angles so it's more fun.

I want to get people coming up with ideas and such so it makes the game mroe fun.

I want people to enjoy what I do as I've enjoyed many diaries in the past that I've read.

Again, I'm sorry you don't understand or care about my reasoning for wanting 'approval' for my dairy, but it's my decision to want this so ... it really shouldn't matter if you think I should be doing this.

Again, you are just stating your opinions and I respect that, but your opinions won't change my opinions. So please, lets leave it at that.

Thank you, and without further adue, I am going to be making a few slight adjustments looking a couple of scenarios on the boards and then I'll post later tonight with either an entirely new scenario that I think will get more interest, or I'll be changing this up a bit to get some more interaction from everyone.

Thanks to those who've checked this out and those who have semi-followed along even though you haven't replied and left me any love.


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