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Crap Acting Performances, In Otherwise-Good Films

Farmer Reil

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I always thought Bloom was under-whelming in Lord of the Rings. It may have been because of the awesomeness of the rest of the cast but I thought he sucked.

I've been underwhelemd by everything Bloom has done. People are all like, "He's an amazing actor." But I totally don't see it.

Personally I don't think Orlando Bloom is anything but eye-candy for women, cause he can't act for shit.

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Good film, shit acting? Probably Narnia - the kids' acting reeks of fresh-out-of-drama-school with their forced acting voices... The guy who played Peter annoyed the shit out of me as he was about a believable as a Michael Jackson court-case verdict! Also the earlier Harry Potter films were like that as well, especially Hermoine. In conclusion: kids actors = shite!

Edited by Faggot McFagatron
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Hayden Christiansen was absolute crap in Episode II, in my opinion, and ruined the film for me. He was a lot better in Episode III, though.

And I have to agree with Benj about Carrie Anne Moss. I wish they had cast someone better as Trinity.

Speaking of people from the Matrix movies, I think Keanu Reeves is highly overrated. I haven't seen anything he's done other than the Bill and Ted movies and Point Break where I didn't think someone else could have done a much better job.

For the people ripping on Orlando Bloom, I have to say this: That they aired a movie about Def Leppard on VH-1 a couple of years back, and he turned in a fairly decent performance in it. However, its been so long since I saw it that I can't remember who he played in it. So it was decent, but not memorable.

As for Clive Owen, he should be permanently relegated to the role of action hero. Because to be an action hero, you don't exactly have to be a great actor. For examples of what I mean, see anything starring Chuck Norris or Steven Segal and almost anything starring Jean-Claude Van Damme. Van Damme has actually turned in a few fairly good performances. See Bloodsport or (I know I'm gonna get ripped for this) Street Fighter if you want to see a good Van Damme acting performance. Clive Owen was pretty good in Sin City, though.

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As for Kingdom of Heaven, holy shit there are a lot of good actors in there that are fucking INVISIBLE.I didn't recognize Doctor Bashir out of uniform, and EDWARD FUCKING NORTON? WHAT THE FUCK. The dude makes like 9 figures and you hide him behind a fucking mask for the whole fucking thing? Fuck off.

Edited by TheReilDeal27
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Once again I liked the kids from Narnia. Sure they were a little green, but take Peter for example. During his first "battle" scenes, the way he was holding the sword was very real. He's never had a sword or anything, he didn't know how to fight, and he pulled this off well. The little girl was also good. To their credit it is probably hard to do a lot of acting when the majority of the time you are acting against invisible people.

I thought they did a good job.

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In Narnia, I felt that the actors grew into their roles and grew into the characters over the course of the film. When the movie was slow, they were very meh, but by the end I was impressed. It's obvious they are very new to the art of acting, and will grow into the roles a la the Harry Potter cast.

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In Narnia, I felt that the actors grew into their roles and grew into the characters over the course of the film. When the movie was slow, they were very meh, but by the end I was impressed. It's obvious they are very new to the art of acting, and will grow into the roles a la the Harry Potter cast.

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In Narnia, I felt that the actors grew into their roles and grew into the characters over the course of the film. When the movie was slow, they were very meh, but by the end I was impressed. It's obvious they are very new to the art of acting, and will grow into the roles a la the Harry Potter cast.

Thats assuming the film was shot in sequence. They could have started good but turned crap.

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I was going to say something about Ben Affleck in Daredevil, because other than his performance, I enjoyed the film. But I watched the Directors Cut the other day and I swear the extra 30 minutes seem to make Ben Affleck improve as an actor ten-fold! The film got so SO much better thanks to the extra scenes.

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take Peter for example. During his first "battle" scenes, the way he was holding the sword was very real. He's never had a sword or anything, he didn't know how to fight, and he pulled this off well.

Yes, because they never had any training at all while shooting the film. :P

Besides, all the Jedi from Star Wars are swordfighters in their spare time so it's easy for them, right? :shifty:

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Guest muddatrucker27

Kingdom of Heaven sucked too, I watched that with my ex and it was probably the worst film I could of forced her to watch. I should probably blame Orlando Bloom for the whole downfall of that relationship.

I didn't even know Norton was in that movie.

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