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Best Episodes?


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Only Fools And Horses: Friday The 14th. Hilarious stuff when they go fishing in the middle of nowhere and there's a an axe murderer on the loose. Heck, any episode of Fools and Horses is an instant classic.

Bottom: Gas Man. Richie and Eddie have been ripping off of the next door neighbours gas supply, and they're gutted when the gas man comes round, which leads to all sorts of awesome stuff. As above though, any episode of bottom is an instant classic, certainly the camping one.

Friends: The final one in Series 9, when Joey finally kisses Rachel. I could go on all day with these episodes, but to just name a few more...Chandler cheating on Joey, therefor Joey makes him stay in a box. The one with the Unagi (Sp?) and certainly the one where Chandler sleeps with one of Joey's sisters, but he cant remember which one.

Fresh Prince: The one where Will's dad comes, only to at the end leave without him, leaving Will heart broken.

The Young Ones: All of them, most of all though, the one with the flood, the final one in the first Series. Jerzei Balowski drinks some psycho drink, turning him crazy. Oh and the Bambi episode which has Motorhead on and Vyvyan gets his head chopped off.

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Two Guys And A Girl

So many to choose from, but I'm going to go for:

Two Guys, A Girl And A Homecoming. Not only is it Johnny's first episode, but "Smelly! In. Your. Faaaaace!" was quoted by me and my friends for aaaages afterwards. Plus, the slo-mo scene leading up to that quote was hilarious.

Two Guys, A Girl And A Psycho Halloween. Psychoberg! Psychoberg deserves his own mention, even if the rest of the episode kinda sucked.

Two Guys, A Girl And A Valentines Day. Brilliant episode, plus it has Irene in it, plus The Kiss~!

Two Guys, A Girl And A New Hope, Part 2. The best of the lot, I *very* nearly cried, and I don't know whether to be ashamed of that or not ¬_¬

OMG, almost forgot Rescue Me. That was hilarious too.


I don't know episode names, but the one with Loche's flashback (from what I've read, I'm pretty sure it's Walkabout, as mentioned earlier). And also the episode with Charlie's flashback, with the cave-in, and the "Ask three times and I'll give you your drugs back" thing with Loche. That was great, if a little predictable.


I haven't watched many, but the episode with Daniel's acension, as I've mentioned millions of times on EWB, was fucking awesome, and DID make me cry.

Star Trek

Can't be arsed to list them all, but Voyager's Message In A Bottle has to be my favourite Trek episode ever.

Edited by TheReilDeal
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Family Guy: E. Peterbus Unum

The pool party, Geneva Convention ('The'), political satirism at its best, I'll never think of Bill Clinton with clothes on again, somehow that's a good thing.

That's a favourite of mine, it's between that and Lethal Weapons (the one with the NY leafers and Lois taking taijitsu lessons, leading up to that big fight).

The Simpsons: there are so many good ones. The best I can think of on the top of my head is the Itchy and Scratchy Land episode. That and the one where Sideshow Bob tries to kill Bart and the family gets moved to Terror Lake.

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Just doing Star Trek:TNG, and I may have to go for 'Tapestry' where Picard 'dies' and Q gives him the chance to change parts of his life. Great episode. Also, any others that revolved around Data......

Could list more, but I'm both lazy and forgetful.

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This topic seems kind of vague in that you can talk about any series...I mean, I could run through why I like episode 23 of Azumanga Daioh, or why episodes 6 and 7 of Full Metal Panic!: The Second Raid are genius incarnate, but barely anyone would understand. >_>

I'll understand and agree with the FMP:TSR episodes. I have not seen Azumanga in so long I'd have to refresh my memory.

So far, Black Cat's episode 4 is my favorite episode in the series.

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ST:TOS Amok Time

The bench mark for all Star Trek episodes (TOS or otherwise) to be based. Also probably the most parodyed trekism ever.

Absolutely fantastic.

ST: TNG Best Of Both Worlds

Borg... the good kind.

ST: DS9 A Call To Arms

Sisko being kick ass.

Special mention to the Siege Of AR338 or whatever, that was fantastic. Showed war from a perspective we've never seen on Trek.

ST: VOY Year Of Hell

voyager getting the shit beaten out of it for two years. Fantastic. Only slightly ruined with the ending, but still wonderful.

Spaced The club episode.

Only for the, only for the, only for the hardcore UK raver.

Firefly War Stories


Red Dwarf Queeg

We are talking jape of the decade, April, May, June and July Fools...

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I really like the Friends where they have the quiz and Joey and Chandler win the girls' apartment. Some classic stuff in there.

"Miss Chanandler Bong, actually."

God that episode is absolutely brilliant, the thing with Rachels films, what was the other plot in that episode it's completely escaped my mind?

Never mind, EBG answered (Y)

Edited by Benjirino~!
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I really like the Friends where they have the quiz and Joey and Chandler win the girls' apartment. Some classic stuff in there.

"Miss Chanandler Bong, actually."

God that episode is absolutely brilliant, the thing with Rachels films, what was the other plot in that episode it's completely escaped my mind?

Never mind, EBG answered (Y)

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