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CKY have fucked my ears

Turbo Yannis

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Just got back from CKY at the Glasgow ABC. My ears are totally fucked and it feels like they need to pop. I feel like Homer Simpson in the Spinal Tap episode. The concert was awesome though.

Viking Skull absolutely owned. Clutch were okay, but I seemed the only one not going crazy. CKY come on stage and everyone loses the fucking nut. Everyone's pushing, shoving and we're all jumping all over the place and I've got no idea where my friends are, but I couldn't have given a shit at the time.

Even during the first song, I could feel myself getting exhausted with a seriously dry mouth. I'm having a great time 'til I realise that a girl I'm there with is getting hauled over the barrier out cold. I try and put it to the back of my head but it comes back every now and then. After about 5 or 6 songs, I admit defeat and get out the pit. Luckily enough, the first thing I see when I leave is my friend. She had fainted but the stewards had brought her back to.

But overall it was a good night. The only down side is that one of my mates was pretending to be drunk. Bare in mind he had only had one cider, one lager and a little bit of Vodka and coke. Somehow that got him drunk of his face for the next four hours.

And I got myself a tour shirt and a beanie :D

Edited by Turbonegro
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Guest Thiia Deshi

When CKY came to newcastle like...last year they were god damn awful, it sounded so bad, maybe it was just the shitty setup at Newcastle Uni but ive been to loads of gigs there and CKY is the worst one in terms of live music quality.

In terms of the mosh pits....simply amazing.

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I like AACBF over IDR, but only after a ton of listens. It was like that with IDR and Volume 1 too.

People who go to CKY's live shows expecting to hear a replica of their cd's will surely be dissapointed. That's what I love about CKY, you're never going to hear the same song played the same way twice..unless you go to 3 shows in 5 days, which I did. Portland, Seattle, and Spokane. I've been friends with the band since like, 2002.. seen em like 6 times since then. I was going to go to hellview this year, but $$$ got tight.

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