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PWX In The Shit Again.


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URGENT: PWX needs your help!

In just three short years, Wrestling Gamers United has grown from a small grassroots organization with a singular goal to the first fully-functioning, fan-supported video game player’s union in existence.

With your unyielding support, we’ve gone from merely demanding a better standard in wrestling video games to the doorstep of being able to build our own.. However, the fight’s not over yet.

Consider this a rallying cry: Telefilm Canada and other investors believed enough in our potential to start us on our way, coughing up enough cash in the face of our rallying cry to build a functioning prototype, animate thousands of moves and put together the framework on which Pro Wrestling X will be built. With their help, this project was able to make the crossover from pipe dream to reality.

And now?

Now we’re ready to prove that the WGU is committed to completing the task.

What we need now is a show of force. The people, the players, you guys, are the reason why all of this is possible. Our backers are convinced that PWX can be made; what they need to be shown, in no uncertain terms, is that there is a DEMAND for the game’s existence. All we’re asking for is your words. Whatever you’ve got to say about the subject.

It can be ten pages’ worth or less than a paragraph, explaining why it is that you believe this game should be made. Everything is welcome, from heartfelt rants to a few brief thoughts on why you’d like to play this thing with your friends.

We know that you’re out there; we just need to share the fact that we’re powered by the support of thousands of gamers to the folks with the dough.

Letters can be fielded through either snailmail or e-mail, and pictures are more than welcome. When we’ve collected enough, we’re going to provide irrefutable evidence of our support in the form of these letters by presenting them to Telefilm in person; a manifesto from a thousand authors, forming a message that can’t be ignored.

With enough voices chanting in unison, anything is possible. Thank you for your support!

Email: IsupportPWX@ProWrestlingX.com

Snail Mail:

Support Pro Wrestling X

28585 4050 East Hastings

Burnaby, British Columbia



Posted September 21 at 3:16 pm EDT

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Yeah, I have a letter half writen, but it's a lot of work trying to back up things you say about Stampede Wrestling with factual connotation, given the nature of the promotion.

I doubt I will finish it.


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