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WWE - November 2003


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Reading as we write baby.

Eww, Rhyno vs. Benoit to start us off. I hope Rhyno wins. Damn, solid match there with Rhyno putting up a good fight, multiple Crossface's to make my man tap and keeping both men looking relatively strong there. Nice.

Matt is looking for Shannon Moore and he's angry. Haha, the APA sneak up on Hardy,, sweet little touch there. Love how Farooq piefaces Moore to show that the APA aren't bitches, they're badasses. Cool finish with Moore not paying up. Nice little segment, could imagine really laughing to that if it was on my TV.

Lesnar vs. Spyder now. The bouncy bouncy dance is awesome. I dont expect this to last very long at all. Yep F5 ends it. Heyman gets into the ring and hypes up his boy ultra-style, liking it. Heyman gives Benoit the ultimatium.

Hardy and Spyder backstage both nursing their wounds, gotta love some continuity. Hardy has his new MFer which ties in with what has gone down earlier.

Guerrero vs. Danny Basham now. An okay match, nothing too special, with Eddie beating Danny which was what you would expect.

Eddie and Chavo segment. Oh and Doug too. Sets up next match just fine.

WGGT/Basham and Chavo. Hmm, for some reason, I'm expecting a Title change here. Wow, it's a hell of amatch for sure, exciting throughout. Well WGTT retain but here come the monsters. Liking how the two teams who just destroyed each other have to team up to take out Jones and Morgan, I can see that in my head.

Eddie's low rider is fucked. Who...Kane! Vince and Kane sounda absolutely awesome and I can imagine that the resulting Kane/Eddie matches will be pretty darn entertaining. Enjoyed that segment more than I should have.

OHaire mugs off Kish and Scotty backstage. Can't he count or does he have a plan? Probably the latter. It's cool how O'Haire's words actually have an effect on Scotty rather than him just mindlessly attacking O'Haire. I can sense a heel turn for Scotty which would be cool.

Benoit outsmarts the heels backstage and takes care of bidness. Nice, makes Benoit looking dangerous and a viable contender to Lesnar.

Main event time it is at this point. Ahh typical TV ending, but a nice match. I liked the fact that for a second I thought Cena and Big Show were aligned, but alas, it wasn't to be.

Show ends with Benoit looking amazing, giving him credibility going into the impending match with Lesnar that will happen in the near future.

Awesome show, was fun to read. Only thing I would suggest is that matches were slightly too long, but I know that's how you do your shit so yeah, really fun show with the backstage segments standing out for me as they showed your ability to do comedy and showed tons of originality. Oh, I also love your little neat touches like the APA not giving a damn about Moore, they set a great writer apart from a good writer.

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DECEMBER 6, 2003

The start of the tournament to crown a Velocity General Manager was started last week. Hardcore Holly, Bill DeMott, Mark Henry and Funaki won their matches, while Akio, the mild mannered Josh Mathews, Paul London and Johnny Stamboli lost their matches. But the losers still have a chance at this because you need to record three losses to be officially eliminated. Tune into Velocity this week to see the next set of matches in the tournament. We would tell you what these matches are, but only one man knows and he's Bill DeMott! You'll just have to tune in to find out!

From PWInsider:

Confirmed Matches for Velocity

Josh Mathews & Bill DeMott vs Hardcore Holly & Akio

Paul London & Mark Henry vs Funaki & Johnny Stamboli

The Cat vs Sakoda

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Velocity kicks off with a massive pyro display, which is followed up with Bill DeMott in the ring. It'd be safe to say that he'll be wrestling relatively soon because he's already got his ring gear on.

Bill DeMott: So last week ya heard it all. Me, Bill DeMott in charge'a the tournament to declare the new Velocity General Manager.

He gets some heat from this, and for picking on Mathews last week... but hey, who doesn't pick on Mathews?

Bill DeMott: I heard what you all was sayin' about me bein' a brown noser and all but the fact'a the matter is and always has been that I'll do whatever it takes ta get what I want. And right now, what I want is complete control of Velocity. In just'a few short weeks I'll have that. But for now I'gotta settle for being in charge of this here Tournament. So, let's take a look and see how it's playing out so far.

A graphic flashes up on the screen.

One Win, Zero Losses

Bill DeMott

Hardcore Holly

Mark Henry


Zero Wins, One Loss

Josh Mathews


Paul London

Johnny Stamboli

Bill DeMott: So those bottom four, Mathews, Akio, London and Johnny the Bull will be eliminated if they lose two more matches. But let's change that all right now. One of these guys in gonna drag their ass in this ring right now and gonna get one step closer to elimination. And that man is... Josh Mathews!

Mathews is heard on commentary.

Josh Mathews: Me? Not me again?!

A music is heard over the PA System but no, it's not Josh Mathews. Does he have any entrance music? It's actually "Next Big Thing," but no, Brock Lesnar's not coming out here on Velocity. It's Paul Heyman, out on the ramp. Heyman's got a smirk on his face and looks as if he's been laughing about something.

Paul Heyman: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Bill, I agreed to let the winner of this tournament become the General Manager of Velocity, because frankly I have more important matters at hand. Your idea intrigued me so I let you run with it. And let me just say now that you've confirmed what I've always thought. Some people are idea men, and some people are executors. You my friend, had a good idea, but your execution is down right awful!

The crowd pops at Heyman running down DeMott.

Paul Heyman: I didn't put you in charge of this tournament so you could rig it to your liking. So effective immediately, I have put myself in charge of the Velocity General Manager's tournament. That being said... Josh Mathews, you still need to get in the ring right now.

Josh Mathews: Why me? WHY ME?

DeMott's frown turned upside down since he was still going to be able to whoop on Mathews.

Paul Heyman: Because this week, you'll all be Tag Teaming with your opponent from last week. The rules will be simple. The losing team will record one loss for both team members. Any questions?

Bill DeMott: You can't do...

Heyman cuts him off mid sentence.

Paul Heyman: Oh I can do that. In fact, I just did. Now let me give you a little piece of advice DeMott. Don't test me! If you try and pull another stunt like the one you tried tonight, you can expect more than me fixing your mistake. You can expect to go beg Steve Austin for a job over at Raw!

Heyman drops the microphone and stares down DeMott as Hardcore Holly's theme music starts. It'll be DeMott & Mathews against Hardcore Holly & Akio.

Overall: 88



Holly and Akio both come out to Holly's entrance music. Holly doesn't look too amused with having Akio as a tag team partner, but that's just something he'll have to come to grips with. While Holly and Akio are making their way down to the ring, DeMott is inside of it yelling at Mathews. Mathews is still wearing his dress pants and collared shirt, but he has the sleeves rolled up on his shirt so he's ready to go. DeMott clearly yells at Mathews to stay out of this and not get involved. Holly and Akio get up on the apron. Akio goes to get in the ring to start off the match, but Holly grabs him by the back of his pants and pulls him back out onto the apron. Holly then gets in the ring and turns his back to DeMott to tell Akio that he's starting the match. But turning your back on Bill DeMott isn't the smartest move to make, as he charges in and levels Holly with a running forearm that knocks him into the corner.

The bell rings after DeMott gets his unfair advantage, but hey, he's going to need all the advantages he can get with Josh Mathews as his partner. DeMott grabs Holly by the back of his head and rams him into the top turnbuckle. DeMott turns Holly around so that they are facing each other. DeMott hooks Holly's arms underneath the top rope, and then proceeds to wail him with a chop right to the chest. DeMott keeps going to town on Holly with these chops that have his chest turned red. DeMott takes a couple seconds to gloat, which is all the time Holly needs to turn the tables. Holly grabs DeMott and then shoves him back into the corner. Holly gives DeMott a couple of boots to the gut before throwing some chops of his own at him. After a good five or six chops Holly grabs DeMott and whips him into the opposite corner. DeMott hits hard, and has little time to assess the situation when Holly charges in at him looking for a clothesline in the corner. DeMott manages to get a foot up and kick Holly square in the teeth. Holly turns around grabbing his face, before charging in at DeMott again. This time DeMott ducks underneath him and then lifts him straight up in the air, and drops him down face first into the top turnbuckle.

Holly doesn't go down, but he's staggering around like a drunk. DeMott climbs up to the middle turnbuckle while Holly spins around in a circle looking to clear his head a little. Holly turns back to face DeMott and gets leveled with a Flying Shoulderblock. DeMott makes the cover on Holly. One... TWO... Holly kicks out. Mr. DeMott gets up and then mounts Holly. DeMott starts throwing punches left and right at the prone Holly who tries his damnedest to cover up. DeMott could have thrown them punches all night, but the referee got in between the two to cause some seperation. DeMott argued for a bit with the referee before turning his attention back to Holly. DeMott bends down to grab Holly, but instead is met with a kick to the gut from him. DeMott hunches over while Holly pulls himself up to his feet.

Holly runs towards DeMott and drills him with a stiff looking knee lift that sends DeMott flying back into the ropes. DeMott hits the ropes and bounces back towards Holly who takes his head off with a picture perfect dropkick! Holly makes the cover on DeMott. One... TWO... TH... No! DeMott got his foot underneath the ropes to break the count up. DeMott looks like his lights are dimmed, so Holly seems like now would be an okay time to tag in Akio. Holly makes the tag in to the japanese cruiserweight, and they actually show some teamwork. Holly hooks DeMott and takes him over with a snap suplex. Once DeMott hits the mat, Akio bounces off the ropes and drops a quick leg across his throat.

Holly exits the ring, as Akio gets up and drops another quick leg on to DeMott. Akio gets up after the second leg drop and looks like he's going to drop a third, but DeMott starts rustling around. Akio decides not to drop the leg, and instead climbs up to the top rope. He's facing the crowd, but is turned to see when DeMott gets up to his feet. Once DeMott gets up to his feet, Akio leaps off the top turnbuckle, turns around in midair and hits a Crossbody. But no, DeMott catches him in mid air and then tries to spin him around in a move similar to the Gunn Slinger or the Catatonic, but Akio counters it during the swing and gets a Crucifix pin on DeMott. One... TWO... T DeMott muscles out of it at the very last split second.

Both men are up to their feet quick, and DeMott tries to take him down with a lariat. But no, Akio ducks underneath it, and once DeMott turns around Akio drills him with a Spinning Heel Kick. With DeMott laid out in the ring, Akio once again climbs up to the top rope. He might be going for his Yang-Time/Akio-Time... but no, Bill DeMott pops up to his feet and runs into the ropes. The ropes bounce up and down causing Akio to fall, and get crotched on the top turnbuckle. DeMott, who at this point is time is huffing and puffing due to working the whole match, climbs up to the middle turnbuckle. He grabs Akio and hooks him for a Superplex. Akio fights it off at first with a couple forearms to the mid section of DeMott. But the much stronger DeMott still muscles Akio up and takes him all the way down to the mat with a Superplex! And both men are down and breathing heavily. The referee starts to count out both men... but at 7, DeMott is able to roll over and cover Akio. One... TW Hardcore Holly breaks up the pin attempt by stomping on the head of DeMott.

On the outside, Mathews looked like he was about to get in the ring to do something about it, but once he locked eyes with Holly he stopped dead in his tracks. The referee chased Holly out of the ring. DeMott stared Holly down for a couple seconds before grabbing Akio and locking him in a basic Chinlock. Now folks if you recorded this, or if you've got it in your TiVo it's about time to hit fast forward, because DeMott kept it locked in for a good twenty five seconds. But I guess that's what you have to do when you have a big man in the ring for the whole match. Eventually Akio started fighting out of the chinlock, hitting elbows to the gut of DeMott. Akio battled back to his feet before hitting a big elbow that officially broke the hold. Akio bounced himself off the ropes, but DeMott snagged him and hit him with a big Backbreaker. DeMott hooked Akio's leg... One, TWO, THR but no, Holly broke up the pinfall again. Holly left the ring right away this time.

DeMott got up and exchanged words with Holly for a few seconds while Akio was trying to pull himself up to his feet. DeMott turned his attention back to Akio, before signalling for his Stacking Powerbomb that he's used to put away opponents recently. DeMott gut wrenches Akio, and his him up in the air, but it looks like he's struggling... and he is, because Akio takes him over with a Hurricanranna! Akio and DeMott are both down again, but this time Akio starts crawling over towards his corner and Hardcore Holly. DeMott sees this and starts heading towards Akio as fast as a fat crawling man can. DeMott makes one last lunge to catch him, but it's too late! Akio made the tag to Holly just in the nick of time.

Holly comes in and he's looking to whoop some ass. Right away he starts putting the boots to the kneeling DeMott, before lifting him up to his feet. Holly sends DeMott into the ropes, and on the rebound he catches him with a big Spinebuster. DeMott is in a bad, bad, bad, place so he starts crawling towards his corner. But then he remembers that his partner is Josh Mathews, so he stops and turns back to face Hardcore Holly. Holly grabs him and rams him head first into the top turnbuckle. He then grabs DeMott's hand, and reaches out of the ring and grabs Mathews' hand. He looks to the crowd for approval, which probably didn't get the pop they were looking for. Holly then smacks Josh Mathews' and Bill DeMott's hands together. The ref proclaims it to be an official tag.

Josh Mathews tries arguing it on the outside, while DeMott argues on the inside of the ring. Holly ends the diplomatic process by grabbing Mathews by his collar and flinging him over the top rope and into the ring. Mathews gets right up and tries to beg Holly off, saying that he'll just leave and get counted out if Holly doesn't hurt him. Obviously that doesn't quite work for Holly, as he grabs Mathews and hoists him onto his shoulders, before hitting him with the Alabama Slam! Holly made the cover, which the ref noticed while still arguing with DeMott. The ref dropped into position to make the count. One... Bill DeMott runs towards Holly to break up the count... TWO... Akio sees DeMott, and from the outside he hits a Springboard Dropkick that takes DeMott down... THREEEE.

Akio & Hardcore Holly d. Bill DeMott & Josh Mathews

OR: 67

CR: 56

MQ: 78


Now we head to the back for a rare Velocity backstage segment. We're in Paul London's locker room. He's still wearing that Sherlock Holmes trenchcoat, except this week he also has on the hat and the pipe in his mouth. Underneath his trench coat is his ring attire which makes for a funny visual. He has a magnifying glass and seems to be examining a locker that we are lead to believe is the same one he was "pushed" into a few weeks back. Mark Henry then walks into his locker room.

Paul London: AHA! It was you, and you've come back to finish me off once and for all! I knew you'd be back...

Mark Henry: Huh? Now ho'd up. See I aint not here to finch you of'. I was jus' gon' tellya that we got me 'n you a match on a team ta'night. An' we gotsta win cuz I need me ta be the geral manger of Velossy. Tha way I can be challengin Bro' Lessah fo' his title and ya no?

Paul London: You make a valid argument. We both need to be the General Manager, you so you can get a title shot, and me so that I could use my general managers position as a way of getting my assailant to name himself. So, we're going to go out there and win tonight... and then we're going to interrogate Funaki and Johnny Stromboli, right!?

Mark Henry: Yo whateva. Im just tryin gonna prove dat aint nobody out dere gonna come in here and be the man dats gonna beat me cause I aint never gon' done be beaten' by not nobody. Ya dig?

Paul London: Affirmative... perhaps. But yes, I'll see you out there.

OR: 55

Mark Henry Lost overness.


The match started out pretty slow. Sakoda would try and lunge at Miller, who would sidestep and do a little dance to pop the crowd a bit. They did this for a good couple of minutes until the fans started to tire of it. About three minutes into the match they started to really go at it. They did the duck and dance thing one more time, but Sakoda wasn't going to just sit there and watch anymore. He charged in and leveled the dancing Cat with a clothesline that knocked him into the corner. Sakoda ran at Cat and went for a running elbow in the corner, but Cat moved out of the way and let Sakoda smash into it. Cat hit a couple of kicks to the midsection of Sakoda before jumping up off the bottom rope and hitting a kick right to the throat of Sakoda.

Sakoda stumbled out of the corner, and almost walked right into a Feliner! Sakoda ducked, and once Miller turned around, Sakoda went for the Roaring Elbow! But Cat ducked that, and as Sakoda turned back around he got hit with an inverted atomic drop. Sakoda grabbed at his small asian family jewels, which left him wide open for a Savate Kick! Cat made the cover. One... TWO... he has his foot under the rope! But he didn't put it there, Tajiri did. Miller starts arguing with Tajiri who hops up on the apron.

Miller grabs Tajiri by the neck, but before he can do anything Sakoda charges in. He's looking for a running boot, but Miller sees it coming and sidesteps it. Sakoda connects with Tajiri's face, effectively knocking him off of the ring apron. Sakoda turns around right into the Feliner! Cat covers. One... TWO... THREE! And now it's dancing time as we had to a break.

Ernest "The Cat" Miller d. Sakoda w/ Tajiri

OR: 63

CR: 45

MQ: 82


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Big Show eventually gets up on the apron and steps over the top rope...but Angle kicks his big tree trunk of a leg before he can get them both into the ring. Angle keeps kicking away at the Big Show's leg eventually causing his knee to cave in, and for him to fall spread eagle on the top rope. Angle is pulling on the ropes while kicking Show in his leg, as a way of adding a little bit more oomph to the kicks. And hey, it's all legal because special guest referee John Cena hasn't come out to the ring yet. Angle then takes a break from the leg and starts punching the Big Show in the head, allowing him to get the other leg over the rope and into the ring.

Once Big Show got to a moderately comfortable position he seemed to regain his giant like strength, as he shoved Kurt Angle half way across the ring to create some seperation between the two. Big Show started shaking his leg to try and loosen it up after the attack from Kurt Angle. But Angle continued the offense by charging at a preoccupied Big Show and hitting him with a chopblock to his already banged up leg. It didn't take Big Show down, but it did knock him into the ropes. Angle charged in at him again, looking for another chopblock, but this time Big Show saw it coming and tried to clothesline the olympic gold medalist. But no, Kurt ducked underneath it and hit the ropes. On the way back, Big Show pivoted to face Angle, but he got met with a quick little dropkick to the knee that dropped the giant down flat on his face. Angle then grabbed the Big Show's big meaty leg and put it on the bottom rope. Angle starts stomping away on the Big Show's leg for about fifteen seconds when "Basic Thuganomics" starts playing, signalling the arrival of our Special Guest Referee, John Cena. He gets a rather loud reaction, but it's a mixture of cheers and boos. The fans don't know what to think about this guy.

He comes out in his typical street clothes, not even bothering to put on a referee's shirt. Cena makes his way down to the ring, but Angle pays him no attention and keeps on stomping the hell out of Big Show's leg. Cena gets right in there and pulls Show's leg off the bottom rope. Angle flips out on Cena, who acts nonchalant about it, as if he was just doing his job. Angle stops chewing out Cena and then turns to face Show, who boots him from the ground right in the midsection. Angle is doubled over, so Show uses this time to get up to his feet. He needed to use the ropes to pull himself up, because of the pain from Kurt attacking his leg. With the time it took for Big Show to get to his feet, Angle was ready to go again. He charged in at Big Show, but got blasted with a huge right hand to the noggin. Angle got knocked back a few feet, but came right back at Show. Show snatched his arm and pulled him in close before kneeing him in the gut. Angle hunched over, and then got clubbed in the back by the Big Show, knocking him straight down onto the mat.

Big Show rolled Angle over onto his back before limping over to the ropes and then running at Angle, and dropping a big 500 pound elbow right into his sternum. The Big Show takes his time getting up to his feet, before running at the ropes again. He's about to drop another elbow on Angle when John Cena bends down right in front of the Big Show to start pumping up his shoes. Big Show puts on the brakes, and stands there arguing with Cena for getting in his way(and completely failing to sell the work on the leg Angle did earlier on). Big Show rears back like he's going to hit Cena. Cena stands his ground and actually taunts Big Show, doing his You Can't See Me taunt. Big Show is about to swing, when from behind Kurt Angle rolls him up. Cena's doing a fast count! ONE TWO TH wait... now Cena's just leaving his hand dangling up in the air.

The crowd boos the hell out of Cena for not counting to three for Kurt. Angle gets up and he too gets in Cena's face. Big Show gets up and he shoves Angle from behind. Angle gets knocked forward right into John Cena! Both men go down from the collision, but they both pop right back up. Cena signals over to the timekeeper and tells him to ring the bell! He is awarding the match to Big Show via disqualification! It was an accident, Cena just screwed Kurt!

With the match ended, and Kurt Angle fuming, he goes to throw a punch at Cena. But before he can, Big Show turns him around and tries to hammer him with a clothesline. But Angle ducks, and he somehow manages to hit a not-so-smooth looking Angle Slam. Angle gets right up and goes to attack Cena, but once Angle gets to a vertical base, Cena put him in the Fireman's Carry and then killed him with an FU. Has John Cena alligned himself with The Big Show? Big Show starts to get up to his feet. He is on his hands and knees, when Cena charges at him and flips over his back, hitting a neckbreaker that he calls The Throwback. I guess that answers that question. Cena then drops the Five Knuckle Shuffle on Big Show before getting out of the ring and grabbing the US Heavyweight Title. He talks straight to the camera saying "This is mah belt! Mine!" For the second week in a row Smackdown nears it's ending with John Cena holding the US Title with Kurt Angle and Big Show laid out.

Big Show d. Kurt Angle to retain US Title by DQ

Video Rating: 71

Kurt Angle lost overness


Now we've got the Velocity main event of the evening, putting former tag team partners against one another. The match kicked off at a bit of a slower pace than expected with Henry and Stamboli going at it. As the match went on, London and Henry showed some decent chemistry together making tags, and hitting the occasional double team move. While Funaki and Stamboli didn't seem to trust each other whatsoever.

Towards the end we had London and Stamboli in the ring. Stamboli hit London with a low blow, to regain the advantage for his team. Of course it went undetected by the referee, but don't they always? Stamboli pounds away on London who is now trying to make his way to his corner to give Henry the hot tag. But Stamboli pulls him back by his leg. Stamboli yanks London up to one foot, before locking him in a full nelson... but that doesn't last very long, as he then hoists him up and jars his spine with a Full Nelson Slam! Stamboli takes some time to admire his handywork, when Funaki slaps him from behind to tag himself in.

Funaki gets in the ring and waves at Stamboli, pissing off the muscley italian. Stamboli and Funaki get into a shouting match, which almost proves to be disastrous as London has enough time to get a rollup on Funaki. One... TWO... Funaki kicks out. He pops back up to his feet, but Stamboli tags himself back in. Once again they get into a shouting match. This time London doesn't go for a rollup, instead he quickly crawls over to his corner, and by the time Stamboli realizes what is happening it's too late.

London makes a diving tag in to Henry who comes in and he's on fiah! He runs over Stamboli, before catching a charging Funaki with a clothesline that turns him inside out. Stamboli is back up, and he too charges at Henry, but stops once Henry gives him a menacing look. Henry approaches Stamboli, who tries to have a slugfest with him. Henry takes a couple of punches before booting Stamboli in the gut, and grabbing him in a two handed choke. Henry elevates him by his neck, and what's this? London springboards, and hits a dropkick right to the head of Stamboli, as Henry drops him with the choke bomb. Henry goes for the cover on Stamboli, but he sees Nunzio and Stamboli hitting the ring. Henry intercepts Nunzio by grabbing him, looking like he's going to hit a Fallaway Slam. But instead Henry just drops forward, squashing the small Italian. Palumbo then ran at Henry, but London caught him with a dropkick, no, the Dropsault! As he flipped over and landed a Moonsault on the fallen Stamboli. Henry clears the ring, as London makes the cover even though he's not the legal man. But hey, the ref counts anyway. One... TWO... THREE! Velocity goes off the air with London and Henry nodding towards each other. While on the inside of the ring, Palumbo and Nunzio tend to Stamboli.

Paul London & Mark Henry d. Funaki & Johnny Stamboli w/ Nunzio & Chuck Palumbo

OR: 71

CR: 62

MQ: 80


Edited by InspéctorEssa
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Thank you for the kind words toward my return, Inspector (H) ...now for my thoughts on your SmackDown brand shenanigans.

--Benoit and Rhyno equals one hell of a hot opener. It was a tight match, and I've always enjoyed whenever those two work together. For all Benoit's technical prowess, he's right at home in a smashmouth brawl, too. Excellence.

--Okay, so Shannon Moore just double-crossed the APA? Glad he's not with Hardy anymore, 'cuz Mattitude ain't open to idiots.

--"The match suffered because the crowd was pumped up from the Benoit/Rhyno match," my ass. The match suffered because it was a squash that fans of mid-'80s era WWF Superstars episodes would have shit on. But I do see Spyder warming a bit to the idea of being an MF'er.

--If the Bashams are broken up for good, Danny needs a pink slip for Christmas. I've just never warmed to him, whether in diaries, real life, or anywhere.

--ADGray brought the noise with the Tag Team title match! Damn, I was really diggin' the sequence where Chavo and Shelton traded, like, 84 pinfalls in 30 seconds or so. No time to take a drink of my beer 'cause the jaw was on the floor. Good shit.

--I do agree with ADGray on one other point...INSURANCE FRAUD? I suppose it beats murder and necrophilia, but shit. Although considering he unmasked and wasn't nearly as burned as we were led to believe...maybe you have a point.

--Um, not sure what O'Haire would want with Scotty...please explain soon.

--The Cena screwjob on Angle...meh. I would have bought Cena DQ'ing Show following Show running over Cena while he's pumping up the shoes. But, that would have required Show to remember to sell, I guess. Don't want the big galoot to overexert himself here...:shifty:

--And finally, Benoit injuring Lesnar in storyline terms=8 million bad-ass points for Chris...but somehow I don't see Benoit winning the tourney now. Will he Prove Me Wrong?

On to Velocity:

--Hardcore Holly or Mark Henry as GM? I think Holly would be pretty damn amusing, myself. Henry's drawling Ebonics would be too think for anyone to understand his rulings.

--I do love London as a Sherlock...and even enjoying Henry as kind of a Watson. Me enjoying Mark Henry? You, sir, are truly gifted.

--Cat and Sakoda=82 MQ? Huh. Never would have guessed that one.

It seems like SD suffers, even in diary terms, due to its relative lack of star power compared to Raw. But that enhances realism tenfold, and makes the search for compelling characters that much more fun.



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DECEMBER 07, 2003

The tension between General Manager Stevie Richards and Tommy Dreamer is sure to increase this week on Heat when Stevie teams up with his cohort Victoria to take on Tommy Dreamer and Ivory in an Intergender Tag Team Matchup.

Rodney Mack and Theodore R. Long will also be in the house for another edition of the 5 Minute White Boy Challenge. And In addition to that, former Women's Champion Trish Stratus will be in action! You are not going to want to miss this!

Also if you didn't catch Raw this past Monday, we will be recapping Steve Austin's announcement about the matches that will be taking place at Armageddon. So tune in to Spike TV this Sunday Night, for Heat!

PWInsider.com Reports:

- At the Sunday Night Heat tapings, Dean Malenko and Hugo Savinovich were at the announce table. Expect this mildly amusing bilingual tandem to be doing Heat commentary for a bit as the WWE seems to like their chemistry. I give it a week before it gets old.

- The WWE looks to have cut a deal with YPW based out of the Northern region of the US. This will be similar to the deal they struck with NWA: CWF last month lending them talent that was used basically for squashes. You'll see two of them on Heat, as Amanda Storm wrestled Trish Stratus, and Dean Powers took on Rodney Mack. The WWE also intends on using Dave Powers, Lance Silva, Michael Foster and Shawn Candido. After evaluation, they may be signed to a Developmental contract, or possibly be called up to the main roster right away like Spyder was. Of course the jury is still out on whether that was a good decision or not.

- Next week's Velocity is being preempted on Spike TV. Instead they will be running a special on the World's Most Desirable Women.

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The Velocity Wrestling Rant

By “The Uber-Smark” ADGray

[::] So your usual Velocity drone is away this week, which means I have the unenviable task of watching and recapping the show that the WWE forgot.

[::] We’re taped from the Smackdown set in Cleveland, OH.

[::] It’s up in the air right now who your announce team will be. I’ll explain in a sec.

[::] We open with BILL DeMOTT in the ring. Oh dear God, is he actually going to cut a promo? He is! Oh God, where the fuck is the ‘MUTE’ button?!?!?! WHERE IS IT?!?! Thankfully he doesn’t get long to speak as his picking on JOSH MATTHEWS backfires and PAUL HEYMAN comes out. Heyman runs down Velocity as not worth his while – way to build it up as something these guys really want control over. Long story short, Heyman plays the cocky authority figure to DeMott’s plucky anti-establishment underdog and makes a tag match, which will happen RIGHT NOW!!!

[::] BILL DeMOTT & JOSH MATTHEWS vs. HARDCORE HOLLY & AKIO – Holy styles clash Batman! What’s gonna happen here? DeMott starts out, jumping Hardcore Holly before the bell. Holly’s head hits the turnbuckle and he gets chopped hard by DeMott. Holly turns the tables and chops away on DeMott. A whip and a charge doesn’t work with DeMott getting his foot up. ‘Sparkplug’ runs in again and gets flapjacked onto the top turnbuckle. Crowd is dead already. Flying shoulderblock gets two for DeMott. Big Bill unloads with rights and lefts to the downed Holly but the ref steps in to stop it and Holly connects with a kick. Knee lift and a dropkick (“BEST DROPKICK IN THE BUSINESS COLE!”) and it gets two off the pin. Tag to Akio and a snap suplex/leg drop combo connects. Akio hits a second and goes to the top. DeMott catches Akio off a crossbody but Akio swings it through into a pin for two. Lariat is ducked and a spin kick. Akio climbs up top but gets crotched. Superplex by DeMott gets two until Holly breaks it up. Crowd peppers the ring with some “BORING” chants. Yeah, I wouldn’t be able to hear if I could find the damn remote. I could change the channel. Chinlock resthold is held…………………and held…………………….and held. Akio finally fights back but gets caught with a backbreaker for a near three until Holly breaks it up again. DeMott and Holly square up to each other. DeMott is nearly collapsing here. Bill looks for the powerbomb but Akio counters into a hurricanrana. Akio makes the HOT-HOT-HOT TAG~! to Holly. Spinebuster puts DeMott down on the mat. DeMott thinks about the tag, spots the Tough Enough reject on the apron and thinks better than to actually contemplate it. But Holly forces it, grabbing Matthews hand and slapping it against DeMott’s. Both guys object but Holly doesn’t care, yanks Josh into the ring and an Alabama Slam gets the three. Now people, THAT is how you bury a decent prospect. That sucked big time. I’m not even giving you a fraction of a star for that. Deal with it.

[::] Backstage PAUL LONDON is playing dress-up as Sherlock Holmes. He’s inspecting the locker he was thrown in a few weeks ago – you know, because he dragged it around the country with him. That my friends is dedication! Anyway MARK HENRY comes in and says……..something, I can’t understand a word of it. I think they’re teaming up tonight.

[::] ERNEST “The Cat” MILLER vs. SAKODA – We open with three whole boring, dull, annoying, tedious minutes of ‘The Cat’ dancing. Sakoda eventually manages to knock Miller to the mat with a clothesline but gets caught with a couple of kicks and a kick right to the throat. Sakoda duckes the Feliner, Ernest ducks the Roaring Elbow and drops Sakoda with an inverted atomic drop. Side kick should end it but Tajiri puts Sakoda’s foot under the rope. Miller grabs Tajiri on the apron, Sakoda whacks his boss with a big kick and the Feliner gets the three at 4:55. Cat dances as we leave the Velocity ring. SHITE! SHITE! SHITE! Take this crap and bin it.

[::] They recap the ANGLE vs. SHOW match from Smackdown. Read my Smackdown Rant to know what I think of that train-wreck.

[::] FUNAKI & JOHNNY STAMBOLI vs. PAUL LONDON & MARK HENRY – Well we got a London/Henry segment earlier so it’s obvious they’ll be put over in some shape or form here. Henry and Stamboli start and we get some dull brawling. Punch, kick, punch, punch, slam, elbow drop, splash, rinse-lather-repeat. Good news, I found the remote! CHANNEL UP! Infomercials. CHANNEL UP! Infomercials. CHANNEL UP! Infomercials again. But hold on, this looks interesting. Apparently I can chop all my vegetables with the SUPA VEGGIE CHOPPER 3000 in the time it takes me currently to chop a tomato. Vegetables are yucky. Anyway, back to Spike TV and the match is still going on. We’ve got London and Stamboli in the ring and London is clutching his cock. Full Nelson Slam shakes the ring but Funaki tags himself in. Stamboli and Funaki get nose to nose and London rolls up Funaki for two. Stamboli and Funaki start arguing again and London has the time to tag in Henry, who comes in swinging. Funaki is turned inside out with a clothesline and Stamboli fails miserably trying to go toe to toe with the “World’s Strongest Man”. Henry lifts Stamboli up into the air by the neck and London hits a dropkick to the skull of the Eye-Tie. Nunzio and Palumbo try to interfere but Henry squashes Nunzio and London hits a dropsault, landing on Stamboli for the pinfall win. Well, this gets *, so there you go, it wasn’t all negatives tonight. Close to it though.

[::] OVERALL THOUGHTS: No good, a lot of bad, and Mark Henry makes up the ugly here. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to find a valid credit card to purchase the SUPA VEGGIE CHOPPER 3000. Finally, I can chop onions without crying.

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Hugo Savinovich: Buena tarde todos. Para la segunda semana, con esperanzadamente muchos más a venir, soy Hugo Savinovich junto a mi colega de la difusión Dean Malenko "del Iceman".

Dean Malenko: Yes, I would love some ice in my water... oh we're on? Well, it's Sunday. It's night time. It's not really hot because its December, but that aside, it seems like the perfect time for Sunday Night Heat.

Hugo Savinovich: Sí. ¡Y una qué manera de comenzarla! El Trish Stratus del campeón de las mujeres anteriores va a golpear calor con el pie apagado para nosotros con una explosión.

Dean Malenko: Now that is just sick! Nobody wants to hear about how the amount of calories in your avacado pie almost made you explode. You're out of line Hugo. Let's get on with this match before you chase away our wonderful audience.


"OHHHH LOOK OUT BELOW" it's time for some Stevie Night Heat, as we're joined for the second week in a row by Hugo Savinovich and the "Iceman" Dean Malenko. And of course, Trish Stratus as she is heading out to the ring to open up the show. Her opponent, announced to us all as Amanda Storm, is waiting for her in the ring. She is a beast of a woman, that upon further examination looks almost as manly as Nicole Bass. Trish and the gorilla have their eyes locked on one another, as Trish makes her way down to the ring. This crowd loves her, some parts more than others of course. But that's neither here nor there, as she gets into the ring and points her hat at every side of the crowd.

Dean Malenko: It certainly looks like Trish will be giving up a lot of size to Amanda Storm.

Hugo Savinovich: Sí, solamente cerca de seis pulgadas y 75 libras. Buena observación Malenko.

Trish takes off her leather trenchy thing that she wears, and her hat. Now she's ready to go, and so is Amanda, so the ref has the bell rung. The two women slowly approach each other before locking up with a collar and elbow tie up. Storm clearly gets the better of Trish, as she starts pushing her backwards towards the ropes. Trish manages to fight her off by getting behind the big Amazonian woman, and putting her in a Hammerlock.

Dean Malenko: Hammerlock from Trish. Now that's just something you don't see nowadays. You know Hugo, back in the day that was one of my 1,000 holds.

Hugo Savinovich: Ninguna maravilla Barry Horowitz tenía un expediente mejor del triunfo y de pérdida que usted hizo.

Dean Malenko: Well... No, I don't know where you heard that rumor but I have never, ever been to Margaritaville with Barry Horowitz.

Storm tries to fight out of it after a few seconds by throwing poorly aimed elbows at Trish using her other arm. But Trish manages to duck all of the elbows, but all of the movement made her grip on the hold loosen up. This allowed Amanda Storm to turn around. But Trish stayed right on the attack. With Storm now facing a hunched over Trish, Trish tried charging forward to ram her back into the corner. She pushed Storm a couple of steps back, but the much bigger Storm was able to stop herself from backpedaling, and hit a double sledge right to the back of Trish.

Dean Malenko: Come on, this is a wrestling match, not a street fight.

Trish drops down to her knees... not like that pervs..., but Storm stays right on top of her... not like that pervs... She pulls Trish back up to her feet, and walks her over to the corner. Storm then looks like she's going to Irish Whip Trish across the ring to the other corner, but she pulls back at the last second and flings Trish back into the original corner incredibly hard.

Hugo Savinovich: AYE PAPI!

Trish hits the corner and then stumbles out right into a Backbreaker by Storm. Storm makes the cover and hooks the leg. One... TW... Trish is able to kick out.

Dean Malenko: That backbreaker could have broken her back, but Trish was still able to kick out!

Hugo Savinovich: Pienso que el propósito del backbreaker es romper a sus opositores detrás. Por lo tanto el backbreaker conocido. ¿Ya sabe?

Dean Malenko: Well that's your history lesson this week folks. Tonto would occasionally use a backbreaker in battle. Thanks for that Hugo.

The physically intimidating Storm climbs up onto the top turnbuckle. She looks like she's going to fly! But no, Trish is up and runs at the corner looking for the Stratusphere! She has her legs hooked on Storm's neck, but Storm pushes them off, and luckily for Trish she was able to land on her feet. Trish stumbles around for a second, but then Storm jumps off the top turnbuckle... looking for a, well, nothing she just jumps, and we soon see why she wasn't straining herself to execute something, as Trish hits her right in the chest with a Chick Kick that knocked her right out of midair!

Hugo Savinovich: ¡Retroceso del polluelo! ¡Trish Stratus golpeó el retroceso del polluelo!

Dean Malenko: Marco.

Hugo Savinovich: Que?

Dean Malenko: You said polo, so I say Marco. It's a game. Ohohohoho. I bet our viewers are playing along with us at home. But, Trish is all business in the ring. She just hit Amanda Storm with an Inverted Pivoting Reverse Roundhouse Kick! It's all over.

Hugo Savinovich: Retroceso Del Polluelo.

Dean Malenko: Marco!

Trish makes the cover. One... TWO... THRE, no, the ref notices Storm's foot underneath the rope.

Trish gets up off of Amanda, and starts to take a minute to catch her breath and assess the situation. But while she's doing this, Amanda Storm gets up too. Trish turns, and sees Amanda charging in at her looking for a clothesline, but Trish bends over backwards, doing the Matrix/Matrish, to avoid the clothesline. Amanda Storm stops running right away, which Trish is oblivious to. Trish straightens herself up, with her back to Storm. Much to Trish's surprise, Storm scoops her up for a back suplex. But Trish is fidgeting and fidgeting, and pushing and pushing until she gets near the ropes. Trish knows she's not safe up in the air in Storm's arms, so she kicks off the ropes and then hits the Bulldog. It's the Stratusfaction! Storm is out, so Trish covers. One... TWO... THREE!

Dean Malenko: Trish pulls out the victory using the Leg Kick Springboard Rebounding Headlock into a Bulldog Takedown!

Hugo Savinovich: Aye. El Stratusfaction.

Trish Stratus d. Amanda Storm

OR: 53

CR: 54

MQ: 52


Dean Malenko: Well that was quite the match. We will be right back after a word from our sponsors.

Molly's Mean Streak

"Bodies" by Drowning Pool is the background for this video showing what Molly's been doing recently. Don't they use this song for everything? Apparently so. Anyway...

Let the bodies hit the floor

Let the bodies hit the floor

Molly is shown Piledriving Lita onto the concrete floor after pulling up the safety mat, at Survivor Series.

Let the bodies hit the floor

Let the bodies hit the...


Molly and Gail Kim hit their Double DDT on Lita on the first Raw in November, and then on Trish the week after!

Beaten, why for

Can't take much more

Molly shoves Lita off the top turnbuckle and into the barricade outside the ring! (Survivor Series)

Here we go! Here we go! Here we go now!

Molly hits a russian leg sweep into the barricade, once again on Lita! (Survivor Series)


Nothing wrong with me.


Nothing wrong with me.

Molly has Ivory locked in a Half Boston Crab, with an intensely painful look on Ivory's face, just as she taps out. (Raw, November 17)


Nothing wrong with me


Nothing wrong with me.

Molly rips off Ivory's shirt leaving her in a bra, and whips her with the Women's Title! (Raw, November 17)


Something's got to give


Something's got to give


Something's got to give , now..

Molly has Jacqueline locked in a Camel Clutch, with the main focus being on the look of excruciation on Jacqueline's face just as she taps out. (Raw, December 1)

Let the bodies hit the floor

Let the bodies hit the floor

Let the bodies hit the floor...

It's the same footage of the Camel Clutch, except this time Molly's got the Clutch on with one arm and is punching the wide open face of Jacqueline with the other. Blood starts to trickle from Jacqueline's nose. (Raw December 1)

Let the bodies hit the floor

Let the bodies hit the floor

Let the bodies hit the floor...


Molly looks around to taunt the crowd, and then delivers a hard snap suplex to Lita right on the arena floor! (Survivor Series)

Push me again

This is the end

Molly blindsides Ivory while she is walking back up the ramp, by hitting her in the head with the Women's Title! (Raw, November 17)


Nothing wrong with me


Nothing wrong with me


Nothing wrong with me


Nothing wrong with me

Molly executes the Molly Go Round on Lita. (Survivor Series)


Something's got to give


Something's got to give


Something's got to give , now...

Molly hammers an already hurt Jacqueline with the Women's Title, after their match has already ended. (Raw, December 1)

Let the bodies hit the floor

Let the bodies hit the floor

Let the bodies hit the floor...

Molly is continuing the post match attack on Jacqueline, by choking her with the top rope. (Raw, December 1)

Skin to skin blood and bone

You're all by yourself but you're not alone

You wanted in and now you're here

Driven by hate consumed by fear

Molly suplexes Jacqueline from the ring apron, to the mats outside the ring before being restrained by the referees. (Raw, December 1)

Let the bodies hit the floor

Let the bodies hit the floor

Let the bodies hit the floor

Let the bodies hit the floor...

Once again we see Ivory tapping out to the Half Boston Crab. (Raw, November 17)


Nothing wrong with me


Nothing wrong with me


Nothing wrong with me


Nothing wrong with me

We then see Jacqueline tapping out to the Camel Clutch for the second time. (Raw, December 1)


Something's got to give


Something's got to give


Something's got to give , now...

We see Molly making a very lax pin on Lita, and winning the match. (Survivor Series)

Let the bodies hit the floor

Let the bodies hit the floor

Let the bodies hit the floor...

The video ends with Molly posing on the top turnbuckle with her Women's Title.

Video Rating: 74

Dean Malenko: We are back here live, and we're getting ready for Rodney Mack's Five Minute White Boy Challenge.

Hugo Savinovich: Bueno. Calienta mi corazón para ver Rodney Mack el rasgar aparte de un muchacho blanco cada semana.

Dean Malenko: This is a family show Hugo! We can't have you talking about your "seamana."



We're back, and in the ring we have another piece of squash. This ones name is Dean Powers, but surprisingly Amanda Storm looked manlier than he does. He's standing in the ring, when "Here Comes the Mack Militant" is heard, bringing out Theodore R. Long and Rodney Mack. Long does a hip little walk down to the ring, while Mack walks down there like you'd expect him to.

Theodore R. Long: Now hold on a minute playa. I gotta get a little sumthin' sumthin' off my chest. A couple weeks ago me and my dawg Rodney Mack came out here tellin' all ya'll 'bout how the man was holdin' us back. Every single time our Playa's Club would get bigger that crackajack in charge of Raw, Steve Austin would find some way ta get rid of them. Belie dat. So now me and Rodney are ready to go thuggin' and buggin' all over Raw, all by ourselves. Ya feel me playa?

Hugo Savinovich: Le siento.

Rodney grunts and nods his head.

Theodore R. Long: Well there's still a problem. They all too afraid to let a black man on Raw. They can't have a dark skinned brotha preachin' to the masses on Raw so they keep us... they keep us segregated here on Heat. Well not no more playa, cause we've had enough.

They finally get into the ring. Theodore looks like he's a little shooken up now. When he speaks he raises his voice louder than before.

Theodore R. Long: I have a dream, playa, that one day this promotion will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal." But lets check the fizacts on that. Can any of you honkys out there name one black man here on Raw?

Dean Malenko: Booker T is a proud African-American member of the Raw roster.

The fans start up a small Booker chant, for Booker T.

Theodore R. Long: Y'all know Booker T aint been black since he dropped a N Bomb on that whiteboy Hulk Hogan back in 97. Well just like Booker represented his African brothas back then, Rodney Mack is gonna make our whole race proud when he beats this whiteboy in less than five minutes. So come on Chad, Blake, Bradley, whatever the hell yo' name is, white devil, let's get this over with cause we gots some thuggin and buggin to do tonight. Ya feel me playa?

Hugo Savinovich: Le siento jugador.

Dean Malenko: Actually, Rodney Mack will be taking on Dean Powers. Hey another Dean! He's going to win.

Hugo Savinovich: ¿Por qué? Usted nunca ganó cualquier cosa.

Theodore goes to hand the microphone to Dean Powers, but once Dean takes it, Mack bowls him over and lands right on top of him. Mack rains down some hard right hands on Powers who tries to cover up... and fails. Mack gets up, and keeps the attack going by stomping away on Powers, who pulls himself up to his feet amidst stomps. Mack Irish Whips Powers into the corner, and follows him in with a clothesline.

Dean Malenko: That was a cheap shot. This is wrestling darnit! He's acting like this is a back alley brawl. Am I the only one who remembers wrestling being about who could wear down their opponent using a wide variety of submission moves and mat wrestling?

Hugo Savinovich: Sí. Ése era su estilo que explica porqué usted era el Radical con el menos éxito.

Powers is out on his feet, but that doesn't stop Mack from going to town on him. Mack throws chop after chop after chop at Powers, reddening up his chest, but the crowd is pretty much dead for it as they aren't even bothering to do the ol' Woooooooo after the chop. They've been dead basically since Long stopped talking. Mack then bends down, and starts to ram his shoulder into the stomach of Powers. He hits the shoulderbutt four times before going for a fifth. But this time, when he goes to ram forward, Powers leaps up onto the middle rope, and executes an Oklahoma Roll, putting Mack in a predicament with 3:22 left in this 5 Minute White Boy Challenge.

Dean Malenko: I told you Dean was going to win it!


Mack powered out of that before the one count could even be made. They both got up at the same time, which lead to Powers going for a boot to the gut of Mack. Mack, caught his foot and made him hop around on one foot for a little while, before Mack pulled him in by his leg and beheaded him with a clothesline! Mack didn't even bother going for a pin, even though it clearly looked like Powers was on dream street. Instead Mack mounted him and just started firing off punches that connected everywhere on Powers' face. Mack wasn't even going to stop, until Theodore looked at his watch on the outside, and then yelled in the ring "Wrap it up Playa." Mack got up off of Powers, and pulled his limp body up to his feet. Mack got him in a double underhook before hitting the Tiger Bomb!

Dean Malenko: That's a Double Underhook Elevated Gutwrench into a Sitout Powerbomb.

Hugo Savinovich: Diga que ayunan tres veces.

This is clearly enough already, as Powers isn't moving. There's only 1:02 left in this trouncing, so Mack just gets behind the laying Powers, and locks him in the Blackout. He's already unconscious, so he can't tap, so the referee makes the decision to end it via knockout.

Dean Malenko: Rodney Mack wins the match with the Blackout, so I guess we're going to have to wait until next time to see someone beat ROdney Mack.

Hugo Savinovich: Hombre blanco típico. Siempre deseando ver a alguien traer a un hombre del color abajo.

Dean Malenko: You're right Hugo, I am one tough hombre. We'll be right back.

Rodney Mack d. Dean Powers to win 5 Minute White Boy Challenge in 4:06

OR: 53

CR: 34

MQ: 72


We're now backstage with Stevie Richards and Victoria walking down a corridor. They both have their ring gear on this week, as opposed to looking like their usual silly selfs. Victoria is actually wearing Stevie's Hardcore Title like a necklace. A big ugly clunky necklace.

Victoria: Stevie I know you're the general manager and that you know what you're doing... but why did you book us vs Tommy Dreamer and Ivory tonight?

Stevie: Are you questioning me my tasty little sugar dumpling? I've been waiting for days and weeks and months and even years, my sweet little Victoria, to get my hands on that foul, disgusting, loudmouthed piece of trash that is lucky to even be on the Stevie Night Heat Payroll.

Victoria: Hehehe. We're gonna kick his butt! Right Stevie, right?!?

Stevie: He? I'm talking about Ivory. I've put up with her and her tomfoolery for long enough!

Victoria: Wait! Who is Tom Foolery!? It can't be a handicap match. We're doomed!

Stevie: Victoria, there comes a time in every man's life where he has...

Before Stevie can finish whatever he was going to say, Rosey came out from underneath a Coffee table in the corridor, and tried to attack him from the side. Stevie didn't even notice Rosey, that is until he heard the THUD that was Rosey hitting the wall going as fast as his not so speedy frame can take him. Rosey was dazed and confused. Victoria then walked up to him and pushed him lightly, which was more than enough to knock him over.


And fade out to the Raw highlights.

OR: 70

IPB Image

Out comes RVD. He walks right past his exploding pyro doing the thumb taunts. Van Dam then points at Chris Jericho before running down to the ring. He hops up on the apron and tries to get in, but kicks from Christian and Jericho keep him at bay, at least until the Dudleys come out. Van Dam drops off the apron and waits at the bottom of the ramp.

Then KABOOM, the D-Bomb drops, and out comes... D-Von Dudley, and there is no sign of Bubba. D-Von's hand is taped up from the heinous attack with the chair leading up to the War Games Match. D-Von and RVD exchange puzzled looks on the outside, while waiting for Bubba to come down to the ring. RVD and D-Von have their backs to the ring, waiting in anticipation of Bubba Ray Dudley. But they don't get Bubba. Instead they get caught off guard when Christian launches himself over the top rope and to the outside, colliding with the backs of both D-Von and RVD.

D-Von and Van Dam both fall down after the sneak attack, and by the time they get up Jericho, and Orton are outside the ring. D-Von and Van Dam fight off Jericho, Christian and Orton at first, but eventually the odds work in favor of Jericho, Orton and Christian. Orton gets Van Dam up against the barricade, and is unloading with chops to his chest. D-Von on the other hand is getting worked over with boots to the gut from Christian and Jericho. Orton, Jericho and Christian all glance at each other like they are setting something up. Orton then grabs Van Dam and whips him in the direction of Christian and Jericho, who return the favor and whip D-Von in Van Dam's direction. But D-Von puts on the breaks, and is used as a catapult by RVD to launch himself at Christian and Jericho. Christian and Jericho get taken down, and it looks like RVD and D-Von are taking care of business despite the odds not being in their favor.

It looked like RVD and D-Von took the advantage, but a clothesline to the back from Orton took D-Von down. Van Dam was still in the process of pulling himself up to his feet when Orton came up from behind him and grabbed him by the back of the neck. Orton spun Van Dam around and then rammed him head first right into the steel ring steps. Randy Orton then picked up RVD and rolled him into the ring. Orton quickly got into the ring and made a cover on RVD.




Van Dam kicks out just before the three count is made. Orton picked up Van Dam and backed him up into the ropes, where he went to work with chops to the chest of Van Dam. While this was going on, Bubba Ray ran out to the ringside area where Jericho and Christian were taking turns stomping on D-Von. Bubba cut off Christian first with a hard right hand. Then he hit a right on Jericho, and then another right hand on both men. Bubba then grabbed his crotch with both hands before ramming Jericho into Christian with a Double Noggin Knocker. Bubba helps D-Von up to his feet, and onto the ring apron where they watch on as Orton is still pounding away on Van Dam. Orton eventually switches from European Uppercuts and chops to a blatant chokehold. The referee starts counting, and Orton breaks the choke at three and a half. He's not too happy about the strict officiating, so he turns in a semi circle and argues with the ref before facing Van Dam and getting clocked in the head with a hard heel kick that knocked Orton goofy. Both men are laid out on the mat, as the referee starts to count them out. By the time he got to a three count, Orton was stirring but Van Dam was still laid out.

Bubba Ray is stomping on the mat trying to get the crowd riled up for RVD, and it seems to be working as Van Dam is slowly pulling himself up to his hands and knees at the count of five. But by seven Orton is up on his feet and in hot pursuit of the crawling Van Dam. Van Dam is heading towards his corner, looking to make the tag in to Bubba Ray Dudley when Orton grabs his foot and tries pulling him backwards towards the heel corner. Van Dam manages to get his other leg up and in one fluid motion kick Orton in the face and roll forward towards his corner. Orton fell backwards, into the heel corner where Jericho slapped him on the back to make himself the legal man. Jericho charged into the ring to do some more damage to his nemesis, but just as he was about to attack, Van Dam jerked himself forward and made a lunging tag to Bubba Ray Dudley.

Bubba came in and got in Jericho's way. Jericho puts on the brakes, and tries to beg off the incoming Bubba Ray, but he'll have none of it. Bubba takes Jericho down with a clothesline, and then another. He turns and blocks a punch from Christian, before hitting him with a Bionic Elbow to knock him down off the ring apron and to the floor. Bubba turns his attention back to Jericho, and narrowly dodges a clothesline. Jericho's momentum carries him into the ropes and then back at Bubba, where he walks right into a Sidewalk Slam. Orton gets into the ring now to try and halt Bubba's momentum, but he ends up getting himself halted by D-Von's spinny Back Elbow thing. D-Von says something to Bubba Ray, questioning him for being late to the match, but before Bubba can give him an answer, he gets blindsided with a clothesline from behind by Jericho. Bubba goes down, and Jericho decides to get in D-Von's face. The referee gets in between them before it can break out into a fight. D-Von gets forced out onto the apron by Rob Van Dam.

Before Jericho can turn back around to face Bubba, he gets grabbed from behind. Bubba lifts him up, looking for the Bubba Bomb, but somehow Jericho manages to free himself from Bubba's grasp, and roll him forward into a pinning predicament where Jericho is sitting on the legs and rear end of Bubba.



Bubba manages to push Jericho forward, and right into Christian making him the legal man. Bubba gets up to his feet, and Christian is reluctant to get in the ring. The referee starts to count Christian out, so he gingerly sets foot in the ring. Bubba approaches Christian, looking for a collar and elbow tie up, but Christian sidesteps Bubba and avoids the tieup. Then Christian holds his arm in the air, looking for a Test of Strength with Bubba. Bubba smirks and goes for the test of strength, but he gets kicked right in the kneecap by the creepy little bastard. Bubba hunches over and grabs his knee, when Christian drills him with a standing dropkick right to the side of his head. Bubba goes down, and Christian wastes no time before stomping Bubba so much it would make Ron Garvin think "Wow, that's a lot of stomping."

With Bubba down and hurting, Christian takes the time to show off a bit, by pointing into the crowd at random "peeps" of his, and slapping his chest as if he's dedicating the match to them. Bubba has pulled himself up to his feet, and Christian goes right back on the offensive. He grabs Bubba from behind and looks like he's going for the Unprettier, but Bubba pushes him forward into a corner. With Christian off his tail, Bubba makes a tag to D-Von Dudley.

Before Bubba can get out of the ring, Christian goes after him again, but Bubba snatches him up and hits him with a scoop slam. Bubba turns Christian around, and holds his legs up in the air, while D-Von climbs up to the top turnbuckle. The referee has his backed to D-Von and is trying to get Bubba to let go of Christian. He doesn't notice Chris Jericho getting off the apron, and going over to the timekeepers table where he grabs the Intercontinental Title. Bubba and D-Von stick their tongues out and do the whole Budweiser "WHAAASUUUUP" thing, and just as D-Von is about to jump off the top turnbuckle, Jericho jumps up onto the apron, and clocks him in the head with the Intercontinental Title. D-Von falls forward right off the top turnbuckle, right near Christian and Bubba. Jericho goes to hop off the apron, but instead Rob Van Dam grabs him and the two brawl down on the floor.

Bubba lets go of Christian to check on his brother from another mother, but before he can get to D-Von, Randy Orton spins him around and hits him with an RKO. With RVD busy on the outside, and Bubba taken out from the RKO, Christian goes over to D-Von, rolls him over onto his back and makes a cover.




As the bell rings to end the match, and Christian's music starts to play, Rob Van Dam throws a kick at Jericho to put some space between them. Then RVD slides into the ring to check on his fallen partners. And as he does, he gets circled by Christian, Orton, and Jericho. Van Dam lets go of D-Von, and gets into a fighting stance, as he wonders how he's going to escape all three men... then all of a sudden Christian's music cuts to the sound of shattering glass, and out comes the General Manager of Raw, Stone Cold Steve Austin.

Austin slides into the ring, and right away Christian, Orton and Jericho scatter out of the ring and meet up on the bottom of the ramp. Austin calls for a microphone.

Austin: Where ya guys goin? Come on, my team just beat you guys at Survivor Series so I could get my ass kickin privileges back. So why don't you all just get in the ring and line your asses up so I can give these fans what they came to see. Three Stone Cold Stunners for three stupid sons of bitches.

As the crowd starts to cheer on Austin, Jericho Christian and Orton charge the ring, but stop when Van Dam and Austin look like they're going to stomp the hell out of them.

Austin: Alright, well seeing as how you three don't want to get in the ring tonight, let's talk about ya getting in the ring at Armageddon, on pay per view in two weeks. Let's start out with... you, ya creepy little bastard. Ya remember last week when Animal called you out for a match at Armageddon? What'd you say Christian? I'll tell you what you said. You said no.


Austin: You chickened out.


Austin: You're yellow.


Austin: A coward.


Austin: You're chicken*bleep*.


Austin: Ya creepy little bastard. But, Animal said to me after Raw last week "Hey Stone Cold, you remember that favor you gave us for being on the winning team at Survivor Series?"

Christian throws a temper tantrum on the outside, bouncing up and down.

Austin: So, to make a long story short, Animal is using his favor from Survivor Series at Armageddon where he's gonna stomp a mudhole in your ass Christian. Animal vs Christian, at Armageddon and there's not a damn thing your creepy little ass can do about it Christian.

On the outside of the ring, Jericho and Orton are laughing at the fuming Christian.

Austin: I don't know what the hell you two are laughing at, cause I've gotta talk to the two of you too. Orton, look in this ring, at two of these men standing at my side. They are the World Tag Team Champions, and at Armageddon, I'm giving you and your pal Batista the chance to take them titles from them.

Orton nods his head and smirks.

Austin: But since I'm giving the two of you an opportunity, I'm going to give The Dudleys an opportunity as well. I'm going to give them the opportunity to do what they do best... put beety eyed, mealy mouthed sons of bitches like you through a table. That's right, Bubba Ray and D-Von, the Dudley Boys vs Randy Orton and Batista in a Tag Team Tables Match.

The crowd pops at the idea of a Table match.

Austin: And, now you Chris Jericho. Ya know, for someone that's been so much of a thorn in my side, I think I've been pretty fair to you. You tried to get me fired, saying I was too abusive of a GM. You had petitions, and forms, and charts and statistics against me, but when you really had your chance to do something about it, in the War Games Match at Survivor Series you got pinned by a woman! But I still put our differences aside and gave you an Intercontinental Title Match against Rob Van Dam, that you won. But what's the matter with you, using that damn title to win all your matches. The Intercontinental Title has always been about the wrestling, not cheating to win. So, seeing as how you have a bad habit of cheating with that Title I'm going to help you break that habit. At Armageddon you won't be able to use that title against Rob Van Dam.

Jericho nonchalantly responds with a "How?" from the outside.

Austin: Because it's going to be suspended from the rafters, and the only way to get the title is going to be by climbing all the way up a Ladder!

Jericho's jaw drops, as RVD vs Jericho is announced to be a ladder match.

Austin: Any questions? If you got a question just come in on here and I'll be sure to answer it for ya.

The three heels huddle up on the outside, with Christian pointing at Austin, and then looking at Jericho and Orton and pointing at his fists. The three men nod in agreement, and then charge towards the ring. But Jericho and Orton put the breaks on and stop right at the ring apron. Christian, of course goes right into the ring, and squares off with Austin, RVD and the Dudleys. He looks back to say something to his allies, but they're still on the outside of the ring. Christian throws his hands up in anger, but then gets turned around, kicked in the gut and Stunnered!

Austin: So no questions? Good, cause that's the Bottom Line, cuz Stone Cold Said So!

The glass shatters, as Austin and company call for a few beers before we cut backstage.

Christian pinned D-Von Dudley

Vitamin C & Randy Orton defeat The Dudley Boyz & Rob Van Dam

Video Rating: 84


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Victoria wanting to be a super hero was golden, but then again, anything with that pair is cool. Not to mention the stuff between Hugo and Dean Malenko, which is usually funny as hell. Heat was a pretty solid show.

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TNA still aren't anywhere near the size of the WWE in ratings, fan following, finances or anything, but the WWE is obviously starting to take note of them. After TNA started signing their top stars to exclusive contracts the WWE did their best to tie up any TNA wrestlers that weren't offered full time contracts. As a result, Abyss, Chris Sabin, Christian York, and Shark Boy were all signed to developmental contracts. This comes as a surprise to many, as Abyss, Sabin and York were regularly seen on TNA programming. It is unknown at this time why they weren't offered exclusive TNA contracts. Other TNA wrestlers that weren't offered exclusive contracts are Don Harris, Frankie Kazarian, Michael Shane, Slash, Sonjay Dutt, and Trinity. WWE reportedly made developmental offers to all of them except for Don Harris. All five have declined the contract offer, for now at least, while they wait to see if TNA will offer them a full time contract. If TNA doesn't act fast, they may end up losing Kazarian and Shane which would be a big blow to their X-Division. More news on this as it develops.

And in more news on the WWE vs TNA battlefront, it appears that the WWE has booked Universal Studios for the Raw following this Sunday's Armageddon. The show will be taped at 12 noon, to allow for editing and will be played at it's regular time.


You heard it here first folks, the Hulkster has checked himself into rehab. He was scheduled to make a return to the WWE to take part in the Smackdown Undisputed Title Tournament. It is expected that the WWE will just go on with the tournament as if they hadn't even booked Hogan for it. Hogan's redebut was going to take place on the next edition of Smackdown, but that's obviously been nixed. But don't worry, there will be one surprise debut at the Smackdown tapings as _ _ _ _ will be debuting.


We've seen three people heading in and out of Titan Towers for meetings with the boss. It is expected that they will all tie in to the storyline with Garrison Cade and Shawn Michaels. Expect to see _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and former WWF and WCW Champion _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ reappear sometime soon for this storyline. And the female we saw that we're expecting to partake in this storyline is rather predictably _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _.


And finally, in a move that nobody would put WWE above making, they have started poaching from the smaller promotions again. This is not like their working relationship with NWA:CWF, and YPW. They simply went to Kevin Martel of the Quebec based FLI, and offered him a sum of money larger than FLI could match. So, starting in March, Kevin Martel will be a WWE employee. Since he is blood related to Rick Martel, the WWE is considering having Kevin use "The Model" gimmick. Better pay, but he'll be looking ridiculous on TV.

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  • 2 months later...



Last week the card for Armageddon really started to take shape. These blockbuster matches were all announced last week:

World Heavyweight Title Triple Threat Match - Goldberg © vs Triple H vs Kevin Nash

Intercontinental Title Ladder Match - Chris Jericho © vs Rob Van Dam

World Tag Team Title Tables Match - The Dudley Boyz © vs Batista & Randy Orton

Survivor Series Favor - Road Warrior Animal vs Christian

Six Man Tag Team Match - Garrison Cade, Maven, and Mark Jindrak vs La Resistance

With just six days to go until Armageddon, you can be sure that everyone will be doing whatever they can to weaken up their opponents. Which is why in the main event we will see Evolution's Ric Flair, Triple H, Batista and Randy Orton battle it out with Kevin Nash, Goldberg and the Dudley Boyz in an Eight Man Tag. How will Kevin Nash and Goldberg be able to coexist after their confrontation last week? With seven of these eight men getting ready to participate in title matches just six days from now, you can rest assured that nobody wants to lose and give their opponent any momentum. This could go down as one of the biggest Raw main events in recent history.

Also on Raw we will see the Hurricane take on Christian. Steve Austin signed this match as a way to give Christian a "tuneup" for this Sunday when he wrestles Animal in a match that surely doesn't favor Christian. Maven will also be wrestling Rene Dupree tonight as a warmup for their upcoming Armageddon six man tag team match.

We'll also try and figure out what is wrong with Booker T this week. Rumors have surfaced about Booker T talking badly about the WWE Superstars, and his friends behind their backs. Once everyone found out about this they started to shun him in the locker room. Since then Booker T's been booted out of the locker room, and told by his friends that they don't want to see him anymore. And he hasn't shown up to Raw since. Will he show up this week to give us his side of the story? Tune in and find out.

Tune in to Raw tonight at 9 PM on Spike TV for all of these exciting matches, as well as appearances by Chris Jericho, Rob Van Dam, Road Warrior Animal, General Manager Stone Cold Steve Austin, Shawn Michaels and the sultry Trish Stratus.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I just read up to date on all my missed shows, and they are pretty good, as usual! Liked Velocity, heat was great, especially the part about Rosey runnin into the wall, and Victoria wishin she was a super hero...plus, Malenko-Hugo are funny as shit, as usual! Can't wait till RAW, to see whats gonna happen right before Armageddon. Later!

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  • 1 month later...



Raw starts backstage with Christian, in his ring attire, walking through the halls with Jericho. Jericho is reading over a paper that he has in his hands with a big smile on his face, while Christian looks over his shoulder.

Christian: But I don't get it? Don't you already have a match at Armageddon.

Chris Jericho: Don't worry about me Christian. Worry about what you're going to do in there with Road Warrior Animal.

Christian: I'm not worried. I doubt that Old Warrior Alzheimers is even going to remember to show up! Seriously, what is he, eighty?

Christian stops walking and puts a huge smile on his face like he's some sort of genius for coming up with that line. Jericho stops dead in his tracks with a blank look on his face. Jericho shakes his head at Christian before he starts walking again.

Chris Jericho: So you're strategy is to bad joke him into submission? Congratulations Junior, there's no way you can lose with that strategy.

Christian: Dude, that's not cool.

Chris Jericho: You want to see something that is cool? Check this out.

Jericho then points to a line on the paper he's carrying. Christian's eyes light up.

Chris Jericho: And there's nothing she can do about it. Well, she can try and beat me, but I'm Chris Jericho, I'm a LAAAARGER THAN LIFE LIVING LEGEND.


Chris Jericho: And you're also late for your match. So you get out there and kick some Hurri-Ass while I drop off this letter to Austin.

Christian: Believe me, the Hurricane's Hurri-Senses and Hurri-Powers are all going to be Hurri... Hurri... Hurri... well, yeah, I'm going to beat him.

Most of the crowd chuckles at Christian and his lack of wittiness tonight. You can tell by the look on his face that he is more concerned with his Armageddon match with Animal, than he is with being funny tonight. Jericho gives him that same blank look that he gave him earlier before shrugging it off. Jericho pats him on the back.

Chris Jericho: Alright, I'll meet you out there.

Jericho then turns a corner, and after he walks a little bit further he comes up to Steve Austin's office. If we had any doubt it was Austin's office (despite the nameplate on the outside of it), it was quickly confirmed by the sound of a beer being cracked open. Jericho bends down and slides the paper underneath Austin's door.

Chris Jericho: Trish, Trish, Trish. Look at what you've gotten yourself into.

We head to the ring, with Jericho smirking.

OR: 96

Chris Jericho gained overness


Hurricane's entrance is just finishing up as we go to ringside. Christian is out next and he seems to be all business tonight. He still does a couple of his mannerisms, like slapping his chest and then pointing at a "peep" in the crowd. But you can see on his face that he's more concerned about the match he was forced into with Animal at Armageddon. Christian gets into the ring, Rosey gets out of the ring, and the match is on.

Hurricane and Christian lock up in a collar and elbow tie up. Christian overpowers Hurricane and backs him up into the ropes. Hurricane breaks the tie up, and the ref tries to get some seperation between the two men. Christian backs off at first, but then he throws a hard punch that catches Hurricane off guard. Christian fires off two more punches and then whips Hurricane into the ropes. Hurricane comes back off the ropes and plows into Christian knocking him over. Christian must not have been expecting Hurricane to use his Hurri-Strength. Hurricane bounces himself off the ropes, Christian turns over onto his stomach to avoid Hurricane. Hurricane bounces off the ropes again, but this time Christian grabs him with a Hiptoss. But no, Hurricane is able to counter out of it, and hit Christian with a Hiptoss of his own. Christian pops right up and runs at the Hurricane, but he is met by a Dropkick right to the chops by the Hurricane. Christian gets up, and the Hurricane charges in at him, but Christian hits the deck and rolls out of the ring.

The ref starts to count Christian out, but Christian doesn't seem to care. He stands there pointing his finger at Hurricane as the ref hits a seven count. Then Christian walks over towards the ramp way, right in front of the ring. Once the ref's count hits nine, we hear glass shattering! It's our General Manager, Steve Austin. The referee stops his ten count, as Austin begins to talk into a mic he was carrying.

Steve Austin: What are you doing?


Steve Austin: Where are you going?


Steve Austin: You have a match.


Steve Austin: Are you scared of the Hurricane?

Christian looks back at Hurricane and throws his arms in the air in disgust. Christian then starts walking up the ramp as if he's done with the match. Austin then starts walking towards Christian, like he's looking for a fight, causing Christian to backpedal towards the ring.

Steve Austin: Well ya creepy little bastard, I think you're scared. But that's just too damn bad for you cause as of right now this match is a No Countout, and No Disqualification Match. So turn your beady little eyes around and get back in that ring.

Christian shakes his head no profusely.

Steve Austin: The way I see it, you have two options. One, you can turn your ass around and get back into that ring... or two, you can stand right there for about ten more seconds so I can walk down there and stomp a mudhole in your ass!

Christian throws his hands up to show Austin that he'll get back in the ring.

Steve Austin: That's what I thought. Oh, but Christian, there's just one more thing. Look out.

Christian looks puzzled.

Steve Austin: Cause there's a Hurricane coming through.

Austin walks back through the curtain to a tremendous pop. Christian on the other hand, turns around just in time to see Hurricane hit him with a Somersault Plancha! He landed nearly in a sitting position on Christian's chest and shoulders. Hurricane pops up off of Christian, and pulls him up to his feet. Hurricane grabs Christian by the arm and goes to whip him into the ring steps. But no, Christian reverses it and sends Hurricane towards the steps. But instead of colliding with the steps, the Hurricane jumps up and lands on them in a standing position. Christian charges in at Hurricane, but the Hurricane kicks him in the chest. Christian grabs his chest, which gives Hurricane the opportunity to grab Christian by the hair and hit him with a Modified Facebuster right onto the steel stairs!

Christian is out on his feet, grabbing his nose which looks like it may be bleeding. But he doesn't get much time to recover because the Hurricane charges in at him and hits him with his bow Clothesline. Christian drops down hard to the protective mats on the floor, while Hurricane hams it up to the crowd for a couple seconds. Then he picks Christian up to his feet and rolls him into the ring. Hurricane opts not to follow Christian back into the ring. Instead he is reaching around underneath the ring... what's he looking for? It's a table. I guess that means Hurricane is in favor of the new stipulations added by Steve Austin. Hurricane finally has the table out from underneath the ring but he needs to pay attention because Christian is on the move. Hurricane doesn't bother to open up the table, choosing to just lean it up against the ring for now. When he turns his attention back to Christian we see Christian get a running start, and then leap onto the second turnbuckle. He then uses his momentum to propel himself over the top rope for a Crossbody! But no, Hurricane moves and Christian crashes and burns!

This match has not panned out the way Christian invisioned it, and it doesn't seem like it's getting any better. While Christian writhes in pain on the floor, Hurricane goes back to his table. He lifts it up, but he doesn't bother opening the legs. Instead he walks over to the side of the ring, and places one end of the table at the end of the ring apron, and the other end at the edge of the barrier. So the table looks like it is a bridge from the ring to the crowd. After everything was in position, Hurricane pulls Christian up to his feet. Hurricane rams him head first into the ring apron before rolling him into the ring once again. Hurricane follows Christian in this time, and pulls Christian up to a vertical base right away. Hurricane walks over near his positioned table, and puts his back to it. Then he grabs Christian and Irish Whips him. Christian bounces off the ropes, and on the rebound Hurricane goes to Back Body Drop him over the top rope and through the Table! But no, Christian manages to land on his feet on the ring apron. Hurricane tries to step through the ropes to get out there with Christian, but Christian kicks the middle rope up slamming it right into the nutters of the Hurricane! Hurricane slumps his leg back into the ring, and starts to fall down when Christian grabs him in a front facelock. Christian pulls the Hurricane so that he is out of the ring, except for his legs which are still hanging on the ring ropes. Christian has him right above the table! AND HE DROPS HIM HEAD FIRST WITH THAT ROPE ASSISTED DDT RIGHT THROUGH THE TABLE! Both men are down and hurting on the outside of the ring.

Rosey rushes over to the broken table to check on his partner, but he does not get physically involved. After a decent amount of time, Christian pulls himself up to his feet using the ring apron. With blood trickling from his nose, he points at Rosey and told him to back off. Christian then yanks the Hurricane up, and quickly gets him in the ring. Hurricane is still motionless, so Christian goes for a cover. One... TWO... TH... NO! Hurricane manages to just barely jerk his shoulder up. Christian is shocked, but he goes for another pin. This time, he puts his weight down on Christian's shoulders so he can't get a shoulder up. One... TW... The Hurricane kicks out. Christian gets off of the Hurricane and starts to put some boots to his head area before pulling him up to his feet. Christian takes the Hurricane into the middle of the ring, and drops him with a Hangman's Neckbreaker. Christian makes the cover one more time. One... TWO... Hurricane still manages to get out of it. Christian slaps on a Chinlock in the middle of the ring, as we go to a commercial break.

And we're back, just as The Hurricane starts battling out of the Chinlock while Rosey is getting the crowd pumped up by slamming his big fat hands into the mat on the outside. He starts pulling himself up to his feet as Christian switches the hold over to a Side Headlock. But that doesn't stop the Hurricane. He starts throwin 'bows into the gut of Christian, breaking up the hold. Hurricane is finally freed, so he bounces himself off the ropes, but on the return Christian goes for a hiptoss. It looks like it's going to connect, but Hurricane manages to land on his feet. He lands a kick to the gut on Christian hunching him over. Hurricane pulls back on Christian's head, and is going for the Eye of the Hurricane! But no, Christian turns himself over so that he's in a front facelock, and just charges forward with the Hurricane into the corner! Hurricane is grabbing at his back. Christian manages to muscle up the Hurricane so that he's in a sitting position on the top turnbuckle. Christian climbs up to the top with him, and looks like he's going for a Superplex. But no, the Hurricane shoves Christian off the top turnbuckle, but he lands on his feet in the ring with his back to the Hurricane. Christian turns around, and sees the Hurricane leap off the top turnbuckle looking for the Overcast! But no, Christian avoids it, and the Hurricane eats canvas. He pulls himself up to a sitting position, but that is bad news for the Hurricane because Christian charges in and hits an ultra stiff kick right to the spine of the Hurricane that echoed throughout the arena! Christian makes another cover on the Hurricane. One... Christian hooks the leg... TWO... THR... but the Hurricane managed to get his shoulder up again to break the count!

Christian drives the Hurricane's shoulder back down to the mat and makes another attempt at a cover. One... TWO... Hurricane gets the shoulder up again. Christian then covers the Hurricane again, but this time he puts all of his weight on the upper half of the Hurricane to keep his shoulders pinned. One... TWO... TH... Hurricane kicks out! Christian gets up and starts arguing with the referee, because clearly he's causing the Hurricane to kick out. After a few seconds of not so friendly debate, the Hurricane is up to his feet. He's standing but you can see that he's hurting. Christian turns around and Hurricane lunges for a Superkick, but Christian grabs his foot, and spins him around in a circle. Christian then hoists the somewhat dizzy Hurricane up onto his shoulders in a Fireman's Carry. Christian looks around for approval first, before pressing the Hurricane over his head, and dropping him gut first on his knee! The Hurricane goes down and is grasping at his stomach, looking like the wind got knocked out of him. Christian pulls the keeling Hurricane up to his feet and whips him hard into the turnbuckle. The impact in the corner sends the Hurricane stammering right back out to Christian, who scoops him up effortlessly and drops him down with a Flapjack. That couldn't have done any favors for Hurricane and getting his wind back.

With the Hurricane down and hurting, Christian heads off to the corner, where he climbs up to the middle turnbuckle. He takes some time to point out his peeps in the crowd, before getting back to business. Christian jumps off the middle turnbuckle... and eats a foot to the face from the Hurricane! He's not out of it yet! Hurricane staggers up to his feet, while Christian wobbles around stunned. The Hurricane grabs Christian from behind, and hits him with the Eye of the Hurricane! Both men are down, and the Hurricane is just too spent to make a cover. The referee starts counting both men out, but by the count of six the Hurricane is up to a knee. He uses the ropes to help him up to a vertical base. Hurricane looks over at Christian, and then looks to the crowd before pointing up. It looks like he's going to the top rope.

The Hurricane starts his very slow ascension to the top rope, which gives Christian enough time to slowly get back to his feet. He catches a glimpse of the Hurricane perching himself on the top rope, and makes a quick lunge at the ropes which makes Hurricane lose his balance. He ends up falling spread eagle on the top turnbuckle, effectively crotching himself. With the Hurricane prone in a bad position, Christian makes his way to the corner and climbs up to the top. Christian lifts the Hurricane out of his seated position, and hooks him up for a Superplex. He lifts him up, but, no The Hurricane has his foot tucked underneath the turnbuckle. Christian tries to lift him up one more time, but the Hurricane counters it by shoving Christian. Christian flies off the top turnbuckle and lands dick first on the top rope! Hurricane looks like he has something up his sleeve, as he positions himself to the side of the turnbuckle. The Hurricane leaps off the top turnbuckle and hits a modified version of his Shining Black right to the side of Christian's head!

The Hurricane lands in a heap, while Christian tumbles back into the ring head over heels. Both men are down AGAIN after that sick ass move by the Hurricane. The referee starts to count them both out again, but once he hits seven, the Hurricane manages to turn Christian over and drape an arm across his chest. The ref counts... One... TWO... THREE!

But wait, no, that can't be, the refere sees Christian's foot underneath the ring rope, due to his landing from the flying Shining Black. The referee says that there's no pin, so the match must go on. The Hurricane slowly gets up to his feet again, and takes some time to question the referee on not counting the pinfall. Hurricane sees that the ref isn't going to budge on the issue, so he once again heads to the high rent district, as Christian is pulling himself up to his feet. Christian finally gets up, and looks like he's on dream street. He stutter steps around until facing Hurricane's direction. The Hurricane leaps off the top rope and connects with a High Crossbody. But no, Christian somehow rolls through it into a pinning predicament. One... TWO... the Hurricane manages to kickout!

Both men pull themselves up to their feet as quickly as they possibly can. But the Hurricane is a step quicker than Christian. He runs in at Christian and looks for a clothesline, but Christian ducks underneath it. He grabs the hurting Hurricane's arms, and sets him up for the Unprettier! But what's this, Christian is getting lifted up! Hurricane has him in the Vertebreaker! Christian looks like he is fighting it... and he manages to drop out of the hold behind Hurricane. Christian rolls him up and gets a handful of tights. One... TWO... THREE!

Christian def. The Hurricane

OR: 88

CR: 77

MQ: 100


Christian lets go of the Hurricane, and both men slump down to the mat. Christian gets up to his feet first and walks over to his corner where he leans against the ropes. Rosey gets in the ring, and helps the battered Hurricane up to his knees. Rosey tries to pull him all the way up, but the Hurricane pushes his arm away. He gets up under his own power, and he seems to have a bit of an upset look on his face. Hurricane isn't looking too happy, as he is avoiding Rosey and saying something to himself. He looks pissed about losing that hard fought matchup.

Christian comes out of his corner and approaches the Hurricane. At first Christian stares him down, but then he sticks his hand out to the Hurricane. Hurricane, being the posterboy for sportsmanship extends his hand, despite Rosey specifically yelling at him not to. And I bet he wishes he would have listened, as Christian just pulls him in and cleans his clock with a Short Arm Clothesline. Rosey lunges at Christian who hightails it out of the ring. Rosey goes to check on the Hurricane when he notices that Christian is walking pretty slowly up the ramp due to the wear and tear from his match. Rosey leaves the Hurricane and runs after Christian. He grabs Christian by the back of his pants and turns him around before leveling him with a punch to the chin. Christian goes down, but Rosey picks him right up and rolls him into the ring. Rosey spins around him, before doing that spinning leg drop right across his throat.

Rosey picks Christian up and sets him up for his finisher that's been called the Catatonic, and the Gunn Slinger, but as he is spinning Christian around, Rosey gets drilled in the head with a Steel Chair! It's Chris Jericho! Rosey drops Christian and then falls down hard after the chair shot. Then it's heel beatdown time. Christian and Jericho gangstomp Rosey, for a while before Christian lifts him up so that he's in a sitting position. Jericho gets the chair and delivers an unprotected shot right to the cranium of Rosey. Rosey is busted open pretty badly. So Christian is bleeding from his nose, while Rosey is slowly but surely gathering up enough blood for a crimson mask. Jericho chucks the chair out of the ring, and then picks up Hurricane. He feeds him right to Christian, who drops the Hurricane with an Unprettier. Jericho then runs to the ropes and hits the Lionsault right across the back of the Hurricane who really must feel like death by now.

The two heels get together and are about to leave the ring when...


hits on the PA System. RVD is standing in the entranceway, and he's not alone. He's got a big ass ladder with him! RVD slowly stalks his way down to the ring, while Jericho and Christian have a better idea. They're not going to stick around and wait for RVD. They'll just leave through the crowd. They get out of the ring and are about to hop the barricade, when we hear a loud cheer from the fans. Road Warrior Animal is in the crowd and making his way to the ringside area. Animal and Rob Van Dam have these two men cornered. Christian and Jericho climb back into the ring, with Animal on the outside at one side and Van Dam on the other with his ladder.

Christian and Jericho try to strike first, as Jericho reaches over the top rope to try and grab RVD, but instead Van Dam just thrusts the ladder upwards and catches Jericho with it right underneath his jaw. Jericho goes down, as Van Dam slides the ladder in the ring. Animal and Van Dam both get in the ring. They surround Christian so that he has nowhere to go. With Christian facing Animal, Van Dam gives him a push which leads right into the left hand of Animal. Christian goes down, holding his already bloodied nose. Animal hoists him right back up and plants a boot into the gut of Christian. Animal then Irish Whips Christian into ropes. On the rebound, Animal hits Christian with a thunderous Powerslam!

Animal is about to get himself some more of Christian, but Jericho who had rolled to the outside of the ring a little bit after the ladder shot, manages to pull Christian out of harms way. Jericho and Christian hobble off to the back together, while Van Dam sets up the ladder and climbs up a few rungs. Van Dam stares Jericho dead in the eye, and then does the R...V...D thumb taunt, while Animal points at Christian with a huge smile on his face.

OR: 84

Now we head backstage where we see Steve Austin walking in the corridor leading up to his office. He comes up to his door, and swings it open but much to his surprise, and all of the fans surprise we see Lita, Ivory and Jacqueline back there. The three of them are sitting down on the couch. Jacqueline is actually massaging Ivory's shoulders, while Lita keeps an ice pack on her head. Austin smiles at them, and then holds a finger up as if to say to them "give me a second." Steve Austin then shuts the door, and looks at the name plate on the door. It looks like he is making sure it's his office and not the Diva locker room. The fans get a chuckle out of this. Austin straightens his shirt a little bit, takes his hat off, and checks his breath before opening up the door and going back into his office.

Steve Austin: Sorry about that ladies. So uh, what can Stone Cold do for ya.

Ivory motions for Jacqueline to stop massaging.

Ivory: Mr. Austin, the three of us are here to make a formal complai...

Steve Austin: Whoa whoa whoa, let me stop ya right there. I know that Eric Bischoff is a creep, and I aint saying that he didn't grab all of your asses, or that he didn't treat all three of ya like strippers at the Gold Club. But Bischoff isn't the General Manager anymore. So, if you got a probl...

Jacqueline: Naw Mistah Austin, that aint it. See we're making a complaint about that bitch Molly.

Ivory: The women's division here on Raw isn't about piledrivers, chairs and hitting your opponents with the Women's Title. It's about being competitive inside the ring, and putting a smile on the face of our audience. Molly has taken it all way too far. So on behalf of every diva working for the WWE, we would like you to stop this before it gets too out of hand.

Steve Austin: Well what the hell do you want me to do about it? Cause I'm all for stompin' a mudhole in her big round ass.

Ivory: Actually Steve, erm, Mr. Austin, we think the best way to solve this problem is to just strip her of the title. If nobody has to be anywhere near her, especially in the ring, then there's no way she could keep attacking us.

Lita: What? We said we were coming here to try and get me a rematch with Molly at Armageddon!?

Steve Austin: Now hold on just a second all three of ya. You two want me ta' strip her of her Women's Title just cause she kicked your ass a couple times?

Ivory and Jacqueline both give a quick yeah in response.

Steve Austin: Well NAH-AH. That might be the way Eric Bischoff used to run things, but not anymore. If you want the title off of her then why don't you just beat her?

What chants start up in the crowd.

Steve Austin: Train hard.


Steve Austin: Eat your spinach.


Steve Austin: Take your vitamins.


Steve Austin: Switch to light beer for a while. I'm not stripping the title off of her and that's the bottom line, CAUSE STONE COLD SAID SO.

Sensing defeat, Ivory and Jacqueline leave. Lita gets up, and starts to head for the door but she stops.

Lita: Steve, please, just give me this rematch at Armageddon this Sunday.

Steve Austin: Lita you and I both know that you're not medically cleared to wrestle. Once you are, you come back here and you'll get your rematch, but it might not be against her.

Lita seems upset once she finds out that Austin knows about her not being fit to wrestle.

Lita: What do you mean? I'm not going to be out that much longer.

Steve Austin: Let's just say that I've got a surprise in store for Molly at Armageddon. She's gonna have her work cut out for her, because she's got herself a No Disqualification match against... hey what's that?

Lita: A no disqualification match? She'll kill the other woman! Who is it?

Austin looks down by Lita's feet and sees a piece of paper.

Steve Austin: You're just going to have to wait and see, just like everybody else. Lita, go home, take a couple of weeks to get yourself feeling better. I'll send one of the doctors to check you out in a few weeks, and if everything checks out good you can come back for your rematch.

Lita flashes a timid smile at Austin.

Lita: Okay, thanks.

Lita leaves the office. Austin goes over to where she was standing, and picks up the piece of paper that he saw. It turns out that this is the paper that Chris Jericho left underneath his door. Austin reads the paper for a good fifteen seconds, while whistling.

Steve Austin: Damn these girls are crazy. Two of them want me to strip a champion, Lita wants a title shot when she can barely walk, and now Trish Stratus is demanding a match with Jericho at Armageddon? Too much estrogen running 'round these hallways.

OR: 94

We're still backstage, but this time we head to the locker room of Garrison Cade, Mark Jindrak, Maven and Stacy. Jindrak is looking pissed off, Cade has a cocky little smirk on his face, and Stacy is looking disappointed in herself. Once the segment starts you can tell that Maven is trying to play peace keeper.

Garrison Cade: Once again your managerial talents really shined last week, huh Stacy?

Stacy just blushes and keeps her head down.

Garrison Cade: What would Mark have done without you last week? Oh, that's right, he would have WON THE DAMN MATCH.

Stacy Keibler: I... I... I just wanted to help.

Cade says "I just wanted to help" in a mocking tone.

Garrison Cade: Yeah, well you didn't. And as a matter of fact, you haven't helped us once since Shawn Michaels did us this greeeeeat big favor. NOT ONCE. What the hell is the point in even keeping her around?

Jindrak breaks his silence.

Mark Jindrak: That's enough Cade. Damn, I'm pissed about losing too but you can't put the blame on her. It's my fault, and I lost the damn match so if you have anything at all to say about it, say it to me.

Jindrak stands up and starts to get in Cade's face a little, but Maven gets in between them.

Maven: Guys, guys, stop it. Come on Mark, six days from now the three of us are in a six man tag against La Resistance. Do you really want to beat his ass down now and go into the match a man short?

Jindrak thinks for a second and then takes a couple of steps back, but never breaking eye contact from Cade.

Maven: Good, let's wait until after Armageddon to beat his ass.

No more peaceful Maven. Cade shoots him a look of surprise.

Maven: We've tried talking to you Garrison, we've tried figuring out what's gotten into you these past few weeks, and you don't want to talk about it. All you want to talk about is how you're replacing Stacy next week. So here's the deal Garrison, either you explain yourself to us right now, or after our match on Sunday our team will be over. And our friendship will go right along with it. So either you're going to talk, or come Sunday you're going to go one way, and me, Cade & Stacy are going to go the other. So what is it?

Cade: What is MY problem? My problem is that you two worship that egomaniacal, self centered has been, Shawn Michaels. He did us a favor at Survivor Series and teamed up with us to take on Evolution. But, what the hell kind of favor was it? He got eliminated first! FIRST. And who was the last man standing on our team? Me! But did you guys say gee thanks Garrison, that was quite the performance out there? No, you said, wow we might have lost but at least we got to team up with Shawn Michaels! Shawn Michaels is a glory hog and you two are feeding right into his crap. I busted my ass, and got no thank yous, no good jobs, no nothing, but Shawn got his ass kicked and you guys praised him for it. How would that make you feel?

The look in Maven's eyes show that he kind of sees where Cade is coming from. Jindrak on the other hand just keeps staring a hole through Cade. Cade then points to Stacy.

Cade: And her, you guys get on my case for giving her a hard time. Shawn Michaels got her to manage us and suddenly you think she's the greatest manager ever. Well let me tell you two something, she's nowhere near the Bobby Heenan's, the Miss Elizabeth's, or the Freddie Blassie's. She's closer to being a Harvey Whippleman than she is to being one of those three. But just because she's doing it as a favor to Shawn, you guys like having her around. But why? Does she actually bring anything to the table for us? No, all she did was help one of them Frenchies beat Jindrak last week, but I'm the bad guy for pointing that out.

Maven: Look man, nobody said you're the bad guy. Your attitude's just been bugging us lately.

Cade snaps back angrily.

Cade: Do not interrupt me. I tried to be civil about it. I tried telling her that we didn't need her but you guys said we did. Fine. I found another manager that has a proven track record of making stars, to replace Stacy. But no, you guys don't want to do that. Well if you guys want Stacy to stick around, fine, but as long as I'm here, I'm going to have my own manager accompany me to the ring. And you can find out just who that is, at Armageddon.

Maven: Let's just calm down man. We'll work something out.

Cade gives Maven a little push.

Cade: I told you not to interrupt me.

Jindrak goes towards Cade but Maven tells him not to.

Cade: Since your new motto seems to be "What Would HBK do?" I think I'm going to use it for myself as well. Except I know the real Shawn Michaels. So next time you see me interfere in a match, don't say a word. Next time I pay off a referee, don't say a word.

The crowd boos at the vague mention of the Screwjob.

Cade: Next time I get someone bigger and stronger than I am to do my dirty work, don't say a word. Next time I cheat to win, don't say a word. Don't say anything, just think to yourselves, "Wow, that Garrison Cade is an awful lot like my hero Shawn Michaels."

Nobody says a word for a couple seconds.

Cade: Now I'm done Maven.

Maven: Okay, don't get so defensi... Hey? Garrison? Where you going?

Cade just walks out of the room without listening to a word that Maven says. This leaves Maven, Jindrak and Stacy all shaking their heads.

Maven: I guess we better go for our match. Come on guys.

OR: 88


La Resistance comes out first. Dupree and Grenier get some cheap heat by waving their French flags around. They make their way into the ring, and Grenier hands his flag to Conway, who starts waving it around but not with as much pride as Grenier was waving it. Grenier grabs a microphone.

Sylvan Grenier: Eet ees time for I, Sylvan Grenier to sing for all, French National Anth'am.

Grenier clears his throat, while Dupree and Conway keep waving their flags. Some music cues up, but it's not French sounding, no, it's the theme song from the first series of Tough Enough. Maven and Mark Jindrak come running down the ramp, with Stacy Keibler pulling up the rear. Maven and Jindrak slide in underneath the bottom rope. Conway and Grenier try to greet Jindrak with clotheslines, but Jindrak ducks underneath it and then clotheslines both men over the top rope. Dupree on the other hand tries to hit Maven with the French flag. Maven ducks underneath it, and when Dupree turns around, he meets him with a boot to the gut. Dupree drops the flag, but Maven picks it up and breaks it over his knee. Dupree throws his arms up in a fit of rage, and then tries to pick up the two pieces of the flag. He bends down to pick up the pieces, but Maven rushes in and nails him with a knee lift right to the chops.

The referee, who at this point in time is by the ropes pointing out towards Jindrak, Conway and Grenier is trying to get them to break it up. The three men are brawling, and Jindrak is holding his own despite the double team. The referee has had enough of them already and decides to ban all three of them to the back! Conway and Grenier try to argue with the referee, but Jindrak grabs them both by their head and hits them with a Double Noggin Knocker! Now that's old school. Jindrak starts to head to the back with Conway and Grenier in tow.

The referee grabs the two broken pieces of flag pole and throws them out of the ring. Dupree starts to get up after the knee lift, but he is met with a series of punches by Maven and a whip into the ropes. Maven ducks his head for a back body drop, but he telegraphs it and Dupree almost kicks his head off. With Maven grabbing his head, Dupree grabs him by the back of his neck and just slams the back of his head down hard to the mat. Dupree does a little bit of the French Tickler for the crowd before bounching himself off the ropes. On the way back he jumps up, gets some decent height and lands an elbow right across the sternum of Maven. Dupree then makes a very arrogant cover. One... TW, no, Maven still has too much left in the tank.

Dupree gets up and after a couple stomps to the chest, he lifts Maven up too. Dupree scoops him at the side, takes a couple of steps and then drops him across his knee with a pendulum style Backbreaker. Dupree leaves Maven in the position of the Backbreaker and starts pushing his weight down on the shoulders of Maven, to stretch him out even more. It's a decent looking hold that Maven sells pretty well. Maven is having a hard time getting out of the hold, and he has no momentum to get him to the ropes. The referee asks Maven if he gives up, but no, Maven isn't ready to throw in the towel just yet. Dupree acknowledges this by using his free hand to pull on the ropes to put some extra force on the hold. The referee thinks something fishy is going on when Maven starts to scream out loud. The referee gets out of position and checks for foul play, but Dupree let go of the ropes already. The referee looks around and then drops back into position and asks Maven if he wants to quit again. Maven still says no, but once again he starts to yell out loud. Dupree is getting leverage from the ropes again! This time Stacy Keibler sees it. She takes off her high heels and places them on the ring apron, and then climbs up onto the apron. She uses her long legs to kick Dupree's arm off of the ropes.

Dupree drops Maven and yells at Stacy Keibler. The referee inquires about what's going on, and Dupree says that she attacked him. Stacy denies it, and after about thirty seconds of arguing, the referee tells Stacy to get to the back! She's been ejected along with Jindrak, Conway and Grenier. Dupree turns back around, but much to his surprise, he's met by a Jumping Calf Kick from Maven. Dupree is caught off guard, but he gets back to his feet only to be met with a Dropkick straight to his face. Dupree gets up quickly and tries to crawl away to the safety of the corner. But Maven, despite holding his back, catches up to him from behind, and hooks him in a waistlock... Maven lifts him, and hits him with a release German Suplex. Maven goes for the cover. One... TWO... THR KICKOUT!

Dupree kicks out, but Maven isn't discouraged. Instead he climbs up to the top turnbuckle and waits for Dupree to climb up to his feet. Dupree first slithers his way over to where his altercation with Stacy Keibler occured. Then he manages to stand up, facing Maven. Maven leaps off the top turnbuckle, looking for his Flying DDT, but as he is about to connect with it, Dupree levels him in the head with something. He had the item concealed, and threw it out of the ring after contact. What was that? It was Stacy's high heel! Maven looks like he's out of it, and Dupree makes the cover. One... TWO... THREE

Rene rolls off of Maven and quickly gets out of the ring. Maven has a dazed look in his eye, but you can see him shooting a look at Stacy that leads us to believe that he might be starting to believe what Cade has been saying about Stacy.

Rene Dupree def. Maven

OR: 74

CR: 71

MQ: 77


After a quick commercial break we come back to ringside and hear a loud siren going off. It's the RTC! Not quite. It's actually Scott Steiner, Test and their new freak Lucy. Test and Steiner are all smiles, and so is Lucy but thats to be expected because all she does is smile and scream. Test stops and stares down Jerry Lawler who responds with a deep stare of his own. But soon enough Test just starts laughing at him, and continues to walk down to the ring.

Scott Steiner: Cut our damn music. The Heart Break Kid, Shawn Michaels... Last week we made a example outta you. You stuck your stinkin' nose in our business when you took Test's property, OUR property away from us.

Test takes the mic.

Test: Yeah, Stacy was... no Stacy is, MINE. I won her fair and square, and I want her back. No offense or anything Lucy.

Lucy looks dejected, and then she takes the microphone. First she screams into the microphone, but luckily for you all I want try and transcribe that.

Lucy: But but but but but I thought you said you wanted ME!!!! (screaming) and not Stacy.

She lets out another howl before Steiner takes the microphone back.

Scott Steiner: Oh we want you Lucy, but we want Stacy too. Two girls are better than one.

Test: Double the pleasure and double the fun, tootse.

For some reason that put a smile back on her face.

Test: You see Shawn, trying to play hero against us just doesn't work. You learned that the hard way when we Powerbombed you through that Announce Table. But you're not the only one that tried to save the day. Roll the footage.

Test grabs Michaels, and hoists him up onto his shoulders, and with Steiner, Double Powerbombs Shawn Michaels through the announce table! Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler get out of the way just in time to avoid getting their faces splintered.

Steiner and Test stand over Michaels, yelling about how he got what was coming to him, when Stacy breaks free of Lucy's grasp. She tries to make a run for it, but Steiner snatches her, and Gorilla Presses her. He looks like he's going to chuck her right down onto the broken table with Shawn Michaels. But wait, Jerry Lawler stands up and throws his headset down. Lawler approaches Steiner, who puts Stacy down and shoves the King. Lawler slugs him a shot right in the mouth, but when he turns to do the same thing to Test, he gets dropped with a huge right hand. Lawler gets up quickly, but by the time he is up Test has a chair in his hand and absolutely wallops the King with it. Steiner grabs Stacy again, but before he can drag her away with them, Mark Jindrak, Maven and a slew of road agents have pulled him off of Stacy. The trio of Test, Steiner and Lucy all leave with smiles on their faces.

Test: King tried to play hero too, and look where it got him. Face to face with a steel chair.

Test passes the microphone over to Steiner, while he puts on a huge smile and Lucy claps maniacally.

Scott Steiner: So here's what we're going to do tonight. First, Jerry Lawler, you're gonna sit your fat, old ass down in your chair and stay there.

The fans give off a decent amount of heat to Steiner's comment.

Scott Steiner: And, second, Shawn Michaels you're going to get your scrawny little ass out here. And you better drag Stacy out here with ya.

After about five seconds of them waiting for HBK, Test takes the microphone.

Test: Come on Michaels, we don't have a...

"Oh Oh Shawn!" Shawn Michaels comes out and he looks ready for a fight. He's got a microphone, but he doesn't have Stacy Keibler. HBK gets down to the ringside area.

Shawn Michaels: Jerry Lawler in his chair... check. The showstoppa's "scrawny little ass" out here.... check. Stacy, Stacy, Stacy? Where did I leave my Stacy? Oh well, what do you say boys, two out of three aint bad?

Scott Steiner: Shawn you either go back there and get her, or bring your ass in here. You want more of what you got last week? All you gotta do is ask.

Shawn nods his head in sarcastic agreement before looking for a way to get into the ring without getting his ass kicked.

Jerry Lawler: Shawn, Shawn, hold on a second.

Lawler stands up, takes his headset off and starts to jog down towards Shawn Michaels.

Jerry Lawler: You two are all big and bad when you're hitting divas like Stacy, or attacking me and Shawn Michaels from behind. What I want to find out is how big and bad you two are when it's a fair fight.

Shawn Michaels: That's a good idea King. Let's find out.

Michaels and Lawler both get into the ring, and are met by stomps from Steiner and Test, respectively. Eventually Michaels and Lawler both get up to their feet, despite the stompings. Michaels goes punch for punch with Steiner, while Lawler goes punch for punch with Test. Steiner starts to get the upper hand on his brawl with Michaels. He has the heart break kid reeling, but when he goes for what looks like it could be the knockout blow, Shawn ducks underneath it and launches himself into the ropes. On the rebound he ducks underneath a Steiner clothesline and hits the ropes again. This time, on the way back Michaels propels himself into the air and takes down Steiner with a flying forearm straight to the forehead.

While Michaels and Steiner are going through their exchange, Test was clearly getting the better of the much older Jerry Lawler. After Test lands a few hard left hands in succession, Lawler manages to poke Test right in the eye. Test stumbles a little bit while grabbing at his eyes. While this is going on, Shawn Michaels is tuning up the band. With each stomp Steiner gets a little bit closer to being in a standing position.

Jerry Lawler pushes Test forward a little bit and then runs up behind him and kicks him right in the back of the legs, taking the big man down. Lawler then climbs up to the middle turnbuckle. He holds his fist up to the crowd, drawing a good pop. As he is doing this, Steiner gets back up to his feet. Michaels is about to Superkick his head off when Lucy jumps in front of Steiner. Lucy starts screaming at Shawn Michaels, who puts the brakes on to avoid Superkicking her. Scott Steiner takes this opportunity to get out of the ring. Michaels starts to walk over to Test, but Lucy decides it'd be much more fun to jump on his back. She's trying to choke Shawn Michaels, but he just flings her over his shoulder effortlessly.

Test is still on the ground grabbing at his eyes, and he's about to pay for it because the King jumps off the middle turnbuckle and nails him right between the eyes with a Flying Fist Drop! Right after the Fist Drop, Steiner grabs Test by his ankle and yanks him out of the ring. They call for Lucy to get out of the ring, and as she tries to get out Shawn Michaels grabs her. HBK laughs to Lawler, before pressing Lucy up over his head. She starts screaming again, but this time she is screaming in fright. Michaels runs towards the ropes and launches her over the top rope and right at Test and Steiner. They manage to catch her in midair, but that doesn't stop Lucy from screaming her head off for the rest of the walk back up the ramp, with Lawler and Michaels laughing the whole time.

OR: 72

Shawn Michaels lost overness.

After the brawl we head to the back where it looks like we're about to see another brawl. Goldust is in a room with Rosey, Spike Dudley, Tommy Dreamer, Rico and Jackie Gayda. At seems like we're joining this conversation in progress.

Tommy Dreamer: I don't want to believe it either, but we've heard the things that Booker has said about us.

Rosey: Yeah Goldy, I thought me and the Book were friends. But now I'm hearing that he only thinks of me as a "superhero wannabe."

Goldust: That's not that bad! You're the STUP, STUP, STUP, SUPER HERO IN TRAINING!

Rosey: A "superhero wannabe" and a "fatass that runs around in his pajamas."

Goldust snickers a little bit. Then he busts out into a hysterical fit of laughter. A few seconds later he suddenly stops laughing.

Goldust: Oh, um, sorry. I know Booker T, and I know that he would NEVER say that about you Rosey. Booker T doesn't think you're a fatass in pajamas... he thinks that you're friggin HUUUU, HUUUU, HUUU

Rosey starts to grimace as he thinks that Goldust is about to call him Huge.


Spike Dudley: Well how do you explain this one Goldust. Word has it that Booker T is going around saying that he's got something in his pants that's bigger, stronger and better looking than I am.

Goldust starts laughing..

Goldust: Come on Spike, do you real...

And as we're talking about genitals, Mr. Big Dick, Lance Storm walks into the room with Val Venis.

Lance Storm: Whoa, it's pretty tense in here. What's going on Goldy?

Goldust: All of these guys think that Booker T is talking smack about them and they're all acting like they are HIGH, HIGH, HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS!

Rico: That's not true!!!! I heard that Booker T thinks I'm, well, GAY! Can you believe that!?!?

Goldust: Yeah.

Lance Storm: Pretty much.

Val Venis: Definitely. I think I ordered the wrong movie once and saw you in Anal Inv...

Rico: That's enough! What's in the past is in the past. But if you want to bring it up, I'll see you in the ring. We can talk about it there. Jackie let's go!

Rico grabs Jackie by the hand and tries to lead her out of the room, but Lance Storm and Val Venis sandwich her and start grinding into her like the guys from the SNL skits that inspired Night At The Roxbury. Rico pulls harder and Jackie finally gets out of that meat sandwich. As she leaves she winks at Storm and Venis.

Goldust: Look, if the rest of you guys still think Booker is talking trash about you, just watch his interview live on Raw two weeks from tonight. Maybe he'll give you some answers then.

Goldust goes to leave the room with his buddies Storm and Venis, when Rosey pushes Goldust face first into the door.

Rosey: I'm sick of being considered a joke. Me and the Hurricane are real Superheros and if Booker T thinks that we aren't... well, we'll prove it to you at Armageddon. Us two against you Goldust, and one of your friends here in a tag team match. We'll prove that we're the real thing, and then you can go tell Booker T to keep his mouth shut.

Goldust looks like he's going to strike Rosey, but decides against it.

Goldust: You're on!

Goldust, Storm and Venis leave the room while Rosey walks over to his duffel bag. Suddenly we hear a big SWOOOOSH.

Rosey: Did you see what just happened?

The Hurricane: No Citizen Roosevelt. Care to enlighten the Hurricane?

Rosey: You remember what Booker T was saying about us?

The Hurricane: Affirmative.

Rosey: Well, that, that, FREAK Goldust just came in here and started defending Booker T. So I just challenged him and one of his friends to a tag team match at Armageddon.

The Hurricane: Holy predicaments Batman. Rosey, the trainer just checked me out and said that I needed to take the rest of the week off. That means I can't wrestle at Armageddon.

Rosey: But you're a superhero, you have to be cleared to wrestle!

The Hurricane: Relax Citizen Roosevelt. We'll just have to make a phone call to the Justice League. We'll find a partner for you.

We then cut to ringside where Rico and Venis are both in the ring.

Overall: 73


Venis takes off his towel, and instead of throwing the towel out of the ring he walks over to Miss Jackie and reaches out of the ring to hand it to her. All the while he is flashing a big smile her way, and eyeing her up. Miss Jackie starts to blush a little bit, but love connection ends abruptly as Rico takes advantage of Venis' flirting by clubbing him in the back. Venis, who was leaning through the ropes, gets dropped down so that he is hunched over the middle rope. Rico starts taking some shots at Venis' exposed ribcage. After a little while Rico pulls Venis back like he is going to drag him back into the ring. But instead he just pulls Venis so that is neck is over the middle rope. Rico starts choking Venis by pushing his neck down across the rope. Venis' arms start flailing around while the referee starts the five count. Rico breaks the choke up at the count of four. He runs back against the ropes to pick up some steam and then jumps on Venis, landing in a sitting position right across his back. To make matters worse for Venis, the flamboyant Rico reaches back and starts to spank Venis.

After a couple of spankings the referee has seen enough and orders Rico to get off of Venis. Rico obliges and stands up, waiting for Venis to get himself up. Once Venis does get up, he is grabbing at his throat and trying to take in as much oxygen as possible. But Rico doesn't let him get too far with that, as he hits him with a Martial Arts Kick right to the chest. Rico grabs Val and pushes him into the corner. Rico boots Venis in the gut a couple of times before springing off the middle rope and drilling Venis with a Spin Kick right to the chest!

Val starts to slump down in the corner, but Rico is relentless. Rico shoves Venis hard back in the corner, and then whips him across the ring into the other corner. Rico charges in and is looking for that spring into a Spin Kick but Venis ducks out of the corner and crawls through Rico's legs. Rico catches himself on the middle rope. Rico goes for a spring board into a heel kick, but Venis snatches him out of midair and hits him with the Blue Thunder Powerbomb! That visual stunned the crowd, and got probably the biggest (and one of the very few) pops from this match. Val regained his bearings and then went for a cover on Rico. One... TWO... Kickout.

Val gets up a little bit slow, selling Rico's offense from earlier in the match. He pulls Rico up to his feet and then whips him into the corner. Val charges in and hits Rico with a Clothesline into the Turnbuckles. Rico falls flat down on his posterior (as we can apparently see in Anal Invaders). Venis takes a few seconds to try and pump up the crowd a little bit. The crowd starts to take the bait, and cheers him on a little bit. But once he goes back to Rico, Rico grabs him by his tights and flings him forward face first into the turnbuckle. And now the crowd is deflated again.

Rico pulls Venis up, and yanks him backwards out of the corner. Rico drills Venis (not like that), with a Back Suplex and goes for the cover. One... TWO... THR... Venis kicks out.

After the unsuccessful pin attempt Rico drags Venis to where he is alligned perfectly for a top rope move. And with that, Rico slowly makes his way up to the top rope. He's setting up for the Moonsault, but he's taking too long! Venis gets up, and notices Rico perching himself on the top turnbuckle. He quickly hustles over to the corner, and reaches up between the unsuspecting Rico's legs (again, not like that) before Powerbombing him from the Top Turnbuckle. Rico's out of it, and with good reason because there was some sick impact there.

Venis opts not to go for the cover, and instead climbs up to the top turnbuckle. He balances himself, he swivels his hips a bit and then leaps off the top rope, connecting with the Money Shot! Venis hooks the leg. One... TWO... THREE!

Val Venis def. Rico

OR: 77

CR: 75

MQ: 79


We're backstage now, and we see the Dudley Boyz walking through a corridor, presumably for their main event eight man tag team match that's coming up next. Suddenly Bubba stops.

Bubba Ray: Ah damn.

Bubba starts feeling around his Dudleyville 3D vest, and black denim shorts.

Bubba Ray: Hey bro I forgot something back in the locker room. I gotta go back.

D-Von: Come on man, what'd you forget? You got'cho belt, that's all you need.

Bubba Ray: Uh... I'll be quick. Just give me a minute.

Bubba turns around and jogs back.

D-Von: Bubba... Come on man... Hurry up.

Bubba turns a corner, and then looks back to see if D-Von is following him. He isn't, so Bubba walks up the hallway a little bit more until he comes to a door. Instead of just barging into his locker room he stands outside for a second. He takes a few deep breaths and holds his hand up like he's about to knock. Then the camera pans around, and shows that Bubba isn't at his locker room. He's at the locker room of Trish Stratus! The crowd pops huge when they see the big Trish Stratus nameplate on the door. Eventually Bubba musters up the courage to knock on the door. After a few seconds, Trish opens the door with an uncertain look on her face, unsure of who is going to be on the other side of the door. But that look of uncertainty changes to a big smile when she sees that it's Bubba Ray. Bubba on the other hand is just as happy, but you can see sweat starting to form on his forehead and he's moving his feet around in a nervous fashion.

Trish: Hey Bubba! What are you doing here? You've got a match now!

Bubba Ray: I know Trish, but I just wanted to uh, stop by and talk to you for a minute.

Trish: Awww, that's sweet of you Bubba.

Bubba blushes as Trish flahes him her million dollar... smile, not boobies.

Bubba: Uh, yeah, thanks. But there's something on my mind that I wanted to ask you Trish. You know how next week Raw's going to be at Universal Studios right?

Trish: Of course! I'm so psyched.

Bubba: Well, I was just thinking... and I thought that if you weren't going to be hanging out with anybody, and if you were just going to be by yourself, or... well I wouldn't want you to be all alone and stuff... And...

Trish: Bubba...

Bubba: Well, if you don't have any plans, I was wondering if you'd like to spend the day at Universal Studios with me.

Trish goes to talk but Bubba cuts her off.

Bubba: But you don't have to if you don't want to.

Once again Trish gets cut off.

Bubba: It's really not a big deal.

Trish: BUBBA! Shush. I'd love to hang out with you next week!

Bubba: You would? I mean, you would... Yeah, cool. Wow. Awesome. Alright, but Trish, if you're not up for it after your match at Armageddon, then it's totally fine. You don't have to go with me. If you need time to rest, it's no problem.

Trish: Wait, what match at Armageddon?

Bubba: The match you requested... with Chris Jericho? Trish, I have to ask, why would you use your Survivor Series favor to get a match with Chris Jericho? He's, well, he's no pushover... Trish, I'm worried about you.

Trish's jaw hits the floor.

Trish: What are you talking about? I didn't request any match with anybody at Armageddon. I thought I had the night off.

Bubba: Huh? I overheard Austin talking about you leaving a request for the match in his office.

Trish: What?!? No I didn't! Isn't he already wrestling? He can't have two matches anyway!

Bubba: Well you're allowed to cash in your favor at anytime, so I guess that means Jericho is pulling double duty. But, you must have requested the match. How else could that have happened?

Trish: I don't know... But Bubba, he's, he's... he's Chris Jericho. I can't wrestle him. What am I going to do?

We then hear D-Von yelling...

D-Von: Bubba, Bubba! Where you at brotha?

Bubba: I gotta run Trish. Good luck with that Trish. Maybe try and talk to Austin? And, I'll see ya next Monday!

Bubba runs out of the locker room, to meet his half brother, leaving Trish looking perplexed, afraid and even a little bit delighted all at once.

OR: 79

Edited by Mr. Asshat
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(In Summary form... I lost 3/4 of the match when my power flickered off, so we'll try this for now. Sorry)

Just six days from Armageddon, this match served as a teaser for two of the bigger matches on the card. Goldberg would defend his title against Kevin Nash and Triple H, and the Dudley Boyz would defend their Tag Titles agains Randy Orton and Batista in a tables match. But for now, Goldberg was forced to team with his soon to be opponent, Kevin Nash, and the Dudleyz against Evolution.

It almost got volatile before the match started, as Goldberg and Nash almost came to blows before the rest of the participants in this match even made it out to the ring. The Dudleyz managed to talk them out of fighting, and now the match was on.

As far as the match goes, it was standard fare for your 8 man tag match. Goldberg dominated Flair and roughed up Batista in the beginning, but eventually the heels underhanded tactics got to Goldberg. Goldberg managed to tag out to D-Von Dudley, who immediately became face in perile when Triple H got the tag in. The heels utilized some quick tags, and slow montonous offense to keep D-Von neutralized.

After about six minutes of getting pummeled, D-Von made the hot tag in to Kevin Nash. Nash went to town on all four members of Evolution, hell, he even roughed up Nowinski a bit so make that five. All hell broke loose, with Evolution starting to beat down Nash gangland style, but Bubba Ray got in the ring and evened up the odds a little bit. Soon enough we had ourselves a ref bump, and 8 men brawling with one another.

Now for the very end. With all eight men in the ring, the Dudleyz had Orton set up for the 3D but once D-Von lifted him Orton turned over and dropped him with an RKO. Orton took his time to pose for the crowd, but Bubba didn't waste any time in hitting him with the Bubba Bomb! Orton rolled out of the ring and to the floor below. Bubba went to turn back around, but Nowinski started jaw jacking with him. With Bubba distracted, Batista and Flair charged in and double clotheslined Bubba over the top rope. But Bubba landed on his feet and yanked on the legs of Batista and Flair, knocking them down to the mat. Bubba pulled both men out of the ring, and started brawling with Batista.

Back on the inside we were down to Triple H, Goldberg and Nash. Nash had just laid Triple H out with a boot to the face. Goldberg crouched down, in anticipation of spearing the hell out of Triple H. Triple H stood up and Goldberg charged in, but Christopher Nowinski made his presence felt again, as he hopped up onto the apron and pulled Triple H out of harms way. Goldberg predictably collided with his tag partner and soon to be opponent, Kevin Nash, sending him flying to the canvas! Goldberg stood over Nash, as if he was thinking about whether he should help him up or just leave him there. But he didn't really get to make his decision, because Nowinski reached under the ring and retrieved the Game's sledgehammer. Nowinski slid it into the ring to Triple H who blasted Goldberg right in the back of the head with it! Triple H ditched the sledgehammer and covered the bloodied Goldberg, as Nowinski revived the ref, giving Evolution the win. The show ended with Triple H standing over the prone bodies of Goldberg and Kevin Nash.

OR: 79

CR: 82

MQ: 74


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This week's Raw was a strange creature. Clearly the emphasis was more on storyline development than it was on wrestling. Vince McMahon had made that decision early Monday morning as a way to rest up the roster a bit before Armageddon. That's apparently why none of the bigger stars had singles matches. Triple H, Nash and Goldberg all took part in the eight man tag, but none played a prominent role up until the very end. If Armageddon turns out to be a success, we could see this happening more often. Get ready for Rikishi vs Funaki for the Smackdown before the Royal Rumble.

But more about Armageddon. If you haven't noticed, Armageddon is a little bit gimmick happy. We have a Ladder Match, a Tag Team Tables Match, a Male vs Female match, and a No Disqualification Women's match. That is four matches out of a nine match card that have some sort of gimmick behind them. And that's not counting a triple threat match and a six man tag team match.

And while we're talking about Armageddon, here is the official poster and final card...

IPB Image


Goldberg © vs Triple H vs Kevin Nash


Chris Jericho © vs Rob Van Dam


The Dudley Boys © vs Batista & Randy Orton w/ Ric Flair

Chris Jericho vs Trish Stratus

Animal vs Christian

Garrison Cade, Maven and Mark Jindrak vs La Resistance's Rene Dupree, Robert Conway & Sylvain Grenier

Rosey & ???? vs Goldust and Lance Storm


Molly Holly © vs ?????

Test & Scott Steiner vs Jerry Lawler & Shawn Michaels


Raw did feature a breakthrough performance. The Hurricane and Christian put on an absolutely incredible match. It is being considered a Match of the Year candidate by many behind the scenes and on the internet. Surprisingly, Triple H was the biggest supporter of the match. It was originally scheduled to only go six minutes, but Triple H first, and then Stephanie McMahon noticed the potential and made the call to the referee to tell the guys to go another twelve minutes. Both Triple H and Stephanie had handshakes for Christian and the Hurricane as they made it to the back. At the request of Hunter and Steph, the writers have started to plan something to push the Hurricane up the card a little bit. It is expected that he'll keep the Hurricane gimmick, as it sells a lot of merchandise, but ya never know.

Shark Boy and Jazz were seen backstage (not together) at Raw. It is expected that both wrestlers will be debuting, and returning at Armageddon. Shark Boy will most likely team up with Rosey against Goldust and Lance Storm, while Jazz will either wrestle Molly Holly in the No Disqualification Match, or interfere in the match.


Leslie Gorchesky, the first person kicked off Tough Enough has been given a Developmental Deal. She has started taking lessons on speaking English, and acting. It'd be a longshot for her to ever make the main roster, but the higher ups have said that she'd be a good fit for the women's division if she lost some muscle mass, grew out her hair, spoke more clearly and learned how to act. They didn't mention anything about her learning how to wrestle. Surprising eh?

And, finally, the television contract that WWE signed with MTV to air Tough Enough still has approximately 30 weeks left on it. Relax, they won't be stretching the show out to fill in the 30 weeks. The likely event will be a Road Rules vs Real World, Survivor hybrid that would pit a number of losers (that still don't have WWE Contracts) from Tough Enough's 1, 2, 3 and 4. But as of now that is just speculation. We'll just have to wait a few more months to see what WWE decides to do.

(Thanks to Adgray for that kickass poster. (Y) )

Edited by Essa
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Nice show, man. Loved Christian/Hurricane...that has to be one of THE best matcehes I have ever read! Especially loved that DDT off the apron through the table...that had me marking out in my seat! Also, the whole Y2J-Trish match should me interesting...hopefully someone comes out to help trish, that way Jericho doesn't get off while feelin her up for too terribly long...

Can't wait for armageddon man. Keep up the good work!

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Essa's WWE from November 2003

WWE Raw - 11/3/03

Well I guess I'll start off doing things the same way as you, show by show starting with show one.

- Ah, after reading the first segment I am taken back already to what point in the WWE we are in terms of storylines, the whole co-GM thing and Team Austin v. Team Bischoff at Survivor Series. Without a backstory I already know where we are, all in one segment! Great writing.

- ugh.. Seven Dust's version of Break Down the Walls, don't remind me

- Wow, that highlite Reel segment was very good, Heel Y2J to the Tee. "and well we can't forget the women's wrestling equivalent of the Hell in a Cell, the Mud Wrestling Match."- best line of the show.

- The only thing that irks me so far is the commentary it doesn't truly feel like JR and the King to me.

- Heidenreich when he first came to RAW, where was "little Johnny?"

- Wow that attack was not only uncalled for but totally unexpected. Up to that point he had been playing the big dumb new guy, but Heidenreich as a heel should definitely work better I think.

- I like that you addressed the mysterious and unexplained reasoning as to why Mark Henry was on RAW. Henry as the World Heavyweight Champion though, please god no.

- You really do have all of the characters down to a tee for the time period, and it actually seems like I'm reading a report of a show that happened. Test's mistreatment of Stacy and her being his "property" I had totally forgotten about.

- I don't get what is going on between Cade and Nowinski but its probably going to be addressed in upcoming shows.

- Didn't really like the prolly never been laid part, but otherwise a pretty good Evolution segment.

- Nice little hype up segment with the Cage, has me a bit more interested in SurSer.

- That Kane promo was spot on

- Wow Henry got FUCKING SQUASHED. Didn't see that coming at all.

Overall Thoughts: I love the way that it looks like you spent alot of time researching the angles and storylines that were running at the time, and most of the promos in this show were truly spot on for the most part.

The first show has left me wanting more, but right now I have to go out and about so I'll get back onto this later...

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WWE Smackdown - November 6, 2003

- Right off the bat I'm kinda turned off by the all blue font, never really liked that too much, looks a bit poor and sloppy

- I don't know how in the world you could get any sort of heat or credibilty back to Henry after that brutal squash from Goldberg on RAW.

- Kyo Dai? Were they really called that back in the day, I don't remember hearing it but I wasn't a big watcher of Smackdown! either.

- That Cruiserweight match reminds me of just how good the Smackdown! Cruiserweight division could have been back then, I hope we see alot of emphasis on it.

- I didn't think you were honestly going to push Henry, with that said Rhyno would make a great US Champ.

- For some reason I actually liked the Bashams with Shaniqua alot better then the Bashams in the Cabinet, they're just so bland they deserve to be bossed around by a dominatrix.

- Hmm.. I'm not really sure where we are at this point with the whole Dawn/Torrie thing. I take it Al had already died?

- I thought the whole segment with Benoit/APA/ and Angle was a little off, it just didn't seem up to par with the rest of the interviews and promos. And Kurt should have been drinking milk :P

- The Cat? didn't see that coming.

- I like Rhyno's role as Heyman's muscle, Smackdown! never really picked up on that.

- I like A-Train over Angle, even more I like the whole thing going on with Cena. He hasn't taken any side, and would much rather fight both.

- Ah, never mind looks like Cena is the last member of Team Lesnar.

Overall: Pretty good Smackdown! that was rather close to the way things were at the time, the only glaring problem I had with the show was the layout. All blue really doesn't look good, other than that solid show

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- Kyo Dai? Were they really called that back in the day, I don't remember hearing it but I wasn't a big watcher of Smackdown! either.

They were called Kyo Dai on WWE.com, though never referred to as such on WWE TV as far as I can remember (though I wouldn't be surprised if Josh Matthews hadn't called them that on a Velocity episode at some point).

Solid Raw, Essa. I dug Christian vs. Hurricane and I'm interested to see how you push Hurricane whilst keeping the gimmick (which I love) intact.

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Nice show, man. Loved Christian/Hurricane...that has to be one of THE best matcehes I have ever read! Especially loved that DDT off the apron through the table...that had me marking out in my seat! Also, the whole Y2J-Trish match should me interesting...hopefully someone comes out to help trish, that way Jericho doesn't get off while feelin her up for too terribly long...

Can't wait for armageddon man. Keep up the good work!

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