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Back in April "Garth" posted a message on his website about the DVD:

The news on a second season of Darkplace is thus. There is no news. Sadly the rest of the tapes of mein meisterwerk are likely to remain chez Marenghi unless the world makes some kind of evolutionary leap and catches up with my vision. And, between you, me and the proverbial, I think I might have taped over one of them with an episode of The Thornbirds. Tant pis, the digital versatile disc is nearing completion and will feature the following terrifying treatlets:

    Commentaries to all episodes

    Deleted scenes

    Test footage

    Original ‘One Track Lover’ Single (Extended Version)

    Over an hour of extra talking heads

    Photo galleries

    Original radio ads

    Original storyboards and storyboard to scene comparisons

    Plus more

In short, it will render all previous DVDs redundant. (And shut down those shameless profiteering sons of bitches on E-bay.) I will let you know the release date as soon as I have it or pretty soon after I have it.

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Dawn draws into nightfall

Yonder stars shine bright

You can be my baby

I hope that is alright

"Daddy don't forget me"

I haven't but you're dead

You have a little brother now

And one day we'll all meet

In Valhalla


Thank you.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Anyone else watch the last episode of this?

If this series up until that point had disappointed you, then the last episode saves the whole lot and makes it much more enjoyable.

Also, I on the topic of Ross Kemp over acting in his episode? I though thats what made his character so funny throughout it. I giggled throughout his scenes because I found his body language and his delivery to be funny.

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Anyone else watch the last episode of this?

If this series up until that point had disappointed you, then the last episode saves the whole lot and makes it much more enjoyable.

Also, I on the topic of Ross Kemp over acting in his episode? I though thats what made his character so funny throughout it. I giggled throughout his scenes because I found his body language and his delivery to be funny.

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Second series was confirmed before the first even started airing, thats how confident the BBC were.

Also, anyone else enjoy the blatently obvious references to the Office throughout hte episode?

Yeah, I thought that was quite nice. Would have been better with one, subtle reference. The voice he did for the 'boss' character was nothing like Brent, though.

The boss sounded kinda like the bloke that Brent took the piss of at the staff meeting...the wanking claw bloke.

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