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Guest RTO

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Guest MKBullseye

PXW Tag Team Titles

The Millionaires Club© over Simon Diamond and Swinger

Tony Mamaluke over Guido Soprano

PXW Television Title Tournament Final

R-V-Dub over Paul London

Falls Count Anywhere Match

Steve Corino over Jerry Lynn

#1 Contendership for the PXW Championship

Eddie Guerrero over Lance Storm

PXW Title

Christopher Daniels© over AJ Styles

I am really liking this Diary so far. Hope you keep up the quality writing and fast paced update schedule.

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I rarely venture into the Diary Dome... the Diary Cube is where I usually am... actually this is the first time in the Diary Dome since well probably since EWB IV started. So I felt like playing some EWR and decided to first check out some diaries and this one I was attracted to and I am really enjoying it. Keep up the good work on this and I will continue to read.

Now onto my predictions. Bold is the person I think will win

The Millionaires Club© v. Simon Diamond and Swinger

Guido Soprano v. Tony Mamaluke

PXW Television Title Tournament Final

Paul London v. Robert Van Winkle

Falls Count Anywhere Match

Jerry Lynn v. Steve Corino

#1 Contendership for the PXW Championship

Eddie Guerrero v. Lance Storm

PXW Title

Christopher Daniels© v. AJ Styles

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The Millionaires Club© v. Simon Diamond and Swinger - The Millionaires Club.

Guido Soprano v. Tony Mamaluke - Tony Mamaluke. I see this as a kind of upset with Guido going nuts at losing.

Paul London v. Robert Van Winkle - At first I thought RVW for sure but now I could see a Shane botched run in giving London the win as well as London & Shane a title to fued over, so Paul London to win.

Jerry Lynn v. Steve Corino - Lynn

Eddie Guerrero v. Lance Storm - The hardest match to judge, Im going to say Storm.

Christopher Daniels© v. AJ Styles - Daniels, but only because I want to see more of him as the champ. Though crazy Daniels trying to get the title back would also be good.

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Nice to see those predictions... but to give you a spoiler I will tell you this. Nobody has yet to select the correct outcome to one of the matches. As for the results, expect them up either late tonight or tomorrow around noon time.

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Pushing The Limits

The Millionaires Club© v. Simon Diamond and Swinger

Guido Soprano v. Tony Mamaluke

PXW Television Title Tournament Final

Paul London v. Robert Van Winkle

Falls Count Anywhere Match

Jerry Lynn v. Steve Corino

#1 Contendership for the PXW Championship

Eddie Guerrero v. Lance Storm

PXW Title

Christopher Daniels© v. AJ Styles

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Project X Wrestling



Live from Denver, Colorado!

With Jon Ian and Bobby Heenan

PPV Buyrate: 1.64

Attendence: 22,605


Pre-Show Match Up

Billy Kidman and Jonny Storm v. The Rising Sons

The fans who showed up early as well as the people viewing the free PPV Pre-Show got an excellent treat and great performance from these two young Lightheavyweight teams. The Rising Sons, Ikaitia Loa and Keiji Sakota, who were having just their second match as a team, showed their inexperience to Kidman and Storm, who were able to get a nice victory here after Kidman hit a Shooting Star Press on Loa.

Winners: Billy Kidman and Jonny Storm

Time: 8:43


The Millionaires Club© v. Simon Diamond and Swinger

PXW Tag Team Titles

It was just a month ago when The Millionaires Club cheated their way to success in winning the PXW Tag Team Titles from the then champions Simon Diamond and Swinger. Now, after going through The Millionaires Club "task" of earning their rematch, the former champs made their attempt to regain the titles they say are rightfully theirs. They were in good shape near closing of the match. With Kid Kash knocked outside of the ring, Brian Kendrick was forced to fight for himself against both Diamond and Swinger. During a double team in the corner of the ring, the ref moved over to the challengers and told Diamond (the illegal man) to go back to his teams corner of the ring. During this, Simon and Swinger grab Kendrick's arms and attempt to toss him to the other side of the ring. Kendrick runs right into the ref however, knocking him out. Diamond and Swinger continue the double team though, with Kash still laying outside of the ring. After about a half a minute of the ref unconscious, The H. Effect, Ronny and Donny H., come to the ring. They walk up the stairs and onto the apron, and with one step each climb over the top rope. Ronny grabs Diamond and Donny grabs Swinger, who have know idea they are in the ring, and they give them both Choke Slams. Ronny goes to get the ref and wakes him up, while Kash climbs back into the ring and with the help of Donny, is thrown on top of Swinger. The ref sees the pin and slowly counts out the pinfall. (86)

Winners, and still Champions: The Millionaires Club

Time: 13:29

Guido Soprano v. Tony Mamaluke

There was no doubt both of these men knew each other's wrestling style perfectly. It really showed too. Soprano and Mamaluke were able to call their opponents next move at all points during the match, counter their specials, and virtually give an all around even battle. Guido has called himself the better man of the team, and even told everybody that he was the one carrying them throughout their entire tag team career. Mamaluke had an opportunity tonight to prove he can hold his own, and that he in fact is the better wrestler between the two. With Mamaluke on the receivng end of a Guido's punishment, it was easy to here the words "I'm the better man, Tony. Not you!" after every strike to the face. Finally, in a possibly a desperation effort, Mamluke decided to spit in the eyes of Guido have a punch to the chin, which only made Soprano more angry. Soprano's anger took over, and possibly hurt his offensive. Mamaluke was able to duck the next punch and DDT him to the canvas. Mamaluke then took his former partner and through him into the side of the ring where he began giving him slaps to the chest. Guido then kneed Mamaluke below the belt, but as he tried to flip him over for a suplex, Mamaluke blocked it with his legs and rolled him up for the 3. Guido got up in disbelief that he was pinned by a man he thought he was superior too, and as Mamaluke gave him his hand in an effort to congratulate him on a good match, Soprano slapped it away and left the ring screaming to himself and slapping himself on the side of his head. (55)

Winner: Tony Mamaluke

Time: 12:37

Backstage, Steve Michael Payton was backstage with PXW Champion Christopher Daniels, who was taping up his wrists. Daniels looked surprised someone was in his lockerroom, but lets SMP say a few words.

SMP: " I'm here with PXW Champion Christopher Daniels. Christopher, you got a big match later tonight. You're set to defend your title against someone who in my opinion is one of the best in the business, AJ Styles."

Daniels: "Steve, I'd be lying to you if I told you I wasn't 110% confident that I was going to leave this arena tonight with my championship belt still around my waste. When I became champion I promised I would bring the most prestigue a single man could ever bring to a title, and I've yet to finish my promise."

SMP: "So you're trying to say that you aren't at all worried about AJ Styles, given his talents?"

Daniels: "NO, that isn't what I'm trying to say..."

SMP: "Well okay, because...

Daniels: "That is what I AM saying. Stephen, there isn't any question I am the biggest star in professional wrestling tonight. And there isn't any question that I am the best wrestler to step into that ring out there. So, 'given my talents' what makes you think AJ Styles can beat me? AJ, I respect you as a wrestler. I may even respect you as a man one of these days. But for now, lets cut to the cold hard truth. Tonight, two men are going to step into that ring. One of them, you, will walk out with an A for effort and a lesson learned. The other, me, will walk out PXW Champion. And that's the truth." (88)

Paul London v. Robert Van Winkle

PXW Television Title Tournament Final

After 3 weeks of 1st and Semi-Final Round matches, Paul London and Robert Van Winkle finally met in the squared circle to crown the first ever PXW Television Champion. To get here, Paul London defeated Sean O'Haire in the 1st Round and Elix Skipper in a terrific Semi-Final match. Robert Van Winkle first took down Shelton Benjamin in Round 1, and in the Semi-Finals, scored a victory over The Syndicate's Donovan Morgan. Paul London was easily the fan favorite, after all, he was up against Robert Van Winkle, and London scored near pinfalls on several different occasions. Throughout the whole match however, it seemed as if he hd his head turned over his shoulder as soon as he saw an opportunity to score a win. Perhaps he was expecting Michael Shane to try and come down and screw his chances of winning. Sure enough, to know surprise, Michael Shane did decide to show up. After London set up Van Winkle sitting on the top rope, London hit his favorite move of late, a Hurricanranna off of the turnbuckle. London went for the pin, but the ref was pulled out of the ring by Shane. Shane began deliberating with the referee, and to London's dislike, kept the ref out of the ring and away from London's cover. As London began to argue with Shane, "The Prince of Wrestling" slipped out of the ring and grabbed the Television Title belt. RVW brought the belt back with him in the ring, and as London turned around, he caught his oppenent in the forhead with the gold. Van Winkle made the cover just as Shane tossed the ref back into the ring. The ref counted the 1..2..3, and Robert Van Winkle was announced the new Television Champion. (81)

Winner, and new Champion: Robert Van Winkle

Time: 13:01

Although his match was not scheduled to start for another 10 minutes, Steve Corino, followed by his escort Francine, decided to make an early appearence. As Corino stepped into the ring, he called for a microphone.

Corino: "You know, when I jumped Jerry Lynn on Fight Night some 3 weeks ago, I wasn't asking for a fight. I was trying to send him a message. A message telling him to stay out of my business, and a message to tell him never to step foot in front of me ever again. Because the next time he would be in front of me, I would break him. After he became the World's Champion, not only did he say he'd give me a title shot, but he also said he would never lose the title until I got that shot. Well, Jerry, it turns out that you took the direction of Ron Niemi, and apparently facing me wasn't anywhere in his plans to run a "successful business." We were friend Jerry, and you decided to go behind my back and break your promise. So that leads us here. Jerry, I'm going to pretend tonight is what would have been my Title match. This, in some way, is for that PXW Championship. So that is what I am going to treat it like. This match, to me, is as important as the most prestigious title in the business. So come out here right now Lynn, and I'll show you how much making you bleed tonight means to me! (86)

Jerry Lynn v. Steve Corino

Falls Count Anywhere

Of all the heated fueds currently taking place in the PXW ring, none have them have gotten more brutal than Jerry Lynn and Steve Corino's recent brigade of terror. It reached its climax (thus far, that is) when Steve Corino left Jerry Lynn face first on his locker room floor after an attack that, even though it wasnt seen but only heard, was one that Lynn would certainly never forget. With the rules of this match, this brawl may end up going back to that locker room with the winner being able to be decided anywhere. This match started in the ring, traditionally, and to a surprise to many, stayed in the ring for a pretty long time. Finally, Corino decided to go digging under the ring. Clearly looking for weapons, Lynn hurried to grab Corino before he was able to get his hands on anything. Lynn then tossed Corino over the baracade and into the first row of the crowd. They battled all the way as far as the 14th row, until finally escaping the crowd area and relocating the entrance ramp, working their way up to the top of it. Corino attempted a power slam onto the solid steel, but Lynn reversed it and landed a power slam of his own. Lynn then picked up Corino and set him up for the Cradle Piledriver. Corino flipped Lynn over his head, and Lynn landed square on his back. Corino fell to one knee, but soon after went for the pin. After only getting a 2 count, Corino picked Lynn back up. He stuck Lynns heads between his legs, perhaps setting up for a powerbomb, but Lynn makes a quick decision and head butts Corino right in his groin. Corino, aiding to his hurt lower-midsection, was then set up and fallen victim to Lynn's Cradle Piledriver onto the steel. Lynn made the cover, and was declared the winner by pinfall. (87)

Winner: Jerry Lynn

Time: 16:52

Eddie Guerrero v. Lance Storm

#1 Contendership for PXW Title

These two are coming off of an amazing match on Fight Night less than a week ago. The main event of that nights card ended in a time limit draw with Eddie Guerrero locked into Lance Storm's Canadian Crab. Most would agree Eddie was saved by the bell... well, tonight was Eddie's chance to end Lance's complaining that "he tapped out before the time expired." Because this was a PPV, Eddie and Lance also had an extra 10 minutes in case they needed it, which in fact, they did. A pure technical contest, and Eddie didn't even bother trying his spectacular top rope menuevers. He stuck with Lance on the ground to put together an incredible performance. With the 20 minutes they had in their original match already elapsed, Lance Storm gave the crowd deja vu, and once again had Eddie in the Canadian Crab. Eddie, stuck in the center of the ring, yelled in pain and tried to inch his way closer and closer to the ropes. As soon as he finally got close to grabbing the bottom rope, however, Storm dragged him back to the center, yelling at him to just give up and quit. Guerrero fought through it, and eventually kicked his way out of the hold after being stuck in it for nearly 3 minutes. Lance Storm looked irate at the fact that Guerrero didn't tap, and took his aggression out on the ring ropes. Storm kicked and slapped at the ropes, and finally decided it would be best to focus his attention back on the match. Storm picked up Guerrero, but Guerrero rakes his eyes and lifted him up for a suplex. Eddies knee was about to give, due to being in the Canadian Crab for so long, and Guerrero had to drop Storm. Guerrero then tripped Storm, and grabbed his legs, locking him into a Figure Four submission. Storm screamed, and just as he turned around and reversed the hold after about a minute of being locked in, the ref called for the bell. The time once again ran out on these two PXW Title hopefuls. (91)

Decision: Time Limit Draw

Time: 30:00

Christopher Daniels© v. AJ Styles

PXW Title

It may be only the first month of the year, but this match will definitely be in the running in 11 months as a Match of the Year candidate. To begin, as Christopher Daniels was shown walking through the hallway to the entrance curtain with The Syndicate following, Commissioner Ric Flair was waiting. As Daniels passed Flair, he gave him a smirk, but Flair let him pass. The Syndicate did not get that same benifit however. Flair, along with a team of security, stood in front of Donovan Morgan, Mike Sanders and Sean O'Haire, saying that there has been enough interferences in tonight's title matches. Morgan, Sanders and O'Haire began to start an arguement, but Daniels told them to settle down and go back to the lockerroom and watch him beat Styles from a TV screen. As the rest of The Syndicate made their way back to their lockerroom, Flair wished Daniels luck, and Daniels shrugged at the Commissioner and told him to stay out of his business. During the match, the action was back and forth, and non-stop. Fans showed their appreciation to both competitors throughout the whole match, including applauses during every big menuever and the simplest suplex. AJ Styles looked as if he was going to become the new PXW Champion, and even hit a Styles Clash on Daniels but was only able to score a 2 count. Styles then decided he would take it to the air, but a moonsault attempt was dodged by Daniels. As both men rose to their feet, Daniels grabbed Styles and hit the Styles Clash on Styles himself! Daniels was still too tired to make a cover, and both men were down. Styles was first to his feet, and he made his way over to the corner of the ring, and once again began to climb. This time, though, Daniels was right behind him. As Daniels caught up with Styles, AJ grabbed his head and set him up for a suplex off of the top rope. Daniels countered the suplex, and lifted up Styles in a torture rack position. He jumped from the second rope with Styles on his shoulders and dropped Styles on his back. Daniels' arm barely reached over to cover the chest of Styles, but it was enough for the ref to count to 3. (94)

Winner, and still Champion: Christopher Daniels

Time: 21:46


Card Quality: 81




-The fans were so after from the Tag Title match, the Guido/Mamaluke match suffered.

-The main event PXW Title Match between Daniels and Styles scored a 100% match rating.



LucaIII: 4-2

MKBullseye: 4-2

CKN: 4-2

Steven: 4-2

Vincent K. McMahon: 3-3


Edited by RTO
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