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WWE SmackDown! vs RAW 2006

Guest ch1ppy08

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I've now been tombstoned six times trying this.

Great thing about this game is the fact you can complete the challenges against another player, so I completed half of the Amateur and Rising Star challenges against my friend. The reverse finisher one can be really annoying I think, I did it without really realising it was a challenge.

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I can't reverse ten strikes, I don't get struck ten times. If I just stand there and let me get hit, the computer takes advantage and just grapples.

I fucking despise Ric Flair, he has no stamina, ever, and yet he still reverses everything I do and hits moves. Surely if you have no stamina, your ability to reverse should be severely impaired?

I too hate tag matches, same problem as IWC. I can only win them in season if I get their guy counted out.

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I did almost all of the challenges against my girlfriend. They comprise of "One , two, three!" and hitting whatever at the same time. Otherwise they require a ten second match. I'm impatient to unlock things.

However considering it took hours to get them all finished it's kind of sad... The loading in this is atrocious. I spent an hour on the legend challenges. Excluding the two iron man matches and submission match, they all took less than ten seconds... Too much loading...

And anyone that tries the ECW Fantasy match one... Good luck. Rey, Jericho and Benoit kicked my ass and I spent most of it running around til they beat each other.

Damn cheap AI...

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Why did they take all the move-specific ones out? I'm so sick of seeing the spin-round-push-in-the-back thing, and it's only made worse by the fact that the computer reverses fucking everything. Turned the reversals down a few notches and it's much better, but I can't think why they took out the move-specific reversals out. They should have added more if anything.

They didn't take the move-specific reversals out. I've had suplex reversals, sidewalk slam reversals, stunner reversals, all sorts.

I like the commentary, especially some of Tazz's comments. "Emotional? What the hell are you talking about, Cole?!"

Edited by alldawson
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Why did they take all the move-specific ones out? I'm so sick of seeing the spin-round-push-in-the-back thing, and it's only made worse by the fact that the computer reverses fucking everything. Turned the reversals down a few notches and it's much better, but I can't think why they took out the move-specific reversals out. They should have added more if anything.

They didn't take the move-specific reversals out. I've had suplex reversals, sidewalk slam reversals, stunner reversals, all sorts.

I like the commentary, especially some of Tazz's comments. "Emotional? What the hell are you talking about, Cole?!"

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I've seen some cool reversals theres still a lot of the same reversals from last years game but there are definetly new ones. I'm wondering if its still possible to counter a move with a finisher like in previous games. Especially like reversing a punch with benoit into the crossface or a toekick to ankle lock with Angle.

How do you unlock things for the locker room . While playing season mode it said I unlocked some collectibles but when I go to customize my lockerroom I can't find them

Also anyone know if Jarret's Stroke is in the game ? I haven't seen it yet but I've created jarret and need that move or a good replacement

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How do you unlock things for the locker room . While playing season mode it said I unlocked some collectibles but when I go to customize my lockerroom I can't find them
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The best commentary I had was when JR and King were on. King said something like "What would you know JR, you've never wrestled a match in your life." JR replied with "Actually I have a pinfall victory over Triple H to my name." At that exact moment I reveresed a move and King blurted out "He countered that well." I found it to be a humerous coincedence.

Oh and Tazz also comes out with some great lines:

"You wont see this kind of action on RAW and even if you did you'd have to listen to two oddballs talking about puppies and government mules and scolded dogs. It's like a damn zoo over there!"

Edited by King Ellis
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I like the commentary, especially some of Tazz's comments. "Emotional? What the hell are you talking about, Cole?!"

Cole : These two are going all out for the win!

Tazz : Oh really Cole? You got any other pieces of wisdom in there? How about 'The person who beats the other guy will be the winner'?

Paraphrased, but thats the gist of it. I can't remember any JR/King lines though, I need to play on Raw more often >_>

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