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Saddest TV Moment

Guest Wrestling_Man

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Guest TheTokenWhiteGuy

Ah yes, the 7 leaf clover episode of Futurama is quite emotional, as is the one with Fry's dog... But I like the clover one better.

I'm going to have to say the one with Fry's Dog is sadder.... I Mean, the dog waited there forever, and Fry never came back :crying:

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Angel: Wesley's death; Fred's destruction

Star Trek: TOS - I'm like freaking Nemoy in that one. I forget the episode name (Damn, you'd think I'd remember), but the one where Spock and Kirk duel, and Spock kills Kirk. Totally tearful.

A few TNG episodes have made me cry, as well as some DS9 stuff, but I can't remember the specific episodes.

A few Everwood episodes here and there. Dude, the guy who plays Ephram has been around a lot.

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I have to say on Angel when Cordelia died.I bawled like a baby. And also the end of Radio Free Roscoe. I felt bad because I always thought the show sucked and then when I started to like it it went off. And when any of my favorite shows go off the air I cry.

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The 7 Leaf Clover episode of Futurama got me too, I haven't seen the dog one yet. I cried during the last episode of the Maxx, oddly enough I don't know exactly why. I'm gonna go ahead and say I cried during the last episode of Wonder Years, I just don't remember it. The last episode of Cowboy Bebop almost made me cry. It got 1 tear.

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- The episode of Angel where Cordelia dies.

- The episode of Angle where Wesley dies.

- The episode of Buffy where Spike sees Buffy die.

- The episode of Stargate SG-1 when Daniel Jackson dies.

- The epside of Star Trek: Deep Space 9 when Jadzia Dax dies.

I only cry for Sci-Fi stuff. But the one that tops them all I have to say, it's easily in Star Trek: Nemesis when Data dies. I just loved the character and everything about him, and the sacrifice to save his friends and crew made me really cry. :(

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ER - Dr. Green's last days - I cried so much during that episode

Dawson's Creek - The episode where Dawson's dad died in the car wreck and several of the episodes where he and Joey are trying to get back together as well as the season finale

Smallville - several fo the episodes where Clark is trying to choose between Chloe and lana

Several Episodes of Full House

NYPD - a bunch of the earlier episodes g

Wonder years - Finale

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I'm going to say the episode of Boy Meets World when Corey met the other girl on a ski trip and started to fall for her and then went on a date just because he wanted to know if their was anybody besides Topanga for him. He decided he wanted to stay with Topanga, but she dumped him.

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Guest Wrestling_Man

I've seen the seven leaf clover episode, that's a good episode, but how was the Sesame Street episode when Mr. Hooper died?

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Guest Red Devil

Friends is the only TV show I have been emotionally attached to so it's the only show that's made me sad. It's happened a lot through the 10 series but the 2 times that stick out the most are the episode before the last where Ross and Rachel are shouting at each other telling talking about why she didn't say goodbye to him right before they kiss. Also the final ever scence is bittersweet as it's given us the happy ending that we wanted but we really didn't want it to end so even though we're happy about the birth of the babies and Ross and Rachel, knowing it's going to end was tearful.

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Bear with me;

The last episode of Gunslinger Girl. It may not be that emotional but since i watched like 10 episodes all in a row one after the other, the end of it made me blubber a little bit.

I don't know if she died or fell asleep. Because Marco said "Angelica, are you a sleep" but Jan said she didn't have long to live.

Meh, i was more upset if she died, even if she was a bit of a fringe character. If Triela had died, or Henrietta - even José - that would be worse.

No one knows what I'm talking about.

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several already mentioned and

Season 2 finale of Buffy when Angel gets his soul back but to late so she still has to kill him.

season 2 of 24, the phone call between Jack and Kim as he was getting ready to go dow with the plane.

the epsiode of Scrubs where he talks about how "1 in 3 patients will die" and the story follows JD/Turk and Elliot each with there own patient wondering which is gonna be the one and in the end all three die.

Season 6 finale of Buffy, yellow crayon speech

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The episode of Quantum Leap were Beckett ends up in Nam', in his brothers unit. He knows his brother is going to die, but can't do anything about it because he isn't there to change that.

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Without a doubt, The Owen Hart Memorial Raw.

Let's see. The episode of Scrubs that dealt with John Ritter's death. It was so heartbreaking, but at the same time a great way to show respect to a wonderful actor.

Futurama and the clover episode. Still gets me every time.

As well, the episode of Family Guy where Brian meets Pearl Bailey, after finally getting her to leave her house, she gets struck by a truck, and dies shortly after we find out what type of life Brian and Pearl would have had.

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Guest Wrestling_Man

As well, the episode of Family Guy where Brian meets Pearl Bailey, after finally getting her to leave her house, she gets struck by a truck, and dies shortly after we find out what type of life Brian and Pearl would have had.

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The aforementioned episode of ER.

The 8 Simple Rules episodes after John Ritter's death. Really got to me for some reason.

One of the final episodes of Friends where Ross asks Rachel to stay and she goes anyway, and he says to Pheobe "I really thought she'd stay".

Guess that's about it actually.

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I've never cried for a TV show, but I did find the Futurama with Fry's Dog (Jurassic Bark) very sad. Also, I know its a film, but its a film based on a TV show. Star Trek: Nemesis pushed me sooooo close to crying for a TV/Film, I mean so close. It's the bit where (I forget the exact story), but Shinzon intends to destory the enterprise with a super-weapon. If he succeeds, they'll be no way of stopping him from destroying EVERYONE!!! (You get the jist). The only way to stop is to have someone on his ship destory the weapon, but whoever does will die in the act. Picard is already there, and is prepared to die to save humanity, but Data decides to do it (he doesnt say so, but everyone knows his plan). He has to jump across between ships, and since the Enterprise his damaged, he can just jump off the end of this corridor thats exposed to space. He and Geordi walk down the corridor, and then they turn and just look at each other, knowing this is it. It's two best friends, saying goodbye, the look in Geordi's eye in particular, and the memories from the series you have of them (plus the knowledge my fav. Star Trek character was dying) almost got me crying there.

And, its the fact that Data strived to be human, and in death made a great human sacrifice, possibly becoming more 'human' than anyone.

I really, really hope someone can explain the above better than I did

When I was younger, I did almost cry in the series finale - nothing sad happened, but the realisation that was it, for a kid, thats hard to handle.

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The one that gets to me more than any other is the sixth and final episode of Blackadder Goes Forth. Seeing Blackadder finally come to terms with his fate and go over the top is especially emotional, heightened even more by the the final lines "Whatever it was, I'm sure it was better than my plan to get out of this by pretending to be mad. I mean, who'd notice another mad man around here?" and "Good luck everyone." Then Blackadder leads Darling, Baldrick and George out to their certain deaths in No Mans Land.

Of course then there is the Quantum Leap finale, with Sam doomed to never return home and be lost in time forever. And the ending to the film "Life Is Beautiful" also always gets to me even after the number of times I've seen it, with the voiceover of Joshua (the boy) as an adult recalling the sacrifice his father made for him, so he could survive the concentration camp.

Those three get to me a lot.

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