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NWA:Total Nonstop Logic

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Okay so this morning I got all kinds of caught up. From Bound For Glory to Destiny in one sitting. Some thoughts:

-Why oh why oh why did you punk out Watts? You hate him personally, I know, but his segments are actually rated well in this diary. I highly doubt his interview with Goldy got a 71 because of her alone. A waste here, in my opinion, as he could have worked as a manager of sorts for any number of the guys you have on your roster who have such atrociously low charisma.

-I saw Swinger turning on Lynn a mile away, and yet it was beautifully done. The whole feud with Lynn and Simon has been perfectly executed since day one. I think it's probably over, but I hope that's not the case.

-I mark for Credible. I hope to see him in a bigger role.

-Low Ki talks of honor against the man he was once part of Triple X with. The two of them showed no honor for MONTHS along with Skipper in that role. It amused me.

-JJJ is now a face...why? I dunno, I always thought he worked far better as a heel. Good luck though. Perhpas his new role is to put over newbies to TNA? Wow, this really IS a diary huh?

-I am so totally loving 4LK, especially Sharky and Dutt for some reason. I see a heel turn coming in the horizon, I'm just not sure if it's gonna be Killings, Sharky, and Dutt, or just Killings.

-The Gilbertti feud bored me, but I see it's overall purpose. You get high marks for actually using him instead of just ignoring him as so many others would and have done.

-In other news, the Doring and Siaki feud bored me as well, but I mark for Siaki too for some reason. Just don't try and out him back in The X-Division as TNA tried to some time back. Give him a nice feud with some up and comer, and let's see the sparks fly and the ratings come in.

-I disagree with YI about you changing TNA too much from reality. For most of it's two year run TNA has been the most Sybil like promotion I've ever seen run nationally. They threw anything and everything at the wall, always debuting new workers and seeing old ones disappear for months at a time with no explanation. Jason Cross being the primary example of the latter. Speaking of him, bring his ass back. Anyways, this feels like the sort of booking that TNA does. Maybe a little TOO indyish at times, but good nonetheless. Except, where's D'Lo?

This diary is very well executed, and most of all fun. Thanks for bringing it back.


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Five months ago the TNA locker room was in a very different place. The wrestlers were worried. The sponsors were concerned. The Jarretts were nervous. Things weren’t going well. TNA were well short on the amount of Pay Per View buys needed to break even. They tried to up buyrates with special one off appearances and gimmicky concepts, but they continued to struggle. Many Internet sceptics thought it would only be a matter of time before Panda Energy pulled their financial backing and left TNA up a creek with half a paddle. However, things changed.

When a mysterious new booker was brought in few heads were turned, and why should they have been? No one knew who he was or why he was put in charge, but it took no one by surprise. Everyone and their brother seemed to have been given the book since the birth of TNA. As the weeks went on there wasn’t much of an improvement – the company was still losing money and popularity. However, there was less criticism from the ‘smart’ fans. The product as a whole was getting better. New faces appeared rather than one shot deals with wrestlers well passed their prime. The booking made sense and the direction of the shows was more for the regular viewer than the casual fan. There was still some unflattering moments, but things overall looked better.

A key turning point came when TNA officials negotiated a deal with the Fox network to broadcast a prime time weekly show in place of their Wednesday night Pay Per View. Not only did this help the company’s funds, it also increased their popularity. Thanks to a hefty advertising budget and the show now being on free to view TV, the promotion is once again on the up. Much of this praise must go to the new face backstage, who was believed to be the driving force in getting a national television deal. TNA showed their intentions to compete with the big name in wrestling, Vince McMahon and his WWE, when they put on their first Pay Per View supercard, Bound For Glory, headlined by AJ Styles defeating Jeff Jarrett in a Cage match to win the NWA World Title.

So five months on this are looking much brighter for NWA:TNA. They have just negotiated another television deal with UPN to show Xplosion on a Saturday evening at 6pm and are gradually getting better ratings for TNA on FOX. They are due to promote their third supercard this month and have managed to tie up a lot of mainstay to written deals, ensuring that they will not be jumping ship any time soon. As time goes on it seems that TNA can only go from strength to strength as they cement their place as the number two promotion in America.

But is the only way down?

CREDIT - PWInsider

So here we are, 8 months on from when this diary originally started. I never really thought I'd get this far, but I guess I proved myself wrong. Things are pretty different from when this diary started, so if you would like to bring yourself up to speed you can read all the old shows here. Some things may not make sense due to various elements being missing (news updates, card previews, a press conference or two), but it should give you a good idea about things.

I thought I would start this second part off with some basic information about the company, so here goes:

Title Histories

NWA World Title

KEN SHAMROCK - 19/06/02 to 07/08/02

RON KILLINGS - 07/08/02 to 20/11/02

JEFF JARRETT - 20/11/02 to 11/06/03

AJ STYLES - 11/06/03 to 22/10/03

JEFF JARRETT [2] - 22/10/03 to 31/1/04

AJ STYLES [2] - 31/01/04 -

NWA X-Division Title

AJ STYLES - 19/06/02 to 07/08/02

LOW KI - 07/08/02 to 21/08/02

JERRY LYNN - 21/08/02 to 09/10/02

SYXX-PAC - 09/10/02 to 23/10/02

AJ STYLES [2] - 23/10/02 to 06/11/02

JERRY LYNN [2] - 06/11/02 to 11/12/02

SONNY SIAKI - 11/12/02 to 12/02/03

KID KASH - 12/02/03 to 30/04/03

AMAZING RED - 30/04/03 to 14/05/03

CHRIS SABIN - 14/05/03 to 20/08/03

MICHAEL SHANE - 20/08/03 to 10/12/03

PAUL LONDON - 10/12/03 to 31/01/04

CHRIS SABIN [2] - 31/01/04 -

NWA Tag Team Titles

JERRY LYNN & AJ STYLES - 03/07/02 to 14/08/02

AMERICA'S MOST WANTED - 18/09/02 to 13/11/02

THE NEW CHURCH - 13/11/02 to 13/11/02

AMERICA'S MOST WANTED [2] - 13/11/02 to 22/01/03

XXX - 22/01/03 to 19/03/03

JERRY LYNN [2] & AMAZING RED - 16/04/03 to 07/05/03

CHRISTOPHER DANIELS - 07/05/03 to 25/06/03

AMERICA'S MOST WANTED [3] - 25/06/03 to 27/08/03

SIMON & SWINGER - 27/08/03 to 12/11/03

AMERICA'S MOST WANTED [4] - 12/11/03 to 28/02/03

THE BRISCOES - 28/02/03 -


TV Schedule

TNA on FOX - Wednesday nights, 8PM.

Xplosion - Saturday evenings, 6PM.


And lastly, here is a recap of Destiny:

-Super Dragon, Excalibur and Scorpio Sky beat Sonjay Dutt, Shark Boy and Ron Killings of the 4LK in a Free For All bout.

-Simon Diamond defeated Jerry Lynn and Johnny Swinger in a Triple Threat match after Swinger turned on Lynn.

-Glen Gilbertti lost to John Walters in a singles match. Due to the stipulations of the match, Gilbertti had to retire from wrestling.

-Low Ki's mystery attacker was revealed as B-Boy, who accepted his open challenge. B-Boy lost the match by Count Out after he was pulled outside by Christopher Daniels and left to the back.

-Chris Sabin regained the X-Division Title after defeating Paul London and Michael Shane in an excellent ladder match.

-The Briscoes (with Jim Cornette) beat America's Most Wanted to win the NWA Tag Titles.

-Jeff Jarrett beat Erik Watts. As a result of the match, Watts had to leave NWA:TNA.

-AJ Styles retained his NWA World Title against Raven after CM Punk ran in and cost him the match.


So now that we are all caught up, let's get on with the show. If anyone has any queries, feel free to PM me or just leave a message in the thread.

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-Only days after attacking Jeff Jarrett at Destiny, Steve Corino will make his return to Total Nonstop Action. Don Callis has informed us that Corino will face a high profile opponent, but has guarenteed. How will Corino fair?

-NWA:TNA will be hosting the Super 8 tournament on the 17th March. Prior to the tournament, TNA has offered to hold qualifying matches for the Freelance places, to anyone who wants a shot. This week Jimmy Rave will take on Tony Mamaluke for a place in the tournament.

-Unfortunately there will be no edition of B-Jizzle Intervizzle this week, but BG James has promised there is a very special reason for this. What will it be?

-Also scheduled to appear are Jerry Lynn, David Young, Shark Boy and many more, only on Total Nonstop Action, 8PM on Fox.

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FOX? the same network that has The OC? That FOX?


Wow. Looking forward to a show. Can't pass judgment until then, and I don't want to go and look at the other part of the diary :P

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Attendance – 2506

The pyro blasts into the air to signal the beginning of Total Nonstop Action for the first time in what seems to be an age. It’s seems strange that it was only 4 days ago that we saw TNA’s second supercard, Destiny. Oh well, on with the show.

1. A New Era In TNA

The appearance of Don Callis has become synonymous with the start of a TNA broadcast, as has the chorus of boos that comes with it. Callis steps through the curtain with a shit eating grin across his face. He struts down the entrance ramp, suited and booted as usual, followed by his cronies, Justin Credible, the Red Shirt Security and, of course, the newest recruit, Steve Corino. The viewers at home are shown some footage of Destiny, Corino returned to TNA, attacking Jeff Jarrett after his match with Erik Watts. The Red Shirts hold the ropes open for the self proclaimed ‘King of Old School’ as he enters the ring. Don Callis takes the mic.

CALLIS“Welcome ladies and gentlemen to MY show. You are privileged to be here on this special night, because tonight we welcome a new era of TNA. Tonight begins the era of The Management.”

Callis opens his arms as if to say ‘here we are’. The crowd let him know what they think.

“Oh shut that hell up! Things are going to be very different around here from now on. Nothing goes down here without it going through us. We call the shots. We are in control!”

Callis pauses which gives the crowd a chance to express themselves creatively; a ‘Fuck You Callis’ chant breaks out.

“This past Saturday night all the pieces of the puzzle fell into place. I got rid of that idiot Watts, got rid of some deadwood and found myself a winner to back. That’s right Jarrett, I used you. I worked out a long time ago that you were a loser, nothing more, riding off your past successes. Sometimes you’ve just got to cut your losses, Jeff, and take that old dog into the backyard and put a bullet in his head. When you lost that cage match to Styles it finally confirmed what I believed - that I was backing the wrong horse. You’re past it, Jeff, you’re done. It’s time to hang up those boots and let a real superstar take over. So after you lost the belt I made a few calls and found myself a real winner, the man standing next to me today, the man who attacked you last night, Steve Corino. And tonight you fans are in for a real treat as Steve Corino, the future NWA Heavyweight champion, will be in action against Shark Boy, but before that why don’t we get a few words from our star?”

Callis hands the mic over to Corino.

CORINO“Jeff, just face it, you’re the past and I am the future…

…and the future is NOW!”

Corino drops the mic and the five leave the ring.


2. Once In A Blue Moon…

We get a David Young singles match. He comes out to the ring looking bland and focused, as usual. Despite his lack of appearances in TNA he still seems to be in pretty good shape. Matt Stryker, his opponent, is already in the ring awaiting the arrival of Young. Stryker has wrestled a couple of times for TNA in the past, but hasn’t featured under the new regime, which means things don’t look to good for him. Seriously, how do you market a man with a unibrow? Young attacks Stryker as soon as the bell rings, which the crowd don’t take kindly to. Young lays into Stryker with some nasty looking left hands before whipping him into the ropes and taking his head off with a hard clothesline. Young doesn’t allow Stryker any offence, methodically beating him down with a variety of power offence. He gets a two count with a vertical suplex, then another near fall after channelling the spirit of Dr Death, reversing a crossbody block into an Oklahoma Stampede. Inevitably, Young picks up the win with a vicious Spinebuster, which sends Stryker’s head bouncing off the mat.

David Young bt Matt Stryker (59/47/72) *1/4


3. The Final Showdown

We return from the short shill for TNA’s Super 8 (17th March, mark your calendars) to find Jerry Lynn standing backstage with some interview slut, I can’t remember which one, they are both equally annoying.

SLUT“Jerry, last Saturday night at Destiny you were double crossed by Simon and Swinger. Now I believe you have something to say about the matter.”

LYNN “Yes I do. [He turns to face the camera] Simon, this has gone on way too long. It’s time to settle the score once and for all. You think you are better than me, well tonight why don’t you prove it? Tonight, in the main event, it’s going to be me and you, 2 out of 3 falls match to find out once and for all who is the better man. And if you’ve got some balls you’ll leave that bastard Swinger in the locker room.”

Jerry Lynn leaves the interview area as the blonde thing finishes up the segment. Just how Jerry Lynn promos should be – short and to the point.


4. A Super Qualifier

Our first match after the break is a qualifier for the Super 8 tournament. After the unfortunate demise of ECWA, TNA officials decided they would help the legacy of the company live on through it’s trademark event – the Super 8. This event traditionally pits 8 of the Independent scene’s top workers against each other to crown a champion. The tournament has often been a springboard for who’ve competed in it, including current TNA stars Paul London, Christopher Daniels and Simon Diamond. This year’s tournament will take on a new format: TNA vs The World, but more will be announced in the coming week or so. This match is for a place in tournament on the ‘Indy’ side between Tony Mamaluke and Jimmy Rave. The two start off feeling each other out, waiting for the other to make a mistake. Rave focuses on the arm early on whilst Mamaluke tries to wear down the leg. Rave went for an enziguri, but Mamaluke caught him and nailed a Dragon screw. He tried to roll it through into a one legged Boston Crab, but Rave was wary of the danger and grabbed the bottom rope. Mamaluke made a crucial mistake and went up top, looking for a quick finish, but Rave avoided the flying elbow drop and turned it into an armbar. From then on it was all Rave, who really went to town on the arm and shoulder. Mamaluke went for one final throw of the dice with a second rope Backdrop, but Rave spun out and reversed it into a Single Arm DDT. From there he locked in the Armbar and forced Mamaluke to tap. Rave qualifies for the Super 8.

Jimmy Rave bt Tony Mamaluke (62/44/81) **

Tony Mamaluke lost overness. Jimmy Rave gained overness.

5. Dodgy Dealizzle By B-Jizzle

Ron Killings is in the locker room undoing his boots when B-Jizzle, BG James walks through the door.

JAMES“Dude, what are you doing?”

KILLINGS “I’m getting changed then heading off.”


KILLINGS“I haven’t got a match tonight, so I thought I’d head home.”

JAMES“Whoa, slow your roll.”


JAMES“I got us a match tonight.”

KILLINGS“What? Who against?”

JAMES “You’re gunna love this. It’s gunna be me, B-Jizzle and Ron ‘The Truth’ Killings against, ready for it, the Briscoes for the NWA Tag Team championship!

KILLINGS“What?! I asked Callis about a shot and he said no way.”

JAMES“Well ya know that Jizzster is a big name round these parts and I got some pull. What’s the matter, Ron? Aren’t you excited? Tonight we could become Tag champs!”

KILLINGS“Um, yeah, great.”

JAMES “Yep, it’s gunna be B-Jizzle and The Truth putting 4LK back on the map. Holla boy, I got some stuff to do, catch you later.”



6. Return Of The King…Of Old School

Steve Corino made his way down the aisle, accompanied by the rest of The Management for his return match in TNA. The fans still remembered him well from his previous match or two and his work in ECW, and he got some nice heel heat, as you tend to when you flip off the fans. He got inside the ring and demanded that the referee remove his long, sleeveless jacket, as if he were royalty, to which referee Rudy Charles reluctantly obliged. Shark Boy came out to a rousing reception, showing that even creatures of the deep blue lagoon can get over. Throughout the match Corino used his size and weight advantage on the finned fan favourite. Corino took the fight to the floor, slamming Shark Boy into the barrier and ringpost, but it wasn’t enough to take him down as Shark Boy kicked out at 2. Corino went for a Fisherman suplex, but Shark Boy dropped down the back and bit his opponent’s behind, sending Corino jumping around the ring in pain. Callis got on the apron ordering the ref to break the hold, but this only lead to Callis being bitten himself. This move delighted the crowd, but proved costly for Shark Boy. Corino distracted the referee as Gage, Northcutt and Credible pulled SB onto the floor and began stomping away at him. They rolled him inside the ring, allowing Corino to lift him up then plant him with the Old School Expulsion for the victory. After the match, all 5 men continued the attack on Shark Boy, stomping away at his fallen body, until Jeff Jarrett ran threw the crowd and slid into the ring. The Management made a swift exit from the ring before they could receive their comeuppance, leaving Jarrett to tend to the beaten Shark.

Steve Corino bt Shark Boy (72/66/79) **1/4

7. “Raven, You Got Punk’d!”

After a lengthy absence from TNA programming, Don West makes his return to the show, this time as an interviewer. Yeah that’s right Vince, we’ve got our own Michael Cole! West is walking around the back with a camera following him, apparently hoping to catch CM Punk.

WEST“Well fans it doesn’t look like we’ll be able to…[West sees Punk walking towards the arena doors carrying his bags]…there he is! [West jogs over to Punk, stopping him in his tracks]. CM Punk, last Saturday night you cost Raven his chance at winning the NWA Heavyweight title. Do you wish to comment on your actions?”

PUNK “Do I wish to comment?!”

WEST “Yes. Can you justify your actions?”

PUNK “Justify? Justify?! JUSTIFY! I don’t need to justify a thing to you or anybody else. I stand by what I did because I did what was right!”

WEST“Well can you atleast explain why?”

PUNK “Sure, I’ll tell you why – because Raven doesn’t deserve the title. He’s a disgusting excuse for a human being. What sort of example do he set for the fans at home?! Look kids, if you choose a life of drugs and alcohol you could be Heavyweight champion one day! That’s something I will not stand for. Raven’s shouldn’t be allowed to be a role model, he shouldn’t even be allowed in this damn company! He’s a walking advert for a life of disgrace! Why should he get a title shot?! So that’s why I ran in and cost him the match. [Punk picks up his bags and goes to leave].”

“Oh, and Raven, you got Punk’d!”

Punk slings his bag over his shoulder then leaves the building.


CM Punk gained overness.


8. Tag Title Shotizzle

With the Briscoes already waiting in the ring, along with their manager Jim Cornette, the bopping beats of the 4 Live Kru’s latest single (available at NWATNA.com) blazes through the arena. BG James bounces down the ramp, slapping hands with the fans as Killings looks slightly less jovial, just sauntering towards the ring. It seems this is BG’s special reason for no BJI. James does his usual spiel on the mic, asking the crowd if they’re ready to see some new champions tonight, but the Briscoes attack before he can finish. They try and double team BG, but it’s no good, as he ducks under a double clothesline attempt and hits a double Shake, Rattle and Roll. He makes the hot tag to Killings who comes in and maintains their advantage. He plants Jay with a Falcon Arrow, holding on for the cover, but Mark breaks it up. Killings lays into Jay in the corner as James calls for the tag. Killings looks over at him, but then goes back to smashing Jay with punches and forearms. He whips Jay across the ring and follows him in, but he jumps over the top and nails a Saito suplex on The Truth. Tag to Mark and the two double team Killings. They nail a double Flapjack then Mark goes to the top rope. He goes for a Moonsault, but Killings rolls out of the way! Both men are down and crawl towards their corners. James leans over the top rope for the tag, but Killings stops. He turns round and jumps on Mark for the cover. 1…2…kickout! Mark kicks out at the last second. Killings goes for the finish with a Sitout Front Suplex, but Mark drops down the back. Ace Crusher! He makes the tag to Jay. He jumps onto the top rope and nails a Senton Bomb, and gets the 3 count. The Briscoes retain the tag titles.

The Briscoes bt James & Killings (74/64/85) ***

The Briscoes gained overness.

9. Four Becomes Three

After the match, James enters the ring with the mic. Killings is kneeling on the mat, cursing his defeat.

JAMES“Ah don’t worry bout it, Ron, we’ll do it next time. I mean maybe if you’d made the tag we wouldn’t have lost, but I know how it is, [Killings gets back to his feet] we all get that way sometimes, wanting the glory, so don’t worry bro, it’s all forgiven.”

Suddenly Killings attacks James from behind, blasting him in the back of the head with a big clothesline. He picks James off the mat and drops him with his patented Sitout Front Suplex. Killings leaves the ring and grabs a chair, then slides back inside. He stalks James, telling him to get up, then just as he turns around – BAMM! Killings blasts him in the head with the steel chair. The crowd shows it’s displeasure at the attack as Killings leaves the ring, a sadistic smile appearing across his face.


Ron Killings’ turn is complete. He’s now a heel. Killings gained overness from the turn.


10. May The Best Man Win

You knew this match would be good when the ring announcer informed the crowd that the time limit was ‘TV Time Remaining’. This match would be the culmination of months and month of feuding between Simon Diamond and Jerry Lynn, and what a way to end the feud – 2 out of 3 falls match. Both men came out to the ring looking extremely focused. Diamond was accompanied to the ring by Johnny Swinger, but sent him to the back, much to Swinger’s disbelief. It looks like he wants to do it on his own. As the bell rang the crowd roared with anticipation, then the two rivals locked up. They spent the first few minutes feeling each other out, hoping to find a chink in the armour. Diamond began cranking at the neck with a cravate, trying to weaken the neck for the Simonizer. Lynn also focused on the neck, looking for the chance to hit a Cradle Piledriver or Tombstone. The pair went hold for hold, finding a counter for whatever the other could throw at them. Diamond picked up Lynn for a suplex and dropped him into the apron. He went for a shoulder block to the gut, but Lynn jumped up and legdropped him, dropping his throat right over the second rope. Lynn kept his advantage, nailing a slingshot legdrop. However the tables turned when he tried for a Bulldog. Simon picked Lynn up and sent him crashing to the mat with a Blue Thunder Bomb for a near fall. Diamond didn’t capitalise his momentum, instead choosing to taunt the fans, which proved costly. Diamond slammed Lynn adjacent to the corner and climbed the turnbuckles. He took too long on the top, yelling at the ringside marks, which allowed Lynn to gather his second wind and push Diamond off his perch. Lynn grabbed Diamond over his shoulder and spiked him in the middle of the ring with a Tombstone piledriver, covering him to win the first fall. Lynn 1, Diamond 0. Diamond has it all to do now, and he doesn’t waste any time. Diamond decides that the best defence is a good offence, going straight after the neck of Lynn. He starting twisting the neck with a cravate, then turned it into a suplex. Diamond applied a Dragon Sleeper, wrenching back on the neck, then followed up with an inverted DDT. Lynn briefly came back after a desperation Powerbomb, but Simon got the shoulder up at 2. Simon hit a Cradlebreaker then applied a Camel Clutch, but Lynn quickly got the ropes. He swang with a clothesline, but Lynn ducked. He went for a Northern Light Suplex, hoping to catch Diamond offguard, but he reversed it into a thunderous DDT. Lynn eventually got to his feet, but walked straight into the Simonizer! Simon Diamond takes the second fall! It’s 1-1. With the contest level the crowd began to get into it. Everyone in the building knew it would only take one move to finish the match, most of all Diamond and Lynn. Both men threw caution to the wind and just went for it. Lynn went close after a Tornado DDT. Diamond almost got a 3 with a Wheelbarrow Facebuster, but Lynn just got his shoulder off the mat. He looked to have taken the final fall went he hit a modified Simon Series, dropping Lynn with 2 Brainbusters before hitting a Front Suplex, but somehow he kicked out. Lynn didn’t waste any time before his next attack. He whipped Diamond into the ropes and clattered him with a HUGE clothesline. Lynn climbed to the second rope and flew off, catching Diamond’s head and bulldogging him into the mat. Lynn picked him up and gave the cutthroat sign. He went for the kick to the gut, but Diamond caught it. He ducked an enziguri attempt, but didn’t see Lynn’s boot flying round a second time. Lynn quickly picked Diamond up and went for the Cradle Piledriver. He used all his strength, but Diamond kept blocking. Lynn finally got him up, but Diamond got onto his shoulders and rolled down the back into a Sunset Flip! Diamond flips over into a bridge!! 1…2…3!! Diamond has done it! He’s won the match, two falls to one.

Simon Diamond bt Jerry Lynn (85/81/89) ***3/4

Simon Diamond gained overness. Jerry Lynn gained overness from this feud ending. Simon Diamond gained overness from this feud ending.

Officials helped both men back up the ramp as the broadcast went off the air.

-End Show-

CQ – 75%

TV – 4.83

Edited by lafunkenstein
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Good show, loved the main event, but two things...

1. When did Corino start spelling "school" incorrectly?

2. The "Punk'd" catchphrase is still terrible.

Other than that, I like how it's all turning out. Truth's better as a heel anyway.

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A good first show to kick off your new shows. Finally, Killings turns heel, i tottally called that (like 6 months ago :P ). I enjoyed it, overall a good turnout.

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I'd mark if Raven eventually poured alcohol on Punk or something. You know, because of the sXe thing and all. Or emptied a bottle of painkillers into Punk's mouth. :lol: [/wishfulthinking]

Anyways, good show. I liked the 2/3 Falls match. Never liked BG James, nor Truth, so fuck them. As with everyone else, I don't like the Punk'd catchphrase, since it's an MTV show, and MTV is like...so not sXe or something.

Spell 'school' right or die, bitch. :P

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Glad to see this diary is back, but I don't think you should have gave away the conclusion of the Lynn/Diamond feud on free TV I would have waited till the PPV to end it, but maybe you have something bigger planned for Diamond prehaps a title shot [Hint: Hint]

Yeah, I knew the Truth was going to turn heel, about time. Heel Killings > Face Killings. Sonjay and Sharky will most likely side with BG since I can't see either as heels. Well, maybe Sonjay but Shark Boy? :blink:

Another Punk/Raven feud :(

Super 8 should be great. I look foreward to it. Any chance you might give us an update on who's in the tourny? It would be much obliged.

Keep making them, and I'll keep readin' em.


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Guest It's 999

Interesting first show. The segments were interesting and realistic, and the matches kept me wanting to read. Can't wait for the next show. ;)

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Xplosion Preview

The debut of the revamped Xplosion will be headlined by another Super 8 qualifying match, this time for a TNA spot. Fresh off retiring Glen Gilbertti, John Walters will face Frankie Kazarian. Can Frankie break his losing streak or will Walters advance?

Another qualifying match will take place between 'The Silent Assassin' B-Boy and Chris Divine. The winner will take his place representing TNA in the Super 8.

Also in action will be the Red Shirt Security and Michael Shane.

Only on UPN this Saturday, 6PM.

Quick query replies:

GoGo - I forgot Corino wasn't cool and hip and spelt words correctly >_>. And the catchphrase stays!

syco - Be careful what you wish for...

Tristy - The catchphrase is cool. You're just too lame to realise it :P

Sullen Slacker - Good to see you back. You were always a really good follower of the diary, giving lots of feedback so (Y). Details about the Super 8 participants will come after some more qualifying matches. I will do a nice little preview about the participants before the event however.

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how/why is TNA stealin the Super 8 from the ECWA? Is that something from Part I i havent read/forgotten? Explainy please.

Our first match after the break is a qualifier for the Super 8 tournament. After the unfortunate demise of ECWA, TNA officials decided they would help the legacy of the company live on through it’s trademark event – the Super 8. This event traditionally pits 8 of the Independent scene’s top workers against each other to crown a champion. The tournament has often been a springboard for who’ve competed in it, including current TNA stars Paul London, Christopher Daniels and Simon Diamond. This year’s tournament will take on a new format: TNA vs The World, but more will be announced in the coming week or so.

If you'd read the show you would know :P

Edited by lafunkenstein
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Guest Red Devil

I've always been a fan of this diary and it's good to see it return, The Lynn/Diamond feud was ended brilliantly here as the main event and now hopefully you can build up Diamond to be a big time player.

I'm hoping your going to push Killings to the top because that's where he belongs, he's got the charisma, talent the look and is the ultimate package. The turn was OK but I'd rather of you built it up a little longer and made it more then just a normal unoriginal tag partner clotheslines partner.

I'm not a big fan of Corino but he's OK and can carry JJ to a good match, all round it looks like your building up to another great PPV so I'm looking forward to it.

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If you'd read the show you would know :P

Touche monsieur Funk, touche. Well that's all well and good, nothing to see here >_> Ive got to check up on these you know funky :P We cant just let you pull events out of your arse, im trying to keep this diary somewhat realistic, and you cant by de-pushing the briscose brothers and hiring Los Luchas, Phoenix Star and Zokre (Y)

p.s is Vince Russo still around? If he is corino is a no-no. He stated clearly that he would never step foot into TNA as long Russo was there with the book, so if he is still there, im shaking my head at you funky, shaking my head.

Edited by kaya
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