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Funeral For a Friend


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Subculture was so fun last night, for a number of reasons, one being laughing at the emo ways. My Chemical Romance came on, and my cousin (big ska fan) and I completely took the piss. We started off dancing around normally, then we dropped down onto our knees and acted like we were writing songs and cutting ourselves. We did it for fun, however, the large amount of emo kids behind my cousin looked at us with disgust. I loved it.

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MCR, I hate the most. Period.

It's great, I went to a Dashboard Confessional gig (why am I releasing that information to the public, I went because a hot girl invited me dammit, I hate Dashboard!), and in the front row, people were actually getting their razorblades out, so fucking hilarious!

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MCR I can't stand at all.

Even my friends who like every single emo band in the universe hate My Chemical Romance. Their songs are catchy for like 20 minutes than I just want to fire shots at the TV screen whenever their videos come on.

When I went to Taste of Chaos (for Killswitch and Killswitch only) we met these two guys and a girl who were verbally fellating MCR all night, than turned around and started to rip on Billy Talent for some God forsaken reason. Now, Billy Talent may not be the best band in the world, far from it... but let's get serious here, despite that they still blow that My Chemical Romance shit out of the water. I happen to have a soft spot for Billy Talent because they have some pretty catchy songs and all of my friends and I hate MCR with a passion... So we just started ripping on them like there was no tomorrow. At first we would make subtle comments, than slowly they would become more blatant and that happened, the anger rose in those disturbed emo youths as the three doofies started yelling and threatening us... it was pretty funny.

Edited by Enter Blue Guy
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Not that this entails emo, but I remember talking to someone my mate knew outside the Wednesday 13 gig. We were filming the queue, for part of our media project, and he was saying to my mate how excited he was.

I was like "yeah, I think Wednesday 13 sucks, personally"....

His face fell visibly, and I felt kinda sorry.

Edited by kevinnashwannabe
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MCR, I hate the most. Period.

It's great, I went to a Dashboard Confessional gig (why am I releasing that information to the public, I went because a hot girl invited me dammit, I hate Dashboard!), and in the front row, people were actually getting their razorblades out, so fucking hilarious!

I know a girl who's seen Dashboard.


She cried.


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MCR I can't stand at all.

Even my friends who like every single emo band in the universe hate My Chemical Romance. Their songs are catchy for like 20 minutes than I just want to fire shots at the TV screen whenever their videos come on.

When I went to Taste of Chaos (for Killswitch and Killswitch only) we met these two guys and a girl who were verbally fellating MCR all night, than turned around and started to rip on Billy Talent for some God forsaken reason. Now, Billy Talent may not be the best band in the world, far from it... but let's get serious here, despite that they still blow that My Chemical Romance shit out of the water. I happen to have a soft spot for Billy Talent because they have some pretty catchy songs and all of my friends and I hate MCR with a passion... So we just started ripping on them like there was no tomorrow. At first we would make subtle comments, than slowly they would become more blatant and that happened, the anger rose in those disturbed emo youths as the three doofies started yelling and threatening us... it was pretty funny.

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I think it's quite possible that I hate emo kids more than chavs. Well, stereotypical one's anyway. I'm just hoping the girl who saw Dashboard twice cried because they're so goddamn awful!

And you've never seen a stereotypical emo kid, because I saw 5000 of them on the 2nd of May, and I just had to take a train up to Alexandra Palace!

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I asked her why she cried, while I was laughing.

She said it was an emotional moment for her.

I asked her why she cried the second time.

She said it was an emotional moment for her.

This girl is completely emo, the amount of stories I could tell are vast.


I think I hate chavs more. If you steal a chavs girl, he and his mates will jump you. If you steal an emo kids girl, then he'll just hurt himself, and write a song about how you're better in bed than him - instant exposure. Emo kids > Chavs.

Edited by Summers
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I asked her why she cried, while I was laughing.

She said it was an emotional moment for her.

I asked her why she cried the second time.

She said it was an emotional moment for her.

This girl is completely emo, the amount of stories I could tell are vast.


I think I hate chavs more. If you steal a chavs girl, he and his mates will jump you. If you steal an emo kids girl, then he'll just hurt himself, and write a song about how you're better in bed than him - instant exposure. Emo kids > Chavs.

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. An emotional moment for her? Dayumn, if I knew her, I would have given her an emotional moment, by killing all of her family. Then I wouldn't care how many songs she wrote about it, if she got famous, I'd demand royalties!

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I think it's quite possible that I hate emo kids more than chavs. Well, stereotypical one's anyway. I'm just hoping the girl who saw Dashboard twice cried because they're so goddamn awful!

And you've never seen a stereotypical emo kid, because I saw 5000 of them on the 2nd of May, and I just had to take a train up to Alexandra Palace!

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MCR I can't stand at all.

Even my friends who like every single emo band in the universe hate My Chemical Romance. Their songs are catchy for like 20 minutes than I just want to fire shots at the TV screen whenever their videos come on.

When I went to Taste of Chaos (for Killswitch and Killswitch only) we met these two guys and a girl who were verbally fellating MCR all night, than turned around and started to rip on Billy Talent for some God forsaken reason. Now, Billy Talent may not be the best band in the world, far from it... but let's get serious here, despite that they still blow that My Chemical Romance shit out of the water. I happen to have a soft spot for Billy Talent because they have some pretty catchy songs and all of my friends and I hate MCR with a passion... So we just started ripping on them like there was no tomorrow. At first we would make subtle comments, than slowly they would become more blatant and that happened, the anger rose in those disturbed emo youths as the three doofies started yelling and threatening us... it was pretty funny.

Where the hell do you people find these people? This thread is getting filled with stories about which emo kid did what and i've NEVER seen them doing anything out of ordinary.

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I'm sorry YI, usually you most often have good taste in music but I personally think Funeral For a Friend are pretty garbage. I dunno, my friend has their CD and after listening to it for a bit I wasn't impressed at all, I even begged him to take the CD out and toss it in the trash. I dunno, that's just the way they sounded to me.

The best bands out of this new emo kid hardcore punk movement or whatever to me are Rise Against, Alexisonfire, and Thrice. They're are a few others I can tolerate and even enjoy, but there are a ton more that just sound like shit to me. Now at least, before I liked a lot of them then one day I was like "this is crap" and that's the end of that chapter.

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