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If that's what you got from that, I think you're a complete retard. I just asked if it was any good.

What about Final Fantasy 11? I know it has monthly fees, but is it any good?

How does that translate into


Seriously, what the fuck you fuckmook?

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I don't see how you can get that from my quote. I was asking about it because I've read good things about the game. I've said it before and I'll say it again, Final Fantasy isn't even my favorite RPG. If we were talking about something like "Xenosaga Online" then maybe it would have been accurate, but, um, it's not.

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just get WoW and die happy, it´s worth the monney and it´s not that 10€ a month are anything like a lot sinc you, as anyone, prolly never pay for any offline pc game anyway (i personaly follow the belive that that is the reason for people bitching about fees all along, they just arrent used to pay for more than the PC itself...)

Get WoW


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I probably could get WoW and set aside some money to pay for the online fees, god knows I have the money, but I'm a cheapskate.

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It's just the way you acted like I was retarded for DARING to suggest a game you had to pay monthly for, because there's no way you could ever do that.

Then in the very next post asked about a game you knew you had to pay monthly for.

Not that it's at all hypocritical.

But what do I know? I'm a complete retard.

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Two pieces of advice:

Stay the hell away from FF Online and Lineage II. I've heard too many bad things about both games: FF doesn't have enough character classes and levelling up seems like too much of a chore to some people - its more like you're doing work than adventuring. Lineage II supposedly has a lot of griefers.

Try City of Heroes, if you like super-heroes and comic books. Unlike some MMORPGs, expansions for it are totally free - you automatically download them whenever they're released. Expansions are called `Issues' (as in comic books) and there have been 4 so far. You also get a comic book in the mail every month as part of your subscription. (The original City of Heroes comic was published by Blue King Studios and lasted 12 issues - Top Cow is taking over, and the new series will start with issue #1)

I'd also recommend staying away from Everquest II. I used to play the original EQ (played for 3 years), and know a few people who switched from it to EQ II, and most of them didn't like EQ II and quit.

(Btw, since you mentioned you're a cheapskate, buy the DVD edition version of City of Heroes, if you decide to try it. You can make some of your money back by selling the Statesman Heroclix that comes with it on eBay, or something.)

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