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Chelsea vs Liverpool

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Sorry, just so damn happy. Where's your treble now I ask? Oh and please be quiet Jose trying to claim that you were by far the better team, what bollocks. I think it was close but Chelsea weren't really at there best. Although you could say that was thanks to super defending from Liverpool. I don't see how he can feel Chelsea were really better, Liverpool had some good attacking moments and defended better than nearly any team has done all season.

Gudjonsen (sp?) should have scored that last minute goal, that was just a crazy ending. Terry was super at times too, not a touch on Jamie at the other end though, he was pure amazing. Garcia was great at times too and Cisse helped them big time once he came on. Baros started great but just let them down a touch. Thought Cech was lucky to even be on the pitch, so I don't think they should really say much about the goal as if it was a Penalty instead Gerrard would probably have put it in or something.

Personally I think it's one of the best games in years nearly, well favourite wise for me. Just stands behind the Juve/Madrid game from this year and in the 2002/2003 one, but damn brilliant. Well done to both teams though, Liverpool deserved it I think and I cant wait to see how they fair against Milan or PSV, probably Milan of course.

Oh and seeing Jose nearly crying at the end, that's worth the months of wait I tell you, no hard feelings though Chelsea :thumbsup:

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Sorry, just so damn happy. Where's your treble now I ask? Oh and please be quiet Jose trying to claim that you were by far the better team, what bollocks. I think it was close but Chelsea weren't really at there best. Although you could say that was thanks to super defending from Liverpool. I don't see how he can feel Chelsea were really better, Liverpool had some good attacking moments and defended better than nearly any team has done all season.

Gudjonsen (sp?) should have scored that last minute goal, that was just a crazy ending. Terry was super at times too, not a touch on Jamie at the other end though, he was pure amazing. Garcia was great at times too and Cisse helped them big time once he came on. Baros started great but just let them down a touch. Thought Cech was lucky to even be on the pitch, so I don't think they should really say much about the goal as if it was a Penalty instead Gerrard would probably have put it in or something.

Personally I think it's one of the best games in years nearly, well favourite wise for me. Just stands behind the Juve/Madrid game from this year and in the 2002/2003 one, but damn brilliant. Well done to both teams though, Liverpool deserved it I think and I cant wait to see how they fair against Milan or PSV, probably Milan of course.

Oh and seeing Jose nearly crying at the end, that's worth the months of wait I tell you, no hard feelings though Chelsea  :thumbsup:

Wow, JP with more anti Chelsea sentiment, what a surprise.

Frankly, Liverpool deserved to win, but I'd argue that Chelsea have been the better side in Europe this season, and were unlucky to go out to a questionable goal.

I also think its sad that if Liverpool win, no CL for Everton. Not that I see Liverpool beating Milan, but you never know.

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Guest Majick

UEFA have said that if Liverpool win the CL, then they may let them in to defend it as well as Arse/Chelsea/ManU and Everton, presumably with the UEFA cup spot Liverpool'd have going to whichever - foreign - team doesn't make the CL instead.

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UEFA have said that if Liverpool win the CL, then they may let them in to defend it as well as Arse/Chelsea/ManU and Everton, presumably with the UEFA cup spot Liverpool'd have going to whichever - foreign - team doesn't make the CL instead.

They are going to change it only for this year because of some odd reason?

The English FA can pick Liverpool to go to the Champions League. That's not UEFA's business, and i wish people would understand that. the UEFA coefficients decide HOW MANY teams from each country go to each european competition. Not WHICH teams go. That's up to the countries FA's to decide the method they find more suitable. They could even decide every year Basingstoke gets a place there no matter what (odd example, but just to pass the point).

I haven't heard about England getting the right to a fifth team this season, could somebody link me to any news about that?

and rvdwannabe, you're exagerating. This was one of the least Anti-Chelsea posts JP has ever done. It even has a couple compliments in there :P

He said Terry was good...that is all..... <_<


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There was a story on bbc.co.uk about Johanssen saying that five teams could be allowed to compete.  So they haven't said yes or no.


Uefa has rejected any overtures from the Football Association for an extra Champions League place next season.

The FA said it had "begun discussions" for a fifth place if Liverpool win this year's competition and fail to qualify through a top four league finish.

Everton are currently favourites to pip the Reds to fourth in the Premiership.

"The country has to decide between the fourth-placed (domestic league) team or the title holders (of the European Cup)," said a Uefa spokesman.

Spain were faced with the same dilemma five years ago and opted to allow European Cup holders Real Madrid - who finished fifth in the Primera Liga - to defend their title and entered fourth-placed Real Zaragoza in the Uefa Cup.

Uefa chief executive Lars-Christer Olsson told Monday's Daily Express: "There is no way England can have more than four teams so we would refer it to the English FA to make the decision if it arises.

"But normally I would say that it's more important if you are qualified through your national league position than if you have won the competition."

The decision would be made by the FA's main board, in consultation with the professional game board and the Premier League.


If the FA chose to follow the Spanish precedent, that would mean Everton would be in the UEFA cup regardless of whether they finish fourth.

Edited by stokeriño
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If Liverpool get into the Champions League next year, I'll be pissed. The only reason I want them to win it this year is so they can be told "sorry mates, you're not in it next year." :D

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Uefa’s president Lennart Johansson has suggested that Liverpool could yet be allowed to defend the Champions League next season should they win the competition this year but finish outside the Premiership’s top four.

Johansson said Uefa would be open to discuss the prospect of granting England an unprecedented fifth place in next season's competition should Liverpool, currently fifth in the league, overcome Chelsea in tomorrow's semi-final second leg and go on to win the trophy in Istanbul next month.

Previously Uefa had insisted only four teams from any one country could play in the Champions League.

"The door is always open," Johansson told BBC Radio 5 Live. "This is a very demanding case but it doesn't mean it cannot be discussed. Liverpool are welcome with their point of view. They can make any proposal and we will deal with it and we will give them a quick answer. We are there to serve football and not just dictate.

"If there is a possibility to make an exception for the winner of the Champions League then there could be an additional place. It is for the executive committee to decide and anything can be granted if they decide to go to the member associations and ask for a change in the regulations. But it would be unfair on Everton who have played the whole season and qualified via fourth place to then exclude them."

That concession has been privately welcomed on Merseyside, though neither Liverpool nor Everton will address the issue publicly until the outcome of the semi-final is clear.

"It's not a live debate at this stage," said Liverpool's chief executive Rick Parry. "There is clearly an element of inconsistency within the rules. On the one hand there is a desire for the champions to participate but equally a very clear rule that says no country can have more than four participants.

"That works fine providing the champions always finish within the top four which I guess they generally do. But it's Uefa's responsibility - after all, it is their competition and it's for them to address what should happen to the winner. I don't think it is appropriate that national associations should be left with such extraordinarily difficult decisions."

Johansson intends to tighten the rules next season. "In my opinion the rule is already there," he said, "but if there are exceptions to the rule then we have to clarify the situation and make a clear statement about it."

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There was a story on bbc.co.uk about Johanssen saying that five teams could be allowed to compete.  So they haven't said yes or no.


Uefa has rejected any overtures from the Football Association for an extra Champions League place next season.

The FA said it had "begun discussions" for a fifth place if Liverpool win this year's competition and fail to qualify through a top four league finish.

Everton are currently favourites to pip the Reds to fourth in the Premiership.

"The country has to decide between the fourth-placed (domestic league) team or the title holders (of the European Cup)," said a Uefa spokesman.

Spain were faced with the same dilemma five years ago and opted to allow European Cup holders Real Madrid - who finished fifth in the Primera Liga - to defend their title and entered fourth-placed Real Zaragoza in the Uefa Cup.

Uefa chief executive Lars-Christer Olsson told Monday's Daily Express: "There is no way England can have more than four teams so we would refer it to the English FA to make the decision if it arises.

"But normally I would say that it's more important if you are qualified through your national league position than if you have won the competition."

The decision would be made by the FA's main board, in consultation with the professional game board and the Premier League.

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Don't worry. Milan will win it and all will be right with the world.

As I was discussing with someone earlier, I'd be sick if Milan won it, as Italian sides for years have bought success, and to an extent still try to. Players tend to go to Italy for the paycheck, not the actual football itself, and I'd love to see Liverpool beat Milan, to show them just how it is done.

EDIT: And before someone says "OMFG STFU Chelsea", I'll just say that its rare in UK football to have that amount of money pumped into one side, whilst it seems more regular on the continent.

Edited by rvdwannabe
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Well from my point of view everything will be right... 1. Liverpool have done their job and knocked out Chelsea. 2. Now Milan will win, so this Liverpool/Everton 5 team Champs League situation won't arise and 3. ManU will have been knocked out by the eventual winners. Always the best way to go out.

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Well from my point of view everything will be right... 1. Liverpool have done their job and knocked out Chelsea.  2. Now Milan will win, so this Liverpool/Everton 5 team Champs League situation won't arise and 3. ManU will have been knocked out by the eventual winners. Always the best way to go out.

Yeah, I guess so. I'd rather have seen Chelsea win it, so an English team wins, and Everton go into the CL.

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Don't worry. Milan will win it and all will be right with the world.

As I was discussing with someone earlier, I'd be sick if Milan won it, as Italian sides for years have bought success, and to an extent still try to. Players tend to go to Italy for the paycheck, not the actual football itself, and I'd love to see Liverpool beat Milan, to show them just how it is done.

EDIT: And before someone says "OMFG STFU Chelsea", I'll just say that its rare in UK football to have that amount of money pumped into one side, whilst it seems more regular on the continent.

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Don't worry. Milan will win it and all will be right with the world.

As I was discussing with someone earlier, I'd be sick if Milan won it, as Italian sides for years have bought success, and to an extent still try to. Players tend to go to Italy for the paycheck, not the actual football itself, and I'd love to see Liverpool beat Milan, to show them just how it is done.

EDIT: And before someone says "OMFG STFU Chelsea", I'll just say that its rare in UK football to have that amount of money pumped into one side, whilst it seems more regular on the continent.

By continent you mean Italy and Spain... because England, Spain and Italy beat the crap out of everyother country by far in what concernes to transfer fees payed for players.

Of course I mean Italy and Spain, I just said "continent" to sound clever...:P

Even though England is catching up, Italy and Spain are far and away ahead in the wages department.

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Guest Pirate Chasin' Booty

I think everyone except for the Chelsea faithful/fanboys became honoury scousers tonite (its dirty, but it felt good), theres nothing better than seeing a pub filled with supporters in all colours (except blue) cheering for one team that isn't England.

A poor mans double isn't too bad for £200million though, right?

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I think everyone except for the Chelsea faithful/fanboys became honoury scousers tonite (its dirty, but it felt good), theres nothing better than seeing a pub filled with supporters in all colours (except blue) cheering for one team that isn't England.

A poor mans double isn't too bad for £200million though, right?

Considering that a lot of people hate Liverpool as well, I doubt that everyone was against Chelsea.

And I'd also argue that at the end of the day, the Premiership was the most important trophy Chelsea had to win this season, and they did it. I'm sure that at the end of the day, 2 trophies, irrelevant of how much money they put into it is a good season.

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Sorry, just so damn happy. Where's your treble now I ask? Oh and please be quiet Jose trying to claim that you were by far the better team, what bollocks. I think it was close but Chelsea weren't really at there best.

Oh and seeing Jose nearly crying at the end, that's worth the months of wait I tell you, no hard feelings though Chelsea  :thumbsup:

Holy shit. Fuck off, just shut the fuck up.

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