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Guest Pirate Chasin' Booty

Bwahahahaha, I love Jose's terrible attitude, shaking Souness' hand before the final whistle? what a cry baby, I loved Souness' inital reaction, kinda like 'fuck off you twat, its not over yet'.

'Last time we beat zem four neel' - yeah, like that matters.

Brings back sweet memories of him branding Spurs cheaters because they defended during their draw earlier in the season.

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I thought Chelsea were unstoppable this season? Proves they can be beaten and it can happen with any sort of team. I wouldn't class Newcastle as a great team anymore, although they did play amazing today.

Either way, one trophy down, three to go. Exit Newcastle, enter Barcelona :)

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Guest Pirate Chasin' Booty

Thats a risk you take by making 3 substitutions at half time, if anything thats really bad tactics, changes needed to be made, but the 3 changes weren't so important that the substitutions should get wasted so early.

Its kind of like not putting a keeper on your bench, its almost tempting fate.

Oh well, its nice to see some smugness wiped away from alot of peoples faces anyway.

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The game proved that without Drogba and Robben, you don't have goals in you at all. Kezman looked threatening once, and that was it for the whole game. In fact, according to the commentator's you've scored one goal since Robben went out injured and that was against a team with 10-men.

I was backing you to beat Barcelona Wednesday night, but now I think you'll be lucky to come away with a draw. Depends on if Drogba is playing...well, depends if he can get any decent service.

Oh, and when Titus Bramble is the best player on the pitch you KNOW there is something VERY, VERY wrong with both teams.

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I wouldn't class Newcastle as a great team anymore, although they did play amazing today.

Amazing is a huge over statement. Newcastle were to be quite frank awful had it not been for Kluiverts early goal that match would have ended 0-0. The standard of Roberts crossing is really shocking and its no suprise after watching them why they're having a crap season. The fact they could barely muster a shot in the second half against 10 men speaks volumes. Newcastle are a team heading nowhere and to say they played amazingingly just because they beat a weakened Chelsea team is ludicrous.

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Thats the point they weren't. They could barely muster a string of passes together. Throughout the second half Chelsea were the better team and they only had 10 men! They didn't play at all well and against a full strength Chelsea they would have been ripped to shreds the way they played. Beating an under strength Chelsea means nothing, the team played on Sunday by Chelsea was not the team that is topping the premiership.

Edited by Sam
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Is it really an understrengthed side in the fact that the team they fielded, and the ammount of money they have spent on the players? Look at the team:

Carlo Cudicini - Best 'keeper in the Premiership/world last season

Glen Johnson - Young, talented, £3m and is better than alot of Premiership right-backs.

Wayne Bridge - Second to Ashley Cole in the England ranks, and one of the finest left-backs in the world.

William Gallas - Class player, solid defender, better than all of Newcastle's defenders.

Ricardo Carvalho - Signed for nearly £20m; for that he should be one of the best defenders in the world.

Jiri Jarosik - Don't know anything about him anyway.

Alexei Smertin - Russia captain, and a damn solid midfielder.

Tiago - £8m, better than a lot of Premiership midfielders.

Geremi - When at Middlesbrough, he was their best player. Again, better than a lot of Premiership midfielders.

Mateja Kezman - "He scored more than Ronaldo, Romario and Ruud Van Nistelrooy at PSV." Quoted from Dennis Rommedahl, so isn't he scoring?

Joe Cole - One of the best English talents around at the moment.

That's their starting line-up, and if anyone can say to be that that Chelsea team shouldn't have beaten a full strength Newcastle side, and say it with a straight face, then be my quest. Oh, don't forget Duff, Lampard and Gudjohnsen played 45 minutes as well.

Use the excuse that Chelsea had ten men after 50 minutes, but the fact is Chelsea should've scored in the first-half. The shitty "understrengthed team" excuse is full of crap, and I hate it when people say that and the team still has players in it who could beat 80% of the Premiership.

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Ricardo Carvalho - Signed for nearly £20m; for that he should be one of the best defenders in the world.

Don't know about the price cause football transfer fees are ridiculous anyway, but he is one of the best defenders in the world currently. He is along with Deco and maniche one of the main reasons why porto won the uefa and champions league and consecutive years and portugal reached the finals of the Euro 2004. I'm not saying he should be an uncontested starter in Chelsea cause gallas and Terry are also very good defenders, but he still has quality.

The Kezman thing in the Dutch league is true. Once again this is a matter of style of playing. Some players do good in one league, and than can't do it in others. It's not even related to the fact that the english league is better than the dutch. Cause i'm sure there are players who do well in the english league and wouldn't do in the dutch.

I agree with you. Even that "understrengthed" team had more than enough to beat newcastle. Still Chelsea were better on the field, although less efective, which is a rarity in Chelsea these days.

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It doesnt matter how much they cost. They dont play together week in week out. Sure they may play together in training but everyone knows thats different. It was an under strength Chelsea team and to beat them is like beating an under strength Arsenal or Man United team it doesn't mean much at all.

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It doesnt matter how much they cost. They dont play together week in week out. Sure they may play together in training but everyone knows thats different. It was an under strength Chelsea team and to beat them is like beating an under strength Arsenal or Man United team it doesn't mean much at all.


Chelsea played a (more-or-less) second string side. Now, Chelsea have enough players to make two damn strong teams. Chelsea with their best eleven could probably beat anyone. Chelsea with their second best eleven could probably beat everyone in the Premiership except for Arsenal and Man Utd.

An Arsenal second string side is a team of unproven youngsters and back-up players who wouldn't get into our line-up. Same with Man Utd to be quite frank. Beating ANY Chelsea team is a brilliant accomplishment for a team like Newcastle. If Arsenal or Man Utd beat that Chelsea team, it would be a good result. See what I mean?

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Apparently Abramovic is discussing with Real Madrid the possibility of buying Ronaldo when the league ends. This comes in the sequence of ronaldo's bad recent form. Ronaldo doesn't seem happy at Madrid and that's affecting his performances, and as a result Madrid aren't very happy with him either. I've seen this in a couple of papers so i believe not all of it are rumours.

EDIT: Florentino Perez publicly stated "those who lost the pleasure of playing should leave". He also said he won't give any official word on next season's transfer until this one ends though.

Edited by Malenko
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