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"Serenity" Trailer


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Ok, in the same year that a Star Wars film is being released, the fact I'm more excited for something else shows how much I am looking forward to this.

One thing I really hope is that they keep the 'country-western' feel by keeping the music; I hope there's no rock music or anything in it.

I would also like to add that Alan Tudyk is awesome. :D

I'm gonna go watch some Firefly...*whistles off into the darkness*

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Guest Ringmaster

Alan Tudyk is the MVP of the movie. The stuff he does in there is out of this world. The version I saw had no music, so I wouldn't know about that, but the western feel is still there, and the only addition is cursing in the dialogue. That, and Captain Mal is one fucking dark mofo in this movie. Watch out for those swerves.

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I've yet to see an episode of "Firefly", but now having caught up on "Angel" and 3 seasons into "Buffy", I was already very hopeful about this movie. Now having seen the trailer I'm absolutely elated. It's got the "can't suck" quality the Garden State trailer had.

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Wash: This is gonna get pretty interesting.

Mal: Define interesting.

Wash: Oh god, oh god, we're all gonna die?


This movie will rule.

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Guest Ringmaster

Shouldn't affect anything, the series never really got off to a start, and the gyst of the plot is explained in the movie's opening minutes.

Edited by Ringmaster
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Guest Ringmaster

The thing is that, you know how a Whedon series goes, the first few shows are generally "monster/bad guy of the week" types of shows. Firefly was like that, and just as it gets good, it gets cut off. I wouldn't say its as good as Buffy or Angel, but it's a fantastic show anyways and worthy of the Whedon name, and I'll be rewatching it as soon as I get the time.

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The thing is that, you know how a Whedon series goes, the first few shows are generally "monster/bad guy of the week" types of shows. Firefly was like that, and just as it gets good, it gets cut off. I wouldn't say its as good as Buffy or Angel, but it's a fantastic show anyways and worthy of the Whedon name, and I'll be rewatching it as soon as I get the time.

I would easily say it's as good as Buffy or Angel, and at times it seemed better than them to me. But I doubt I'd say it was better than Buffy or Angel had it stayed on TV.

The DVD has been selling for £15 here in England at some places, so just buy the thing! You won't be disappointed, quaranteed...shit I sound like a used-car salesman.

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Hey Browncoats-

Joss has some special news for you posted on the message boards.



It gets better.

As thus: The movie is very nearly finished. You've seen many pretty images in the trailer. But I've still got work to do and you've still got months before you can see it.


And, no, I'm not talking Australia (but Hi, Australia! anyway), I'm talking here in the more-or-less-United States, a one time multi-city Browncoat sneak event. Thursday, May 5th at 10:00 pm, the movie (Serenity! Pay attention! Jeez.) will be playing at exactly 10 theaters in 10 cities across the country. You (or possibly someone much like you) (or possibly a robot EXACTLY like you, but with better manners and sonic arm-lasers, sent to take your place) will be able to buy a ticket to see Serenity months in advance. Not just the bitty trailer with not enough Kaylee and Book, but the whole film, in its extremely almost completed state.

You probably have some questions. How is this possible? What cities exactly will it be in? What are these changes my body is going through? All valid. It's possible because some clown put a bunch of Universal execs in a theater full of Browncoats and dude, they came out SWEATING, they never seen energy like that. They loved it, and even though they were already wicked supportive of the movie (see: earlier posts re: we're making the movie) they simply weren't ready for you guys. When I whinged on about pushing the date and everyone here was posting about "what do we do till September", they agreed to let me sneak it out.

Maybe they thought it was a fluke. Maybe they wanna see if people really do care about the flick. Or maybe they're just treating us with respect and kindness, though that last option confuses and terrifies me as much as these changes my body is going through (I'm "perspiring" and becoming "interested in girls", which believe me is very unsettling when you're 40.) Does it matter? The plan works for me, and it can work for a select bunch of y'all. Here's what I know:

The cities to be hit are:







San Francisco

Las Vegas


The Portland of Oregon

If you're in or near one of those, you might wanna stop by. There's supposed to be a "Can't Stop the Signal" page on this website (I don't know where it is -- hey, I remembered my damn password, doesn't that buy me any cred?) There should be more info there soon about how to get in, bringing peeps into the fold, I think there's even competetions and stuff. (All I know is I have exactly 20 Brownie points. I answered ONE triv Q and got it wrong. Forget cred. I have no cred.) Now a couple of us might just creep into one of those major metropolitan multiplexes to see if anyone does show up, so remember: swearing in Chinese ONLY.

All right. This will please the fans and satisfy the employers of Joss Whedon, so I must stop as my arm-lasers are getting tired. I politely thank you for your attention.

Should be fun.



In case any of you have been asleep for the past few days the Serenity trailer is out on apple.com!  Check it out here


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