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TNA Wrestling: The Turning Point

Guest Dakendo

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Guest Dakendo

TNA End Of Year News Updates: Top 100 Rankings, Birthdays, Retirements, Raven and more...

Posted by Dan L. Richards, 1/1/05

- To open, Happy New Year from everyone here at the website! There's lots of new in from around the wrestling world, so let's delving into the mixed pot of information available.

- The Top 100 Workers Of 2004 are in, and a number of TNA Wrestling stars were featured in the list. The Top 5 stands as follows:

1: Kurt Angle

2: Chris Benoit

3: Eddie Guerrero

4: Chris Jericho

5: Christopher Daniels

The remaining TNA workers involved are:

6: AJ Styles

8: Jerry Lynn

24: Ron Killings

32: Kid Kash

45: Jeff Jarrett

48: Sonny Siaki

53: Frankie Kazarian

60: The Amazing Red

61: Pat Kenney

64: Jeff Hardy

67: James Storm

75: Chris Harris

80: Glenn Gilberti

90: Chris Sabin

100: Diamond Dallas Page

- On the retirement front: Japanese wrestling legend Riki Choshu has announced his plans to retire from professional wrestling, as have Damian Demento, Charles 'Godfather' Wright and Fuerza Guerrera (son of former WCW Cruiserweight Champion Juventud Guerrera).

- In TNA television news, Xplosion has been promoted in many networks to a Late Night spot. The show was pushed down to a graveyard slot earlier on in the month, but due to improved ratings the show has been restored to it's former time slot.

- In the past month, the following wrestlers have had birthdays (ages in brackets): 'Fallen Angel' Christopher Daniels (32); Desire (21); Trinity (25); Eddie Kingston (20); Rick Santel (22); D-Ray 3000 (29).

- There has been talk of pushing the team of Pat Kenney and Sonny Siaki, which contradicts earlier rumours of a Kenney heel turn. There is still a possibility of Kenney changing back to his Simon Diamond name, and they could even be reunited with Desire, who briefly managed the two when weekly PPV events were being run, prior to the beginning of the Impact shows. This was around the time of Desire's return from a broken back, and the three feuded with Trinity, Big Vito, Glenn Gilberti and Johnny Swinger.

- BG James has recently been pushing for the booking squad to put him in a feud with Raven. The two former WWE stars haven't been in a storyline lately, with James continuing his team with Ron Killings and Konnan, while Raven has been featuring in a few tag team matches with Abyss as of late.

- Former ECW and OMEGA star Joey Matthews has become a strong candidate to be brought in to TNA. Matthews worked a number of shows for the Live Action Wrestling (LAW) promotion which ran at the old TNA Asylum, the Fairgrounds in Nashville, and officials have been impressed with some of his more recent work, including a stint as the champion in 3PW.

- Monty Brown is currently working with a nagging knee injury that could get worse over time, which si the reason Brown was kept off the recent Impact broadcast. He should work with the injury with the aid of a brace, as a serious injury that would require time off the rest could be quite bad, considering that Brown will be having a Number One Contender's Match against Diamond Dallas Page at Final Resolution.

- TNA today announced on their website that their deal with Fox Sports Net has been expanded, with the time of the show being expanded to 2 hours, as opposed to the previous 1. This is going to be considered a huge boost for TNA, as it would give them more time to develop a wider variety of feuds.

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So I'll start replying to this diary, I've skimmed through the previous shows and know that you're going with a Shelley/Sabin/Williams feud and possibly a Primetime/Daniels feud, as I'll elaborate on now...

So we start off with possibly going to a Primetime/Daniels feud, unfortunately by the end of the match we didn't get an answer from Daniels but I expect him to give Primetime a yes and we can go forward with a match about this at Final Resolution. Also, the match was good and it looks to be your strongpoint, the interview was also good and it didn't elaborate a point and was quick and to the point.

So, The Wildcards are debuting? I look forward to them actually wrestling a match, but until then this was a good promo to get off the debut. I'm told they had a previous vignette on Xplosion, haven't read it but ah well. I take it they are going to be playing cards in a lot of vignettes due to their name. Its all good to me and the angle was also entertaining. (Y)

So we have the Willaism interview, good way to bring it crashing down onto Williams, and it should also set up the three way for Final Resolution for the X-Division title moreso, bvasically building it up. Overall you got the guys spot on it seems, from what I've seen so good stuff there.

Now let me now go backstage as Hardy and Styles arrive, obviously Hardy wouldn't be here before the show like is expected, but if your late, the Kings of Wrestling kick your ass. Oh and Hardy's new gimmick? Is it actually for him to make the arena while the show is runnign and not just completely skip the show?

Once again I have to give you compliments on the writing front, its a very wellw ritten match but I'm guessing the only purpose for this match was to build to the three way dance at Final Resolution. It did well to do what it was supposed to and well, thats all I can say on that.

Next we have a gauntlet match, good way to have AMW prove themselves, it makes them tired or so it would be believed, of course they are going to win but let me continue. More good match write-ups and you did well building upto the title match at a pay per view, so I'm happy with the booking of this match (Y). Its once again, all good. Also, nice touch with a beatdown following the match.

The last promo, when I was scrollign back up to read the last part of your show, I type while reading the show, I was skimming up to see where I was at and I saw a line by Savage, and with only seeing what was said I stopped and knew it was Savage speaking, thats basically how good I think the promo is. I knew right away it was him so I'm impressed.

As much as it pains me to have to go through a Savage/Jarrett storyline, its realistic and well, when it plays out hopefully he's gone. Anyways, overall it was a weird way to end the show, I was expecting a match to end the show, but it was a good announcement and I guess it works.

Overall good show, but the main thign that stands out for me on this show is the booking, very good booking and it builds very nicely towards Final Resolution, look forward to the next Impact, Explosion does nothing for me, and I look forward to the eventual Final Resolution. Good work!

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Guest Dakendo

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The Xplosion Preview - 1/1/05

It's TNA's first show of 2005, and what a line-up we have ready for you! We'll be showing you highlights from this past week's Impact, as well as showcasing some great matches that are sure to impress!

In the past few weeks Raven and Abyss have formed a tandem, or so it seems, recently smashing past the young team of Billy Fives and Mikey Tenderfoot on Xplosion in devastating fashion. They will be looking to continue the path of destruction this week, as they will take on another lightweight tag team in the fan favourites: Shark Boy and D-Ray 3000! Shark Boy and D-Ray are known for their comedic antics, but can they pull off a huge upset by 'getting serious' and shocking the experienced foes they face?

You'll see highlights of the contract signing that took place at the end of Impact between 'Macho Man' Randy Savage and the NWA World Heavyweight Champion Jeff Jarrett, as well as the pre-match confrontation between Jeff Hardy, AJ Styles, Kevin Nash and Scott Hall. This was a huge segment that will, no doubt, have huge ramifications for both men going into their match for Jarrett's NWA Title at Final Resolution!

One week ago on Xplosion the newcomer, Austin Aries, pulled off a huge upset, pinning the explosive Jerrelle Clark and former X-Division Champion The Amazing Red in an X-Division Triple Threat Match with a huge 450° Splash after Jerrelle Clark had connected with his big move, the 630° Splash. Clark clearly felt after the match that Aries stole what would have been his certain win, and this week on Xplosion Aries will be in action, taking on Clark's dynamic partner Mikey Batts! Will Batts avenge his partner's loss, or will he fall victim to the 450° Splash?

Following their performance in the Gauntlet this past week on Impact, we'll show you exactly what went down in the match, and afterwards as America's Most Wanted fought for their right to receive an NWA Tag Team Championship shot, much to the chagrin of Team Canada and Coach Scott D'Amore. Did AMW overcome all the odds, or did they not manage to pull off a miracle and 'prove themselves' to the Canadians?

Coming up to his big Number One Contender's Match at Final Resolution, Diamond Dallas Page will be in action on Xplosion, taking on Florida native Buck Quartermain. DDP will be looking to keep his momentum from Turning Point going with a win here, but a win for Quartermain would not only shake DDP mentally, but it would propel the TNA newcomer to prominence!

We'll show you all of the confrontations between the X-Division Champion Petey Williams and his challengers for Final Resolution, Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley from Impact. Many questions are being asked ahead of the match: Namely, what sort of a mental state is Williams in ahead of the match, and how desperate is Chris Sabin to finally take what he believes is his? Find out why we're asking questions by catching the highlights from this explosive Impact!

TNA Xplosion is brought to you by Jeremy Borash and 'The Franchise' Shane Douglas, check your local listings for times and dates!

Confirmed Matches

Abyss & Raven vs. Shark Boy & D-Ray 3000

Mikey Batts vs. Austin Aries

Diamond Dallas Page vs. Buck Quartermain

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NWA World Heavyweight Title Match

Jeff Jarrett © vs. 'Macho Man' Randy Savage

I look for Savage to be gone after this, but then again I also look for Double J to pick up the win by using the guitar, to carry on the streak of winning his matches with foreign objects and by using nefarious deeds to the full extent thaty he can. Jarrett and Brown could be an alright feud, if Brown wins that is.

No Disqualification, No Holds Barred, Falls Count Anywhere

AJ Styles & Jeff Hardy vs. Kevin Nash & Scott Hall

I'm going for semi-wishful thinking here. While I'm not a J.Hardy fan I do think that Hardy and Styles should pick up the win here. Hall and Nash don't need the win here. Hopefully we have Styles or Hardy moving into the X-Division moreso because I'm not a fan of Hardy leaving that due to his inability to draw me into big matches that are supposed to be of some importance. If you could actually make Hardy a wrestler who I cared for in a diary, I'd be shocked.

X-Division Title Match - Triple Threat Rules

Petey Williams © vs. Chris Sabin vs. Alex Shelley

I don't know why but I feel he's got the most out of this storyline and therefore he's going to take the match, the feud and the title in this three way match for the X-Division title. Its been a good feud thus far and hopefully it's going to be a good match to end the feud and hopefully we end it on a good note.

Number One Contender's Match

Monty Brown vs. Diamond Dallas Page

I'm not a fan of DDP for soem reason, while I liked him in wCw, I've gone off him. So more of a 'I'd rather Monty Brown win' than 'I like Brown, he should win'. I see Brown and Jarrett feuding for the next month until whatever the next pay per view is. Not positive if Brown will take the title or if you have ideas for someone else to take the title instead.

NWA World Tag Team Title Match

Team Canada © vs. America's Most Wanted

As much as the 'Faces overcome the odds from evil Canadians' storyline could work, I'd much rather have the faces take the loss here and for team canada to go over and possibly go onto face a different tag team, unfortunately I cant think of one off the top of my head. Bottom line is that I don't see America's Most Wanted winning here.

Unconfirmed/Rumoured Matches

'Primetime' Elix Skipper vs. 'Fallen Angel' Christopher Daniels

No real reason than its personal preferance for Daniels to win, I'm more of a fan of him than I am a fan of Skipper. Either way you go about this is fine, but I'm opting for Daniels to win and possibly move onto the X Title after the Williams/Shelley/Sabin and now D'Amore feud ends.

Kid Kash vs. Sonjay Dutt

No real opinions on this match, but if it was the real TNA booking it then I think that Kash would take the loss here and give Dutt a chance to move upwards instead of just floating around like he seemed to do in the actual TNA.

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