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NBA Playoffs Thread


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Stop making excuses!!! If the Lakers where winning and we where making excuses about the Pistons losing, all you Laker fans would be getting in our faces about it, but since it is your team , you always complain instead of giving credit to the better team, which has clearly been the Pistons. You are lucky Kobe hit that shot in Game 2, otherwise, the title would have been in MOTown by now.

Hit Man, tonight is the night baby...that trophy is going to Detroit!!!

Man, weird....I havent cared about the NBA since the Lakers won their first title, but now I am apeshit for the Pistons...for the first time since I think 2000 I havent missed a single game in the finals and I even went as far as to watch the game instead of studying for a test...I got an F...but what the hell..the Pistons won!

I already got myself a Hamilton and a Ben Wallace jersey last night and I am waiting for tonight's eventual title win, so I can wear them to college tomorrow and piss off all the Laker fans in the student center. I just want to see the look on their faces

So basically you're a bandwagon fan?

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what the HELL happened to all the Chicago Bulls fans, I just can't find them around anymore [/sarcasm]

*waves hands in the air* YOOOHOOOO!!! I"M STILL HERE BIG BOOOOOOOOOOY!

Ok seriously, this game I just hope the Lakers atleast take this win. And I think they can since hell, its their homecourt. Now it would SUCK if they lost the game and the series in their homecourt. But if they do, boy will Jack be furious.

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*waves hands in the air* YOOOHOOOO!!! I"M STILL HERE BIG BOOOOOOOOOOY!

Ok seriously, this game I just hope the Lakers atleast take this win. And I think they can since hell, its their homecourt. Now it would SUCK if they lost the game and the series in their homecourt. But if they do, boy will Jack be furious.

Umm.. dude... the game is in Detroit tonight.

And do you live in Chicago, because that would explain you being a Bulls fan ;)

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And do you live in Chicago, because that would explain you being a Bulls fan ;)

In detroit?...oh damn, now that suck for the Lakers.

[EDIT] nah just playing around, never been to chicago, but I wish I did. That and the other 49 states of America.

Edited by D-Extreme
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Yeah Fox is an average defender that can stop Sheed in a few occasions which the Lakers need to. And further more, Rick Fox has a good 3-pt shooting ability that I hope the Lakers can utilize when he gets in the game soon. But right now, it seems the game is about to start....AFTER the fat lady sings.

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I always follow the NBA, but not with the same entusiasm...I dont specifically have a favorite team(no Puerto Rico in the NBA) but I have always hated the Lakers with the same passion and I was a fan of the original badboys....(My first expirience with the nba was when the Pistons won the title from the Blazers...those where my first finals, so I have always liked the Pistons since..)

I am going to wear the Pistons jerseys anyways....I didnt pay $80 to have them collect dust in the closet dont you think?

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Guest Takayamanofear

I can't wait to start to hear NANANA HEY HEY GOODBYE. It will be fitting on soo many levels.

I would like to thank New Jersey and Indiana for the good series. Lakers you just suck the Bucks put up a better fight.

Edited by Takayamanofear
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