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Rotom-wash. Has levitate and water attacks to deal with ground types (and Alolan Marowak). It's a great special attacker plus it has status moves for coverage. Because of levitate it is only weak to rarely used grass types, which are covered by your Alolan Marowak and Talonflame.

Plus Alolan has Rotom-dex, so it is in keeping with the gen.

One of my fave mons in Gen 6 competitive, quite versatile in use.

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Just a heads up note, those with Gen 6 games, the last of the 20th Anniversary Mythical Pokemon is live from now until Christmas, get Meloetta through the Nintendo Network.


Edited by TheWho87
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Story spoilers:

They finally made it come to life, albeit all very much at once. I mean I kind of got the whole Gladion/Lillie/Lusamine thing anyway, but...yeah. Skull & Aether are probably my favourite bad guys since Plasma, who are still by far and away the best. Kind of wish that it didn't seem to be going towards "oh I want to destroy the world!" again though.

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I finally finished my Nuzlocke game in Y. Final team was Chesnaught, Blastoise, Aerodactyl (Mega Aerodactyl is a monster), Haxorus, Florges, and Goodra. Two dragons but between them they had really great coverage. I think I got lucky--Haxorus and Goodra were both good mons to land when I caught them (was expecting Zubat and something like Arbok given the area where they were caught)--and the team ended up having a ton of defensive power between them.

I did lose my Vespiquen though, which was really unfortunate--really low odds to get a female Combee and she ended up being pretty excellent. I was hoping to take her all the way.

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I don't know if it's true of the other two starters but, man, Incineroar is so well-animated and fun to watch. I don't know why people were bagging on its design because it's really fun to watch do anything.

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Finished the game's main story and I'm moving into post-game stuff. Best Pokemon to date and a real step forward - I feel like Black/White tried to drastically change things, X/Y tried as well but this time around they took what stuck, added some stuff that they can't remove now without taking 5 steps back and actually fundamentally updated the base of the game for the best.

Kind of what FFXV did as well to be honest. It's been a good year for that stuff.

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