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Picked up Sun, liked the look of the legends and it had Vulpix, downside is no Drampa.

There is news on a save glitch floating around, if you save in a Pokemon Center or the Battle Tree and close the game, when you reload your trainer model won't load and you will be stuck forcing a complete restart.

However there is a likelihood that is related to people hacking the game so just a heads up.

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Played through all the intro stuff at midnight after picking it up and lost two hours quite easily. Big fan of the look of Alola so far. Looks like the plot may be semi-interesting this time too. Way too early to say really but this is gonna rank highly on my favourite Pokemon game list.

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...I feel I should be enjoying this a lot more than I am so far.

Maybe it's because I knew so much of it going in because of how much they released, but it just feels like I know everything that's going to happen and the amount of hand-holding is insane. 

Also, fuck Lillie.

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I think that the thing that is getting to me is oddly enough one of the features that I like the most - Pokemon has never had a 'here is the next objective' feature before and I welcome that greatly since my play schedule is all over the place. But knowing where the next little mini-cutscene is makes them seem a hell of a lot more frequent even when you get past all the introduction stuff.

I give that a pass because I mean - every Pokemon game is someone's first and they are targetting a lot of different people with this release. But the objective marker is something I have considered when thinking about this.

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1 hour ago, Katsuya loves Oslo said:

...I feel I should be enjoying this a lot more than I am so far.

Maybe it's because I knew so much of it going in because of how much they released, but it just feels like I know everything that's going to happen and the amount of hand-holding is insane. 

Also, fuck Lillie.

Oh God, seriously the "you're still in a tutorial" bullshit is driving me insane too. RBY never had a tutorial too deep beyond how to catch a Pokémon and millions of kids figured that out, why is this one so ridiculous? 

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I don't even care, I don't have to lug a Bibarel into Victory Road just because it's the only one on the team that knows Strength, I don't have five thousand different screens asking me if I'm REALLY REALLY REALLY SURE I don't want Cutiefly to learn Sweet Scent, I don't have to make absolutely sure I pick "Manage Boxes" or whatever instead of "Deposit Pokemon" if I actually want to have a meaningful interface for withdrawing, I don't have to keep track of whether the secondary Poison type cancels out the primary Grass type's resistance to Ground... the interface fixes alone are worth it for me. This is the kind of basic shit they should've been doing last generation. For the first time ever, the interface seems to be working for me instead of fighting with me, and that's worth a lot.

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5 hours ago, Sousa said:

I don't even care, I don't have to lug a Bibarel into Victory Road just because it's the only one on the team that knows Strength, I don't have five thousand different screens asking me if I'm REALLY REALLY REALLY SURE I don't want Cutiefly to learn Sweet Scent, I don't have to make absolutely sure I pick "Manage Boxes" or whatever instead of "Deposit Pokemon" if I actually want to have a meaningful interface for withdrawing, I don't have to keep track of whether the secondary Poison type cancels out the primary Grass type's resistance to Ground... the interface fixes alone are worth it for me. This is the kind of basic shit they should've been doing last generation. For the first time ever, the interface seems to be working for me instead of fighting with me, and that's worth a lot.

Ohhh yes! Even something small like the 'ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO NOT LEARN THIS MOVE' screen being gone is something huge for me. I haven't found this yet - but I'm interested as well.


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21 hours ago, Benji said:

Just got to the trainer school. My current team consists of Tiger Mask (Litten) who was named for obvious reasons, and Brother Nero (Alolan Grimer) who was named because he can take a lot of punishment and his colour scheme reminds me of a drug trip.

I did this but went Black Tiger. :lol:

I could without the weird half pokemon/half pokedex thing. It just reminds me of Domino's Pizza Tracker with its forced cheeriness. It's horrible.

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Oh shit. Pokémon trolling IGN:


For the unaware, the "7.8/10" comment is a reference to a review IGN did of ORAS where they marked it 7.8/10, with reduced marks because it had "too much water", despite having the same amount of water as the original it was remaking (which was rated 9.0).

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Got to the second island and I now have Big Show the Crabrawler (cause he punches hard and is slow), and Sting the Pikachu (formerly Pikachu) who is named after Surfer Sting since he will become Alolan Raichu as soon as I find a thunderstone and move re-learner.

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I like the change of pace, and I'm only one or two levels ahead. Plus my team was severely type disadvantaged against the first Island leader guy and he wiped out half my team before i knew what had happened :shifty:

I'm really enjoying it so far. Big fan of all the little changes that just make the game simpler and more convenient.

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