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I hope Pokémon GO is better than I expect it to be. At this point in time I have zero interest in it.

Pokémon on your mobile is a great concept, I just hate the ARG element. I'll just stick with emulating for now I guess :(

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6 hours ago, Benji said:

I hope Pokémon GO is better than I expect it to be. At this point in time I have zero interest in it.

Pokémon on your mobile is a great concept, I just hate the ARG element. I'll just stick with emulating for now I guess :(

You can turn ARG off. So instead of catching a Squirtle next to my wifes foot its a big green park lol.

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I had an awkward moment this morning as I had GO on my phone as I was walking into work, halfway along my work's drive I found a Pidgey, however just at that moment somebody ran up behind me so I had to shut it off (it seemed easier than trying to explain what the hell I was doing).

I hope the Pidgey comes back :(.

I'm definitely going to go walking more to try and find stuff though, apparently there's a Nidorino near my house which I want to catch before it scares my cats :shifty:.

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19 minutes ago, Troy Saint said:

Provided you're on Android, use the apk mirror someone posted on the last page. >_>

People are supposedly having their accounts banned for using that. AFAIK it's just rumour at the moment, but do so at your own risk.

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